Maurice Tourneur

Maurice Tourneur

Рождение : 1876-02-02, Paris, France

Смерть : 1961-08-04


Maurice Tourneur


Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
After Love
Betrayed by his wife, a teacher proceeds to have an affair with a young and pretty student. The two women both find themselves expecting a child. The girl dies during childbirth. In a spirit of revenge and to keep his real son, the scorned husband exchanges the babies.
Сесиль мертва!
Полгода без толку обивает пороги Сыскной полиции молодая парижанка Сесиль Пардон, встревоженная тем, что в квартире, где она обитает вдвоём с тетей-инвалидом, по ночам бывает кто-то посторонний. Не слишком доверяет словам Сесили и комиссар Мегрэ, хотя он не видит оснований считать девушку сумасшедшей. Однако убийство тёти и необъяснимое исчезновение самой Сесили заставляют комиссара вспомнить все подробности её рассказов и ближе познакомиться с историей семейства Пардонов.
Valley of Hell
Noël Bienvenu, owner of a career, is a widower and lives with his parents. His son Bastien, whom he despises, was sentenced to six months in prison for theft. Noël goes to see a dying friend, Romieux, who asks him to take care of his daughter Marthe, who has settled in Paris (Batignolles district). Noël goes there and discovers that Marthe is destitute (her lover Gaston being an incarcerated mobster): he then offers her to come and live with him and soon, marries her.
Carnival of Sinners
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Carnival of Sinners
A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Miss Bonaparte
Cora Pearl, a demi-mondaine under the Second Empire, falls in love with a legitimist while she is the mistress of Jérôme Bonaparte, the cousin of Napoleon III.
Sins of Youth
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.
In the middle of the 19th century, Tsar Alexander II made the acquaintance of a young aristocratic girl from the provinces, unruly in character. He falls in love with her and tries to see her again.
Le Patriote
The reign of Tsar Paul I and the intrigues of his friend, Governor Pahlen, to rid the country of the mad despot by plotting to have him murdered.
With a Smile
A tramp learns that even honesty won't help him overcome his struggles to prosper. After a man tells him that he needs to smile in order to succeed, he turns his attitude around and he becomes successful.
An aristocratic woman is coerced by her impoverished family into marrying a wealthy business tycoon.
Crimson Dynasty
Koenigsmark is a 1935 British-French drama film directed by Maurice Tourneur and starring Elissa Landi, John Lodge and Pierre Fresnay. The film is based on the novel Koenigsmark by Pierre Benoît. It's sets were designed by the art director Lucien Aguettand. The film was known in the United States as Crimson Dynasty.
Justin de Marseille
A respected gangster, Justin, finds himself in a deadly feud with his rival, the unscrupulous Esposito. The latter plans to steal a cargo of opium bound for China and to have Justin killed.
A man who suffers from the delirium of persecution and to the point of trying to strangle his wife is interned. His brother, needing his signature for his own business, gets him out of the asylum with the complicity of a false magistrate and against the advice of the doctor.
Le Voleur
A woman steals to have enough money to please her husband. Her nephew, madly in love with her, reports this to a detective who catches her red handed.
The Two Orphans
A more small scale version of the story Griffin used for his epic Orphans Of The Storm: a doctor tries to reunite two sisters who have become separated from each other during the whirlwind of the French Revolution.
Fun in Barracks
The life of disorderly soldiers in the barracks dealing with daily routines.
In the Name of the Law
The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.
In the Name of the Law
The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.
An opera singer travelling with her company on a passenger ship encounters a mysterious young man who she falls in love with.
Black and White
A one-night stand with an entertainer threatens to destroy a woman's marriage after she gives birth to a black child.
Dance house
Three men vie for a pretty young lady in a small Spanish port town: The boss of a dance hall who encourages her aspirations at performing, a married fisherman, and that man's unmarried younger brother.
Dance house
Three men vie for a pretty young lady in a small Spanish port town: The boss of a dance hall who encourages her aspirations at performing, a married fisherman, and that man's unmarried younger brother.
Accused, Stand Up!
Paris, 30's declared professional rivalry between two stars of the musical, Yvonne and Gaby leads to dire consequences. Yvonne's body is found in the theater. Gaby's future is threatened against the judgment to which it is subjected, with a probable prison sentence.
The Mysterious Island
On a volcanic island near the kingdom of Hetvia rules Count Dakkar, a benevolent leader and scientist who has eliminated class distinction among the island's inhabitants. Dakkar, his daughter Sonia and her fiance, engineer Nicolai Roget have designed a submarine which Roget pilots on its initial voyage just before the island is overrun by Baron Falon, despotic ruler of Hetvia. Falon sets out after Roget in a second submarine and the two craft, diving to the ocean's floor, discover a strange land populated by dragons, giant squid and an eerie undiscovered humanoid race.
Корабль потерянных душ
Молодой врач помог доставить на корабль пострадавшего в драке помощника капитана торгового судна. От желчного капитана сей факт скрыли, тот дал приказ к отплытию, не зная, что на борту оказался случайный пассажир. О возвращении капитан не пожелал и слышать, нашему герою предстояло провести три месяца в компании отборного отребья - среди них есть даже беглый преступник, подстрекающий команду к бунту... По-человечески к врачу-американцу отнёсся лишь русский кок Гриша. Однажды ночью они вдвоём спасают лётчицу из потерпевшего катастрофу аэроплана, им приходится прятать её в трюме от жестокого капитана и взбунтовавшейся команды.
Корабль потерянных душ
Молодой врач помог доставить на корабль пострадавшего в драке помощника капитана торгового судна. От желчного капитана сей факт скрыли, тот дал приказ к отплытию, не зная, что на борту оказался случайный пассажир. О возвращении капитан не пожелал и слышать, нашему герою предстояло провести три месяца в компании отборного отребья - среди них есть даже беглый преступник, подстрекающий команду к бунту... По-человечески к врачу-американцу отнёсся лишь русский кок Гриша. Однажды ночью они вдвоём спасают лётчицу из потерпевшего катастрофу аэроплана, им приходится прятать её в трюме от жестокого капитана и взбунтовавшейся команды.
The Crew
First adaptation of Joseph Kessel World War I novel, in which an aviator falls in love with a woman who turns out to be the wife of one of his flying comrades.
The Crew
First adaptation of Joseph Kessel World War I novel, in which an aviator falls in love with a woman who turns out to be the wife of one of his flying comrades.
Life in Hollywood No. 2
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Aloma of the South Seas
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education. He returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Old Loves and New
Gervas Carew's wife, Elinor, has deserted him while he was fighting for France, for Lord Clyde Geraldine, a cad of the first order, but Elinor, in turn is cast off when Lord Geraldine turns his attention to an Irish lass, Marny. Marny has no idea of Geraldine's past nor his brutal nature.
Clothes Make the Pirate
A disgruntled 18th century Bostonian who while wishing that he was a pirate, dons the clothes and play-acts the part. He is mistaken for the real pirate, Dixie Bull. More importantly, Errol "slays" the villain and puts his foot upon the pirate's head. This is more than enough and he heads back home to his unappreciated wife
Sporting Life
A young British nobleman, impoverished and desperate, clings to the hope that either a prizefighter or a racehorse in which he holds interests can save his fortunes.
Never the Twain Shall Meet
Exemplifying Kipling's adage, a white man falls to pieces when he is in the South Seas.
The White Moth
When a girl tries to drown herself in the Seine, she is rescued by dancer Gonzalo Montrez. She then becomes a famous dancer known as the White Moth.
Torment is a 1924 American silent film crime drama produced and directed by Maurice Tourneur and distributed by Associated First National. This film stars Bessie Love, Owen Moore, and Jean Hersholt.
The Brass Bottle
Horace Ventimore, a young London architect, stumbles across an old brass bottle. When he picks it up a genie suddenly appears and promises Horace that he will grant every wish Horace wants in exchange for his freedom. Horace accepts the genie's offer but finds out that things aren't working out quite as well as he thought they would.
Mary of the Movies
Maurice Tourneur (uncredited)
Mary's kid brother needs an operation and, in order to pay for it, Mary goes to a Hollywood studio and applies for a job as an actress. Mary is given a job as a waitress in the commissary, and gets to meet 40 actors, actresses and directors, none of whom tip big enough to enable Mary to earn enough money to pay for an operation. Will Mary become an actress and make some big money?
The Isle of Lost Ships
A likely lost film, that tells the story of people and ships trapped in seaweed infested section of the southern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea.
The Isle of Lost Ships
A likely lost film, that tells the story of people and ships trapped in seaweed infested section of the southern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea.
While Paris Sleeps
Lon Chaney plays a Parisian sculptor who falls in love with his model (Mildred Manning). She, however, cares nothing for him. The film is considered lost.
While Paris Sleeps
Lon Chaney plays a Parisian sculptor who falls in love with his model (Mildred Manning). She, however, cares nothing for him. The film is considered lost.
The Christian
Glory Quayle and John Storm, sweethearts since childhood on the Isle of Man, go to London, Glory to become a nurse and John to enter a monastery. Instead, Glory becomes a theater star, and John renounces his vows because he cannot forget his love for her. Lord Robert Ure, who has already betrayed Glory's friend, Polly Love, incites the London populace against John....
Lorna Doone
In 17th-century England, an outlaw clan kidnaps a young girl, who grows up among them. The farm boy who met her just before the kidnapping eventually rescues her, and they fall in love.
Lorna Doone
In 17th-century England, an outlaw clan kidnaps a young girl, who grows up among them. The farm boy who met her just before the kidnapping eventually rescues her, and they fall in love.
The Foolish Matrons
Three women, each living in a separate social sphere, work out their destinies in New York.
The Foolish Matrons
Three women, each living in a separate social sphere, work out their destinies in New York.
The Bait
Crook Bennett Barton uses pretty Joan Granger as bait to blackmail millionaire John Warren.
Последний из могикан
Действие фильма происходит в 1757 году. Между Англией и Францией идет война за американские колонии. Дочери британского командира Мунро Кора и Элис пытаются пробраться в английский форт, осажденный французами. В качестве проводников с ними отправляется индеец Магу, который хочет заманить сестер в ловушку. Но его планам мешают молодой охотник Соколиный Глаз и его друзья Чингачгук и Винкас. «Последний из Могикан» — экранизация одноименного романа Джеймса Фенимора Купера.
Последний из могикан
Действие фильма происходит в 1757 году. Между Англией и Францией идет война за американские колонии. Дочери британского командира Мунро Кора и Элис пытаются пробраться в английский форт, осажденный французами. В качестве проводников с ними отправляется индеец Магу, который хочет заманить сестер в ловушку. Но его планам мешают молодой охотник Соколиный Глаз и его друзья Чингачгук и Винкас. «Последний из Могикан» — экранизация одноименного романа Джеймса Фенимора Купера.
The Great Redeemer
A murderer and a thief, imprisoned together, find their lives changed forever when the thief's drawing of Christ's crucifixion on the cell wall comes to life.
The Great Redeemer
A murderer and a thief, imprisoned together, find their lives changed forever when the thief's drawing of Christ's crucifixion on the cell wall comes to life.
The County Fair
"The County Fair" begins with a nasty rich guy threatening to turn an old lady onto the street--unless her niece (who lives with her) marries this man's son. While she's dead set against it, the niece is a sweet thing and would do anything to help her aunt--even marry the rich jerk. However, a possible way out is presented. When a poor young man is taken in and fed, he turns out (naturally) to be a jockey and thinks he can win the $3000 prize at the fair and save the farm.
The White Circle
Having endangered his life by foolishly gambling away funds entrusted to him by the Carbonari, an Italian secret society, London banker Bernard Huddlestone appeals to Northmour, an adventurer, for protection. Northmour takes Huddlestone and his daughter Clara to his castle in Scotland, offering them safety in return for Clara's hand in marriage. There Clara encounters Frank Cassilis, an old adversary of Northmour's, and falls in love. Trouble brews between the two men, but when the Carbonari discovers Huddlestone's hiding place and storms the castle, the fugitives band together to fight the avengers. Coming to the realization that only his sacrifice will appease the attackers, Huddlestone steps out and meets his death. Northmour, deciding that married life would prove too monotonous, gives up his claim on Clara to Cassilis.
My Lady's Garter
A thief known as The Hawk has stolen the treasured Garter from the British Museum. One of the men pursuing the thief is mistakenly thought to be The Hawk himself, and so must seek his quarry while himself being hunted.
Treasure Island
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.
Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.
The Broken Butterfly
A woman in Canada abused by her aunt falls in love with a foreign composer looking for inspiration, who comes to find it in her and the star-crossed romance that develops between them.
The Broken Butterfly
A woman in Canada abused by her aunt falls in love with a foreign composer looking for inspiration, who comes to find it in her and the star-crossed romance that develops between them.
The Broken Butterfly
A woman in Canada abused by her aunt falls in love with a foreign composer looking for inspiration, who comes to find it in her and the star-crossed romance that develops between them.
The Life Line
Jack Hearne, known as the Romany Rye, prefers living with the gypsies rather than claiming the right to his part of his half brother Phillip Royston's country estate, Cragsnest. When he saves Ruth Heckett, the daughter of his friend Joe, a London bird shop owner and burglar, from a theater fire, however, he changes his mind and marries her. As Ruth and Jack board a steamer for America to find witnesses to his parents' wedding for proof of his inheritance, Joe's partner Bos gives Ruth a Bible that he stole from Cragsnest, as a present.
A series of stories reflecting the changing position of women in the world, including the familiar tales of Adam and Eve, Messalina and Claudius, Abelard and Heloise, Cyrene and the Fisherman, as well as that of a young girl and an officer in the American Civil War.
A Doll's House
Differing considerably from Henrik Ibsen's classic play, the basic story of a woman who forges her father's name and comes to grief therefore is retained.
A Doll's House
Differing considerably from Henrik Ibsen's classic play, the basic story of a woman who forges her father's name and comes to grief therefore is retained.
The Blue Bird
Two peasant children, Mytyl and Tyltyl, are led by Berylune, a fairy, to search for the Blue Bird of Happiness. Berylune gives Tyltyl a cap with a diamond setting, and when Tyltyl turns the diamond, the children become aware of and conversant with the souls of a Dog and Cat, as well as of Fire, Water, Bread, Light, and other presumably inanimate things. The troupe thus sets off to find the elusive Blue Bird of Happiness.
When Tourneur adapted the allegorical plays The Blue Bird by Belgian symbolist Maurice Maeterlinck and Prunella by British playwrights Harley Granville Barker and Lawrence Housman in 1918, they had been successfully staged for many years, opening in Moscow and on Broadway and everywhere. Today, the saccharine charm of these anti-modern fairy tales doesn’t work any more. But undistracted by the meaning or action of the film, we can enjoy the surface of Prunella all the better, the dazzling sets and costumes, silhouettes and painted backdrops created by the great art director Ben Carré in a fashionable Art Déco Neo-Rococo style.
The Rise of Jenny Cushing
A resourceful young girl struggles to free herself from slum life.
Barbary Sheep
Arriving with her husband in Arabia, Katherine Wyvrne is ready for romantic times in the exotic Middle East, but her aristocratic husband prefers to be out hunting "Barbara sheep" than fulfilling his wife's desires. She soon meets up with the dashing Arab chief Benchaalai and falls for his charms, but he has a much more sinister goal in mind for her than romance.
Vincento Perez, the governor of the Portuguese colony of Exile, is an unscrupulous and brutal man who is hated by the natives. Furthering his schemes, Perez tries to force silk dealers out of business, and reveals his plans to government engineer Richmond Harvey in a letter appealing for the American's help.
Law of the Land
In order to save her mother from disgrace, Margaret marries Richard Harding even though she really loves Geoffrey Morton.
Law of the Land
In order to save her mother from disgrace, Margaret marries Richard Harding even though she really loves Geoffrey Morton.
The Whip
The story of the training of a racehorse, the Whip, of the amnesiac nobleman who loves the horse, and of the villains who attempt to keep it from racing.
Бедная маленькая богачка
Gwen's family is rich, but her parents ignore her and most of the servants push her around, so she is lonely and unhappy. Her father is concerned only with making money, and her mother cares only about her social position. But one day a servant's irresponsibility creates a crisis that causes everyone to rethink what is important to them.
A Girl's Folly
Director (uncredited)
A restless young girl yearns to leave her rural environment and "get away from it all". One day she stumbles upon a film crew shooting a western near her home. She makes friends with the film's leading man, who encourages her to try her luck as an actress. So she leaves her small town and goes to the big city to break into the picture business. However, things don't turn out quite the way she planned.
A Girl's Folly
A restless young girl yearns to leave her rural environment and "get away from it all". One day she stumbles upon a film crew shooting a western near her home. She makes friends with the film's leading man, who encourages her to try her luck as an actress. So she leaves her small town and goes to the big city to break into the picture business. However, things don't turn out quite the way she planned.
A Girl's Folly
A restless young girl yearns to leave her rural environment and "get away from it all". One day she stumbles upon a film crew shooting a western near her home. She makes friends with the film's leading man, who encourages her to try her luck as an actress. So she leaves her small town and goes to the big city to break into the picture business. However, things don't turn out quite the way she planned.
The Pride of the Clan
Donald MacTavish, the last chieftain of his clan on an island off the coast of Scotland, dies at sea. This leaves his only daughter, Marget, to assume the responsibilities of leadership. Marget's burden is partially eased by her blossoming romance with Jamie Campbell. But there is a secret from Jamie's past that neither of them know about.
The Rail Rider
The Rail Rider is a 1916 American silent drama film directed by Maurice Tourneur and starring House Peters, Bertram Marburgh, and Henry West.
The Closed Road
1916 silent drama directed by Maurice Tourneur
The Closed Road
1916 silent drama directed by Maurice Tourneur
The Closed Road
1916 silent drama directed by Maurice Tourneur
A hypnotic Svengali controls the singing voice of a young starlet, but he cannot control her heart. This 1915 Maurice Tourneur film is a version of the famous duMaurier novel. It was later done in a more famous 1931 film named Svengali with John Barrymore. The later film obviously changed the title due to the huge presence of its' star.
The Ivory Snuff Box
Richard Duvall is a young American detective in the employ of the French Secret Police. While in Paris he meets Grace Ellicot, also an American, with whom he falls in love. He marries her and is about to start on his honeymoon when he is called on by Mons. Lefevre, chief of the secret police. The French Ambassador to England, Monsieur De Grissac, has lost an ivory snuff box which must be found.
The Cub
This breezy comedy is about a cub newspaper reporter who goes to investigate a family feud, which has erupted into violence again—a parody of the real Hatfield-McCoy feud.
Alias Jimmy Valentine
After robbing a bank, a criminal is wrongfully pardoned from prison.
Alias Jimmy Valentine
After robbing a bank, a criminal is wrongfully pardoned from prison.
The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England
Giles Bateson gets expelled from college for misconduct. His angry father, the Earl, sends him a message: "Never let me see you again until you have earned a half crown and proven yourself worthy of confidence."
The Wishing Ring: An Idyll of Old England
Giles Bateson gets expelled from college for misconduct. His angry father, the Earl, sends him a message: "Never let me see you again until you have earned a half crown and proven yourself worthy of confidence."
Rouletabille II: The Last Incarnation of Larsan
The cub journalist comes to the aid of a recently remarried woman, whose late criminal husband turns out to be still alive.
Monsieur Lecoq
Adaptation of the Émile Gaboriau novel.
Monsieur Lecoq
Adaptation of the Émile Gaboriau novel.
Le friquet
Tells the tragic story of a young trapeze artist (Polaire) abandoned and found by a clown when she was a baby.
Восковые фигуры
Пьер де Лиен заключает с друзьями пари, что проведёт ночь в жутком месте - музее восковых фигур - и доживёт до утра.
The Lady of Monsoreau
Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
The Lady of Monsoreau
Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
The Last Pardon
No plot available. The director Maurice Tourneur perceived this film to be indicative of the advances French cinema could have taken had it not been derailed by World War I.
Dr. Goudron's System
A visitor to an insane asylum realises that the inmates have taken control.
The Conspiracy; or, the Four Million Dollar Dowry
The Funny Regiment
The Twins, regular bad men of the regiment, have been condemned to the military prison, and it goes much against the grain of the kind-hearted Captain Hurluret to see these poor fellows confined to their cells. His leniency toward them, however, is speedily taken advantage of with most amusing results.
The Funny Regiment
The Twins, regular bad men of the regiment, have been condemned to the military prison, and it goes much against the grain of the kind-hearted Captain Hurluret to see these poor fellows confined to their cells. His leniency toward them, however, is speedily taken advantage of with most amusing results.
Shepherdess of Ivry
Hortense Fauvel, the wife of a village postmaster, takes Aimée, a young shepherdess, under her wing. Aimée soon becomes engaged to François, the Fauvel’s loyal servant. At a fête hosted by the Count of Granval, Aimée gives her fiancé a knife, telling him that he should kill her if ever she ceases to be faithful to him. That same day, the Count is planning to have an amorous liaison with Hortense, but Aimée intervenes. To save her mistress from a scandal, Aimée tells the postmaster that it is she, not Hortense, who has been seeing the Count. Disgraced, Aimée is dismissed by the postmaster. François contemplates his revenge and recalls what Aimée said to him.
Shepherdess of Ivry
Hortense Fauvel, the wife of a village postmaster, takes Aimée, a young shepherdess, under her wing. Aimée soon becomes engaged to François, the Fauvel’s loyal servant. At a fête hosted by the Count of Granval, Aimée gives her fiancé a knife, telling him that he should kill her if ever she ceases to be faithful to him. That same day, the Count is planning to have an amorous liaison with Hortense, but Aimée intervenes. To save her mistress from a scandal, Aimée tells the postmaster that it is she, not Hortense, who has been seeing the Count. Disgraced, Aimée is dismissed by the postmaster. François contemplates his revenge and recalls what Aimée said to him.
The Hand of Peril
Nine rooms of a house are shown, with action occurring in each room simultaneously
The Hand of Peril
Nine rooms of a house are shown, with action occurring in each room simultaneously