Véronique Le Flaguais

Véronique Le Flaguais

Рождение : 1947-11-30,


Véronique Le Flaguais


Неисправимый лжец
Симон – патологический лжец. Однажды он просыпается в параллельной вселенной, где вся его ложь сбылась. В этой новой реальности он должен иметь дело с русскими шпионами, покорить сердце любимой девушки и спасти планету от ядерной войны. Единственный, кто может ему в этом помочь – это его брат-близнец.
L'ange gardien
Normand, a retired policeman, works in a building as a night guard. One evening, he surprises Nathalie and Guylain in the middle of a robbery and, following a chase around the building, they manage to escape. Strangely, Nathalie comes to visit Normand a few weeks later, looking for refuge. An unusual relationship develops between the two and they discover that their lives are not at all what they seemed.
Jim has been cheated on before, so this time, when he meets Isabelle, he wants to do everything he can to make sure it won't happen again.
Интимные подробности холостяцкой жизни
Как известно, кризис среднего возраста на мужчин сказывается по-разному. Вот и наши герои, подойдя к важному рубежу своей жизни, ждут больших перемен. Жан-Жак устал от женщин и по совету психолога решает сменить ориентацию. Жерар на грани развода, Патрис вдруг понимает, что он неудачник, а Серж, в поисках новых ощущений, совершает массу нелепых ошибок. Но поскольку все четверо неисправимые оптимисты — все будет круто!
Surviving My Mother
Clara's Mother
Clara's mother is on her death bed as she tells her daughter that she regrets they are not closer. This revelation causes Clara to pursue a closer relationship with her own daughter, Bianca.
Mon amie Max
Mme Michaud
Catherine, a concert pianist, is surprised one night by the arrival of her best friend from childhood, Marie-Alexandrine (Max), whom she hasn't seen for 25 years. Catherine and Max were Québec's most promising young pianists in the mid-1960's when the adventurous Max gets pregnant. She wants to keep the child, but her mother forces her to give him up for adoption; afterwards, Max leaves Québec and music. Now, years later, she returns, obsessed with finding her son. She locates the adoption records, and social services contacts her son to ask if he wants to see her. He refuses, but she keeps trying. Is a relationship with him possible? And what about her musical talent?
A Hero's Life
A Canadian couple reunites with the German POW they befriended during World War II.
Montreal Stories
Soeur Cécile
Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first mayor, Jacques Viger. 3: During a hockey game, Madeleine tries to tell Roger she wants a divorce after forty years of marriage. 4: A visitor to a conference on pictographs arrives at the airport, where the female customs officer steals a momento from each person. 5: As she is being driven to the hospital in an ambulance after an auto accident, Sarah recalls her life. 6: At a diplomatic reception, an older woman reminisces about her grand love in Montreal.
Cruising Bar
Saturday, 12 p.m. The countdown has begun for four males on the hunt for women. Massage studio, last minute shopping, bodybuilding, our men each throw themselves ardently into the ritual of appearance. Impossible to resist the ferociously burlesque character and remarkably typical behavior of these characters. We will meet Gérard known as The Bull, Patrice known as The Lion, Jean-Jacques known as The Peacock and Serge known as The Earthworm.
Иисус из Монреаля
TV Host
Актер по имени Дэниэл задумал поставить пьесу на тему "Страсти Господни" на территории Монреальского собора. Сам он собирается сыграть роль Иисуса и пригласить своих друзей актеров на остальные роли. Постепенно сюжет начинает завладевать мыслями и чувствами всех. Появляется параллель между жизнью актеров и их ролями в пьесе.
Appelez-moi Stéphane
Dream Life
Two twenty-something women dream of the ideal man and slowly realize that reality is very different from their fantasies.
Françoise Durocher, Waitress
Fictional character played by 24 different actresses, Françoise Durocher is altogether small time waitress, hostess and barmaid. Together, according to the author, they represent the archetypical Québec waitress that everyday waits on us with a smile, despite whatever problems she faces in her personal life. First cinematographic experience of the Brassard-Tremblay tandem, this film full of ironic joy details all the nuances of the waitress living conditions.