Jacques d'Amboise

Jacques d'Amboise

Рождение : 1934-07-28, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 2021-05-03


Jacques d'Amboise


New York City Ballet in Montreal, Vol. 1
Elegy Cavalier (Serenade)
Two of Balanchine’s most beloved ballets, Serenade and Orpheus, in this first release in VAI’s historic series featuring the New York City Ballet in Montreal. Beginning in 1954, NYCB’s Artistic Director and co-founder George Balanchine presented the company in performances produced for Radio-Canada, the Montreal division of Canadian Television. These live telecasts capture legendary dancers in core works of NYCB’s repertoire. Serenade stars Jacques d’Amboise, Diana Adams, and Patricia Wilde. Balanchine himself appears on screen to discuss Orpheus, which stars Nicholas Magallanes and Francisco Moncion dancing the roles they created in the 1948 premiere, and Violette Verdy as Eurydice.
Jacques d'Amboise in China: The Other Side of the World
When Jacques d'Amboise took a group of dancers and members of his teaching staff to China, they worked with acclaimed dancer Dou Dou Huang and more than a hundred Chinese children. Their goal: to create a special performance using a variety of dance styles - including hip-hop, freestyle jazz and traditional Chinese folk dance - that would premiere at the Shanghai Grand Theatre in honor of the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Games. Part of a month-long cultural exchange between d'Amboise's National Dance Institute and several Chinese troupes, featuring some of that country's most talented young dancers, the collaboration underscored the power of dance to transcend obstacles of culture and language.
Rehearsing a Dream
Support for the arts in America may be dwindling, but talent in our high schools isn't. Every year a group of the country's most gifted 17-year-old performing and visual artists - singled out among thousands of their peers - share a week of dreams as they learn from mentors like Mikhail Baryshnikov, Vanessa Williams, Jacques d'Amboise, Michael Tilson Thomas... and from each other. For seven transformative days, the passionate young artists revel in the support, encouragement and attention they have earned.
Sing! Sesame Street Remembers Joe Raposo and His Music
A television special broadcast on PBS in honor of composer, songwriter, pianist, television writer and lyricist Joe Raposo after he passed away.
Off Beat
Joe Gower's job is skating through library shelves, fetching books. A police officer/friend of his is chosen to participate in a charity dance performance. Gower agrees to take his place in the show by posing as a police officer. He falls for a female officer in the show and gets into various scrapes with fellow cops and also crooks. And he dances.
He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin'
Why do over 1,000 New York City schoolchildren audition for a modern dance program that requires them to sacrifice free time and involvement in sports and music? For a chance to study with the charismatic Jacques d'Amboise at the National Dance Institute. His philosophy--that creativity exists within everyone and that trying one's best ensures success--forms the foundation of a unique dance program. This documentary chronicles one school-year-long program including initial auditions, rehearsals, and the creation of an exclusive "SWAT" team, and culminates in an amazing, year-end performance at New York's Felt Forum. D'Amboise's enthusiasm is infectious--children, parents, teachers, professional dancers and musicians, and even local law enforcement officers find themselves involved in his productions. This Academy Award-winning documentary details the inspiring story of how one talented dancer's vision flourished into a coveted New York City dance program.
A Stravinsky Portrait
This documentary follows composer and conductor Igor Stavinsky at his home in California, in London, and in Hamburg where he conducts an orchestra rehearsal. Includes conversations with a variety of friends and musical collaborators. Includes footage of Stravinsky and Balanchine discussing the Variations (in memoriam Aldous Huxley) and rehearsing their ballet Apollo with Suzanne Farrell.
The Best Things in Life Are Free
Specialty Dancer
Ray Henderson joins Buddy De Sylva and Lew Brown to form a successful 1920s musical show writing team. They soon have several hits on Broadway but De Sylva's personal ambition leads to friction as the other two increasingly feel left out of things.
Louise's 'Starlight Carnival' Dancing Partner
Гордон МакРэй и Ширли Джонс блистают в невероятной истории любви сладкоголосого зазывалы и простой девушки с мельницы из маленького городка на побережье Мэна. Убитый грабителями незадолго до рождения дочери, спустя годы Билли получает шанс вернуться на землю на один день и преподать дочке очень важный урок. Многие из хитов этого лиричного мюзикла Роджерса и Хаммерстайна стали настоящей классикой!
Семь невест для семи братьев
Brother Ephraim Pontipee
Семь крепких парней живут среди высоких деревьев дремучего леса Орегоны. Их быт и нравы просты, а о приличных манерах и как себя нужно вести в обществе они вообще не слышали. Однажды старший из братьев - Адам приводит в их «холостяцкую берлогу» свою очаровательную невесту. Милли - воспитанной городской девушке с крепкими нервами и железным характером суждено укротить дурной нрав мужской компании, научить этикету и в итоге помочь парням найти своих спутниц жизни
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Court Danseur
A ballet version of Shakespeare's play, featuring the New York City Ballet.