In 2016, a young Austrian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in, Madsen brutally murdered Kim Wall aboard his homemade submarine. An unprecedented revelation of a killer and the journey his young helpers take as they reckon with their own complicity and prepare to testify.
Dirch Passer wasn't just Denmark's funniest man and most beloved comedian. He was also a workaholic and in a constant pursuit of his audience's laughter. In this documentary, colleagues, family and friends tell the story of a man who couldn't say no and ended his days on the stage he was addicted to.
Tucson, Arizona, September 1996. At the request of his son Martin, George Goldsmith tells him of his past in Nazi Germany as a member of a family of Jewish musicians and the strange history of the Jüdischer Kulturbund, a Jewish organization sponsored by Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels.
История об американке, которую в 2009 году осудил итальянский суд за убийство соседки по квартире Мередит Кечер, но оправданную после нескольких лет заключения.
Co-Executive Producer
Миллионер Дэвид Сигел, основатель и генеральный директор компании Westgate Resorts Ltd., и его супруга Джеки рассказывают о своей ежедневной жизни, а так же о новом строящемся особняке площадью 90 тыс. квадратных метров под названием Версаль – самом большом доме для одной семьи в Америке.
NakaMats is an unlikely character made for the movies, an eccentric 80-year-old Japanese inventor responsible for 3,357 inventions, including the floppy disk. With his deadpan English and impeccable comic timing, he provides nonstop laughs— utterly nutty, but also a paean to the spirit of human invention.
Executive Producer
Wuhan is a city in China the size of London where an experiment in democracy is conducted. At Evergreen Primary School, a grade 3 class learns what democracy is when an election for class monitor is being held. Three children are chosen by the teacher as candidates and they have a few days to campaign and convince their classmates to vote for them. The little candidates are seen at school and at home, where their parents do their best to make sure their child will win the election.
Executive Producer
Углубленный взгляд на практику пыток в Соединенных Штатах в Афганистане, Ираке и заливе Гуантанамо, с акцентом на невиновного таксиста в Афганистане, которого пытали и убили в 2002 году.
Held up in a heavily fortified Baghdad hotel, Iraq's most famous pianist Samir Peter tries to survive the "peace" of post-war Iraq as he waits for his visa that will grant him a new life in America.