Production Design
Based on the murder of nine street peddlers in the aftermath of the Great Kanto earthquake
Production Design
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using dynamite. After Suei graduated from high school, he worked at a factory before quitting his job. He then went to Tokyo and began working in the erotic magazine industry. Suei eventually became the chief editor of a famous erotic magazine in the 1980's.
Set Decoration
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using dynamite. After Suei graduated from high school, he worked at a factory before quitting his job. He then went to Tokyo and began working in the erotic magazine industry. Suei eventually became the chief editor of a famous erotic magazine in the 1980's.
Art Direction
A sect is threatened to fall apart, when its leader, a young Korean woman, develops doubts regarding her alleged psychic powers.
Art Direction
All seniors at a high school stay together at a camp, including student Chinatsu. On their first day, the home room teacher announces that all the students must play the card game "Old Maid". In order to reverse the declining academic abilities of its younger generation, the Japanese government planned this camping program. In this card game, the students that lose will meet their deaths.
Set Decoration
Five years after a hit-and-run accident kills his wife, a distraught metalworker comes face to face with the man behind the steering wheel.
Art Direction
Dan Mitsu stars as Kana, a female employee at a publishing company who strikes up a sexual relationship with a younger co-worker. He soon discovers that Kana's fetishes extend to sadomasochistic tendencies, involving a mysterious man only known as "Sensei". This discovery will push his relationship with Kana to a new, dangerous level that he may not be ready for.
Production Design
В школьной секции кэндо, где занимается девятиклассница Санаэ Нисоги, появляется новая студентка. Ее зовут Каори Исояма, и она победительница всех городских турниров по фехтованию. Санаэ и ее подруги удивлены: что могло привести столь талантливого бойца в их скромное додзё? С детской непосредственностью Санаэ однажды задает Каори этот вопрос, а в ответ получает бешеный взгляд и резкий как удар бокэном по голове ответ: «А ты разве не догадываешься?! Я здесь из-за тебя». Девочка недоумевает, но потом память подсказывает ей правильный ответ. Три года назад Санаэ участвовала в турнире по кэндо и случайно одержала победу над неизвестной сверстницей, которая и оказалась ее новым товарищем по додзё.
Set Decoration
Проявляя фотографии после несчастного случая, пара молодоженов обнаруживает на них пугающие призрачные фигуры. Опасаясь, что все это может быть взаимосвязано, супруги пытаются выяснить природу этих явлений и понимают, что лучше бы они не лезли в эти тайны.
Production Design
Yuko Yajima works at a library. To her co-workers she appears as an extremely shy and introverted person who hardly lets anyone know her true feelings and never smiles. However her interest in a man living in room 202, Mamoru Kosino, leads Yuko into some risque behavior. The interest turns into obsession, as Yuko's jealousy turns into a thrilling game where she sneaks into apartments and scares tenants away, hoping to have Mamoru all to herself.
Art Direction
Hanatani Village in the valley of Tokushima Prefecture is going to be submerged when a dam is constructed. In order to preserve the beauty of the place for future generations, the villagers decide to take photographs of all the families in the village. Kenichi, the only photographer in the village, is put in charge of the project. He calls his son Takashi, an aspiring photographer, to help him with the task. Takashi is puzzled since his father and he are not at all close, but as they visit each family in turn and Takashi sees his father working, Takashi's feelings towards his father begin to change.
Production Design
Three short films with the theme of death and dead ends in common.
Production Design
The family of 20-year-old Ohta is celebrating his birthday in a restaurant. What was supposed to be a happy familiar reunion turns into a big mess.
Production Design
It is 1980. Sadatomo is at a secondary school in a small town. His parents barely take any notice of him. The strict teacher Kobayashi has hung up a 'humanity index' in the classroom, divided into the categories 'delinquents', 'scum' and 'people'. In each category he has hung name-cards of pupils. One day Kobayashi finds out that Sadatomo and his friends have stolen some things from a shop for fun. Their fathers are informed and as punishment, the children have to write a 'self-critical' essay of no less than thirty pages. For the first time, Sadatomo is beaten by his father. Shocked, he writes a piece entitled 'I am an onion', in which the teacher thinks he can detect a first sign of humanity. That is the start of a confusing situation in which it gets hard to distinguish lies, truth, justified self-criticism and opportunist wheeler dealing, even for the boys.
Production Design
A man is assaulted by someone with a bat and attempts to figure out why.
Production Design
Reunited by the death of a friend, a group of former schoolmates reassess themselves and their earlier times together.
Set Decoration
Japanese drama set in a southern Kyushu island where dance-troupe leader Shinji (Shinji Arano) stays on as his touring troupe departs. After Shinji moves in with an old man (Nobuyoshi Tanigawa) cared for by his granddaughter (Reiko Matsuo), he becomes an apprentice to the old man's construction of a wooden boat
Set Decoration
Детектив Такабэ и психиатр Сакума привлекаются к расследованию серии загадочных убийств. Общение с подозреваемыми не приносит никакого результата, пока в руки полиции не попадает странный молодой человек…
Set Decoration
Having lost everything to horse racing, Yûji accidentally gets 10 million yen. But this sum belongs to a Yakuza.
Set Decoration
Yûji and Kosaku are hired to track down an old man. But when he suddenly dies, his granddaughter surfaces with a map to his buried fortune, which the yakuza and a dirty cop are determined to find.
Set Dresser
Идзуми. В это лето происходили странные явления: стояла засуха, распространялась странная болезнь, взорвалась недавно открытая звезда, и упало два метеорита. Некоторое время Идзуми находилась на гране жизни и смерти, но в конце концов, чудесным образом выздоравливает. Однако после болезни девушка сильно изменилась. Однажды, словно в забытье, она отправляется в гору Мико к роднику, где её находят без сознания. Её друг Мао не знает, что ему делать, и слышит от своих друзей Укия и Кики историю из древней индийской книги, очень похожую на то, что произошло в этот раз. Согласно легенде на Идзуми возложена миссия спасения многих людей. Идзуми, не слушая протестов Мао, ночью входит в реку и исчезает навсегда. После этого засуха и болезни прекращаются.