Jennifer Delora

Рождение : 1962-03-02, Kingston, New York, USA


Восьмилетний мальчик уезжает со своей мамой в другой штат, чтобы помочь ей убрать дом его покойной тёти. Но всё закончилось тем, что он сдружился с пенсионером, который живёт по соседству.
Karaoke Singer
Новый криминальный драматический триллер под названием Крипто, сюжет которого ведет речь о молодом агенте, занимающимся ведением расследования весьма хитрой и очень запутанной схемы по отмыванию денег. Он сумел выяснить, что во всем замешана русская мафия. Но главному герою фильма Крипто следует действовать максимально быстро, так как мафия уже в курсе, что на их след сумел выйти агент, а они не очень любят, когда посторонние суют нос в их дела.
Homeless Woman at Shelter (uncredited)
Диана все свое время посвящает заботам о других и борется за жизнь сына-наркомана. Когда эти кусочки ее существования начинает пропадать, она встречается с воспоминаниями, которые предпочла бы забыть.
Breaking Through
Sister Anne
Laura is a 20 year old deaf girl who has never been taught sign language. She is rescued from neglect and physical abuse by Pam, a social worker. Pam teaches her how to communicate and uncovers Laura's true personality.
Electric Blue 41
Crystal (segment "Lessons in Love")
Features nude fashion models, a nude Keisha exercising, centerfolds Sarah Young, Minnie Champ and Tammie, 95FFF Toppsy Curvy unveiling the twin assets that have made her a Superbra Superstar and the wraparound story "Lessons in Love" about an arrogant and self absorbed businessman being shown the err of his ways by a topless witch.
Dead Boyz Can't Fly
Buzz shows his artwork to Norman at the employment agency. Norman laughs in his face. Buzz takes this personally and later returns to the office building with his friends Goose and Jo Jo. They systematically terrorize the people in different offices on the 13th floor, with only a few grizzled Vietnam veterans and a suicidal lawyer to try and stop them.
A woman marries wealthy men, then arranges for them to have "accidental" deaths.
В результате несчастного случая девушка Джеффри мертва. Но тот не сдается. На подобие Франкенштейна Джеффри решает воскресить ее. Для этого у него есть все, за исключением сырья…
Deadly Manor
A group of teenagers take refuge in an old, deserted mansion. Soon the members of the group start turning up dead, and the teenagers realize that they're not alone in the mansion.
Bedroom Eyes II
This sequel to 1986's Bedroom Eyes is the mixture as before, with Wings Hauser replacing the first film's star Kenneth Gilman. Once again, stockbroker Hauser begins succumbing to his chronic voyeurism. And also once again, his obsession gets him mixed up in a murder.
Fright House
Dr. Victoria Sedgewick
Everyone in town knows the old Vincent place is haunted, but when the local Frat inherits it, we find out if the rumors are true. Two stories about witches getting ready to meet with the Devil, and a schoolteacher who never ages
Chauvinistic businessman Leo Blockman picks up a woman who shoots him, causing him to fall into a river and inexplicably emerge as a woman. Renaming herself Cleo Clock, her female personality gradually begins to take over, and she's forced to navigate a sexist world while attempting to find a way to transform back into a man.
New York's Finest
Loretta Michaels
A cross dresser helps three whores on their search for rich husbands
Electric Blue 28
Aerobics Girl (segment "Bare Facts")
In "Fantasy Woman," Brian Bonkworthy (Ricky Diamond) imagines owning his own lingerie shop and a succession of well-proportioned customers help flesh out his fantasy as they try on revealing outfits. "Bare Facts" is set in a law firm run by a divorced couple who investigate a health spa that claims to increase bust size with the use of a special cream.
Mary Ann
Joyce seems to have the perfect life - she lives in a nice apartment with a wealthy husband, is soon going to give birth to a baby boy, and has all the money she'll ever need. But while her husband is away in London on business, Joyce is attacked by a masked intruder, that unleashes within her a frightened little girl, haunted by her "special" relationship with her daddy, and a crazed madwoman who is hungry for revenge. From then on, Joyce's wild hallucinations take over, and she begins to murder anyone and everyone who comes near her, in a violent fit of rage.
Young Nurses in Love
Russian agents raid an American sperm bank in order to get the sperm of geniuses Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein to take back to Russia with them.
Della Randall
A call girl and a hustler both end up with half of a multi-million dollar lottery ticket... but the only way they can collect the money is to be married to each other for two weeks!
Катастрофа роботов
В ходе военного катаклизма взбунтовавшиеся роботы уничтожили цивилизацию планеты Нью-Терра, а остатки населения загнали глубоко под землю и сделали рабами таинственного Тёмного правителя. Рабов распределили по фабрикам, где им предписывалось обеспечивать выработку энергии в обмен на воздух для дыхания. На одну из таких фабрик однажды и забрёл странник по имени Нео, которому суждено было организовать сопротивление и сбросить гнёт машин.
Общага для плохих девочек
Устав от постоянных издевательств со стороны охранников и начальницы тюрьмы, заключённые нью-йоркской женской колонии решают вооружиться и поднять бунт.