Florence Auer

Florence Auer

Рождение : 1880-03-03, Albany, New York, USA

Смерть : 1962-05-14


Florence Auer


Silver Lode
Mrs. Elmwood
Dan Ballard, a respected citizen in the western town of Silver Lode, has his wedding interrupted by four men led by Ned McCarty, an old acquaintance who, as a US Marshal, arrests Ballard for the murder of his brother and the theft of $20,000. Ballard seeks to stall McCarty while tracking down evidence that will prove his innocence.
Любовное гнездышко
Mrs. Braddock (Uncredited)
Вернувшись из армии к любимой жене, журналист и писатель Джим Скотт обнаружил, что жена решила приобрести полуподвальное помещение, чтобы создать в нем уютное «любовное гнездышко». Но все оказывается не так просто! На молодоженов сваливаются заботы и проблемы связанные с ремонтом внутреннего убранства бывшего подвала, который использовался для хранения угля. Зато в новом доме молодых окружают очень милые соседи, а особенно хороша белокурая Роберта, которая охотно строит глазки Скотту. Тем временем пока идет благоустройство «гнездышка» Чарли Паперсон — профессиональный брачный аферист вовлекает всех жителей дома в свои аферы…
Blonde Dynamite
First Dowager
While Louie is on vacation, the boys turn The Sweet Shop into an escort service, and soon find a group of beautiful girls as their first clients.
Bride for Sale
Eloise Jonathan
Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.
Сага о Форсайтах
Ann Forsyte Heyman
Лондон. 1886 год. В доме старого Джолиона семейное торжество, прием в честь помолвки мисс Джун Форсайт с мистером Филипом Босинни. Так начинается фильм английского режиссера Комптона Беннетта, снятого по мотивам первой части великого романа Джона Голсуорси «Сага о Форсайтах», ставшего, как и сама книга — мировой классикой. «Сага о Форсайтах» — это сама жизнь, во всей своей трагичности, в радостях и потерях.
Hold That Baby!
Hope Andrews
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
Стучись в любую дверь
Aunt Lena (uncredited)
Ник Романо — хулиган, живущий в квартале для бедняков. Его обвиняют в убийстве полицейского, и за это молодому человеку грозит смертная казнь. Единственный, кто соглашается ему помочь, — адвокат Эндрю Мортон, который в юности сам пережил подобную ситуацию. Сможет ли он убедить суд, что Ник не прирожденный убийца, а всего лишь жертва обстоятельств?
Жена епископа
Third Lady in Michel's
Канун рождества, магазины полны подарков, идет пушистый снег, горожане любуются огнями новогодних елок и блеском мишуры. Только Генри Брогхэм - епископ, мечтающий о новом кафедральном соборе и отдающий все свое время сбору пожертвований у богатых горожан на его строительство, не замечает предпраздничной суеты. Увлеченный своей мечтой, он практически не уделяет внимания своей красавице жене Джулии и дочери. Однажды вечером перед епископом появляется незнакомец по имени Дадли, который уверяет, что он Ангел, спустившийся с небес ему на помощь. Пришелец быстро становится лучшим другом Джулии и её дочери Дебби, также этот симпатичный господин рассказывает горожанам поучительные истории на тему жизни и веры, и вскоре становится своим человеком в городке. Епископ не может поверить в существование Ангела, но происходящие маленькие чудеса вынуждают Генри задуматься над суетностью своей жизни и пересмотреть отношения с близкими, друзьями, дочерью и любимой женой...
Аллея кошмаров
Jane (uncredited)
Стэн Карлайл работал фокусником, «читавшим» чужие мысли на ярмарках и в передвижном цирке. Вскоре это перестало его удовлетворять, и он с помощью психиатра начал убеждать состоятельных людей, что способен входить в контакт с их умершими родственниками. Стареющий миллионер Гриндл, жаждущий пообщаться с покойной дочерью, обращается к Карлайлу.
Это случилось на Пятой авеню
Miss Parker (uncredited)
Алоизиус МакКивер - бездомный бродяга, любящий роскошь, проводит эимы в дорогих особняках, пустующих в это время года. Этой зимой он облюбовал дом миллиардера Майкла О'Коннора на Пятой Авеню. Однажды он встречает бездомного ветерана Второй мировой войны Джима Баллока и предлагает ему «свой» кров. Вскоре к ним присоединяется 18-летняя Труди Смит, которая якобы сбежала от отца-деспота. Между Джимом и Труди, по законам жанра, вспыхивают романтические чувства. Но ни Джим, ни МакКивер даже не подозревают о том, кто на самом деле Труди...
Чак Скотт получает работу в качестве шофера у парня с тяжелым характером Эдди Романа; но увлечение Чака боязливой женой Эдди становится кошмаром.
Slappily Married
Violet - Hotel Matron (uncredited)
Joe's wife, who thinks he's been carrying on with another woman, moves out.
Wife Wanted
Mrs. Rutheridge
Career-slipping movie star Carole Raymond buys in as a real estate partner of Jeff Caldwell. Actually, through his secretary, Nola Reed, Caldwell runs a matrimonial bureau and, with the aid of his associate, Lee Kirby, they defraud and blackmail a large group of lonely people. Carole, unknowingly, is used as bait for one of their victims, Walter Desmond, who "commits suicide." Reporter William Tyler thinks otherwise.
Black Angel
Madame (Uncredited)
A falsely convicted man's wife, Catherine, and an alcoholic composer and pianist, Martin team up in an attempt to clear her husband of the murder of a blonde singer, who is Martin's wife.
Landlady (unconfirmed)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Double Talk
Virginia Delaware
Orphanage manager Dr. Bergen tries to get a rich woman to adopt Charlie McCarthy.
No More West
Bert Lahr is a big city boy hung up on tales of the Old West. When his playing cowboys and Indians causes a ruckus, he's brought before a judge who prescribes him rest and relaxation...out West.
Эй, папа!
Незадачливой мамаше нечем кормить своего сына, и она решает оставить его в кафе с запиской с просьбой о нём позаботиться. Фатти, работающий в этом кафе поваром, решает помочь мальчишке избежать отправки в приют.
Seeing Things
The heir to a fortune will only receive his inheritance if he spends the night in a supposedly haunted house.
The Bard of Broadway
Newspaper columnist helps finishing school students get out of trouble after the night club in which they go to see him is raided.
That Royle Girl
Baretta's Girl
Joan Royle, beautiful but naive model who came from the slums, falls for Fred Ketlar, the leader of a dance band. When Fred's estranged wife Adele is murdered, Fred is arrested and convicted of the crime. Joan believes that the real murderer is Baretta, a gangster who was keeping Adele as his mistress
The Beautiful City
Mamma Gillardi
For their mother's sake, a man takes the blame for a robbery committed by his brother and his brother's gangster boss.
The Heart of a Siren
This silent drama's story is based on the Broadway play Hail and Farewell by William Hurlbut.
Fair Lady
Countess Margherita is a Sicilian girl who is about to be married, but Caesar Maruffi, the head of a criminal syndicate, wants her for himself. He arranges to have the bridegroom assassinated, and Norvin Blake, a young American (Robert Elliott), almost loses his life in his attempt to save him.
Her Mad Bargain
After the death of her benefactress, Mrs. Beresford, Alice Lambert is evicted by Ruth, Mrs. Beresford's jealous niece; and in despair Alice seeks employment as a model. Her refusal to accept the attentions of Monsieur Armand ends in her dismissal
A Modern Cinderella
Joyce's mother keeps her younger daughter in the background so that Polly, the elder daughter, can monopolize all the eligible young men, especially Tom. Although Tom is Polly's choice, she decides to pique his interest by flirting with Harry. Joyce, who likes Tom herself, decides to defeat her sister's plan by having Tom pretend that he likes her. Soon, the pretense turns to love and Tom proposes to Joyce. To test his sincerity, Joyce jumps into shark-infested waters and almost loses her life. Tom visits her constantly in the hospital and finds that his operation on her heart was quite successful.
A Modern Cinderella
Joyce's mother keeps her younger daughter in the background so that Polly, the elder daughter, can monopolize all the eligible young men, especially Tom. Although Tom is Polly's choice, she decides to pique his interest by flirting with Harry. Joyce, who likes Tom herself, decides to defeat her sister's plan by having Tom pretend that he likes her. Soon, the pretense turns to love and Tom proposes to Joyce. To test his sincerity, Joyce jumps into shark-infested waters and almost loses her life. Tom visits her constantly in the hospital and finds that his operation on her heart was quite successful.
Eradicating Aunty
Matilda Scroggins
A young couple must endure a tedious visit from their aunt until their friend offers to find a way to make her leave.
Richard III
Vitagraph production of Shakespeare's Richard III.
The Fatal Hour
This one-reeler has been regarded as a classic example of a Griffith thriller. It engages with the Chinese White slave traffic from the perspective of a female detective, played by Marion Leonard, whose assignment is to expose and break the traffic ring. A fragment is widely available.
The Tavern Keeper’s Daughter
In the lonely wilds of Southern California there stands a rural tavern, kept by an old trapper, who had been widowed years ago; his wife leaving him a most precious legacy in the being of a pretty daughter.
The Fight for Freedom
In a saloon in a Mexican border town, a group of cowboys, including a Mexican named Pedro, play poker. One man is discovered cheating, and is shot dead by Pedro, who is wounded as he attempts to escape. Pedro is followed home by the local sheriff, who proves the next victim of Pedro's quick temper and pistol. Pedro's wife, Juanita, is thrown into jail, but he manages to break her out. They head for the border, unaware that a posse is waiting for them.
The Kentuckian
Mack Sennett appears in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
At the Crossroads of Life
At the Crossroads of Life is a typically Victorian-style melodrama in which a girl's wishes to be an actress are condemned by her stern father, a man of the cloth who has no time for those in the acting profession.
Over the Hills to the Poor House
Old Woman
The widowed elderly mother of three adult children, two sons and a daughter, wishing to relieve herself of the burden of care of her property, decides to divide it up among her children. To her son Charles, a wild but kind young fellow, she leaves a small amount, feeling that he will soon run through it. The good-hearted boy is perfectly satisfied, believing in the wisdom of his mother's actions. He assumes she will find a home with one of his siblings, who are married and settled. The old woman moves in with her married son, but is driven out by his wife over an argument about her young granddaughter. She is forced to move into a squalid apartment in a cheap tenement house, but is evicted for failing to pay her rent. Mack Sennett appears as a bartender in this film.
The Sculptor's Nightmare
At a political club, the members debate whose bust will replace that of Theodore Roosevelt. Unable to agree, each goes to a sculptor's studio and bribes him to sculpt a bust of the individual favorite. Instead, the sculptor spends their fees on a dinner with his model during which he becomes so inebriated that he is taken to jail. There he has a nightmare, wherein three busts are created and animated from clay (through stop-motion photography) in the likenesses of Democrat William Jennings Bryan and Republicans Charles W. Fairbanks and William Howard Taft. Finally an animated bust of Roosevelt appears.