Executive Producer
Camp Blood is under new ownership as the updated "Camp Blackwood". Locals hope to bury the infamous clown killer's past, and release the victims from their torment. But when a pastor with ties to the previous grounds takes his church group out to make contact with restless spirits, wrath is all they are doomed to find. The clown killer is back, and this time he has an enemy of equal evil. His former cult followers have turned, as well as a vengeful witch, who will stop at nothing to see these titans of terror collide, and destroy anyone in their path.
The lone survivor of Freddy Palmer's last massacre is blamed for the killings and institutionalized. She soon escapes and after hiding out with an all-female punk rock band, the women team up to hunt down Palmer in his forest killing grounds.
When a social worker takes a group of non-violent criminals to the woods as a progressive rehabilitation program that will get them a reduced sentence for their crimes, it seems like she has thought of everything and nothing can go wrong. But Freddy Palmer is an insane killer who wears a mask and likes to chop up every person he sees with his trusty axes, and he is back in these woods.
Executive Producer
A writer begins to encounter a series of unexplainable events when he's forced to lift the lid on the Pandora's Box holding the demons of his past
A group of emotionally disturbed teenagers attend a remote retreat to work through their fears of the infamous "Camp Blood Killer". But could this local legend be all too real? And if so who will survive?
A pair of security guards spin tales of space slugs attacking at a swingers party and an accident victim having a bloody rabid transformation. One guard soon finds himself in a twisted, surreal dimension from which he may not escape!
10 years after his apparent demise, Dr. Szandor enlists college students to bring about his resurrection and Hell on Earth.
Заблудившись в лесу, команда волейболисток сталкивается с клоуном-убийцей и его психически неуравновешенной матерью.
Executive Producer
After two women are attacked on a desolate road they take refuge at the home of a kind-hearted stranger named Saul who harbors the dark secret of lycanthropy. Can a professor experimenting with the secrets of the Pharaohs cure Saul, or will a battle between the Werewolf and a freshly reanimated Mummy be the end for them all?
Однажды вечером Кассандра и Чэд обнаруживают в своём доме старую женщину, которая называет себя Ла Йорона. Она бормочет что-то непонятное и внезапно нападает на них. Защищаясь, они случайно убивают её, но вскоре в их доме начинают происходить странные вещи и пара понимает, что призрак злобной старухи жаждет мести.
All the kills! All the clowns! All the blood! No other film series boasts the amount of thrills, chills, and spills as CAMP BLOOD. Now, for your viewing pleasure comes the ultimate gross-out murders and lovely ladies of the fear franchise, making this a must have compilation! You can't hide from the clown! Take a scary rewind to terror experience why this slasher series is a fan favorite!
A camping trip goes horribly wrong when two couples make a mistake of hiking in the masked maniac serial killer Freddy Palmer's domain.
Земля, 2039 год. Сверхдержавы планеты истребили практически все материки ядерной войной. При катастрофе умерли миллиарды людей. Большие государства отрезаны друг от друга, цивилизация висит на волоске. В США осталось две группы. Новый Порядок, поклонение фанатиков, применяет доктрину милитаристского рабства и больших роботов для управления людьми. Прежде они были применены ради добычи ископаемых из центра земли. Иная категория, Борцы, проживают как падальщики, избегая войск Нового Порядка. В перспективе останется только мгла и неимение надежды, если только лишь они не отыщут метод остановить Новый Порядок от истребления жителей.
Six paranormal ghost hunters are competing to stay in the most haunted house in New York , the winner gets one million dollars. Little do they know they are being set up to be tortured and killed by a ghoulish soul - a bloody nun .
For years, the infamous Blackwood Forest was terrorized by the Camp Blood Killer. Now, the killer is back as a vengeful spirit seeking revenge from beyond the grave.
A group of college kids on break find themselves in a terrifying situation when they become stranded at the infamous Camp Blood.
On Halloween, an all girl rock-n-roll band called “Kill Pussy Kill” ventures out to play their biggest show to date. However, before hitting the road they manage to unwittingly upset a man. Unfortunately, this man turns out to be an evil genius dead set on revenge. The evil genius manages to lure the girls into his Hell House and when they wake up from being gassed, they find themselves trapped inside an inescapable room filled with a vicious variety of devices that can kill them as well as a variety of weapons that can be used on each other. The rules are simple: advance through all three rooms and you are allowed to go free. The catch is, in order to make it to the next room, someone must die!
The quest for God's bong.
В детстве няня Джонни Тэйлора нанесла ему психологическую травму, угрожая утопить в бассейне. Позврослев, Джонни начинает мстить собирательному образу своей няни и топить красивых девушек, а его лучший друг всячески поддерживает такое "хобби" и делает из серийного убийцы знаменитость.
Executive Producer
Three friends decide to get out of New York for a weekend break, only to find out that the sleepy up-state town of Swamp Hollow is really the hunting ground of serial killers.
After becoming the victim of vicious cyber bullies, Lisa makes a deal with the devil to exact revenge on her tormentors.
A film crew shoots a gory movie with realistic special effects. The gore looks real, because it is. The film director, a evil warlock, need a blood sacrifice to complete his pact with Satan. Who better than the film's scream queen? Who will survive the final cut.
Rose, a legacy witch, becomes a member of a local coven. Seductress Sharon uses her own powers to enter Roses' body and mind. She uses Rose unwillingly to steal people's souls. Her ultimate goal: resurrect Satan himself. Will Rose stop her sexy, evil rampage before it is too late?
A young woman discovers that she is a witch when people close to her begin to die under mysterious circumstances. She comes under the protection of a white magic coven/yoga studio. But the real danger may be right in front of her.
Executive Producer
Клоун-убийца возвращается из ада в кровавый лагерь, чтобы отыскать новых жертв. Бетси ищет своего пропавшего брата, который присоединился к сатанинскому культу, но вот только она сталкивается с извращенными ужасами за пределами ее воображения и понимания. И не попадется ли она на жуткого и безумного клоуна с мачетой в руках. И выживет кто-нибудь в кровавом лагере 666?!?
Raven, the only survivor of a previous massacre, returns to the forest to avenge her fallen friends and stop Camp Blood Killer once and for all.
A bunch of college friends stop at the notorious Camp Blood on their way to a rock concert. But there is someone lurking in the woods nearby, ready to arrange one hell of a night for unfortunate campers.
A group of women take on a major crime lord on the streets of Los Angeles in the lawless "Calles de Infierno" district in a bid to take over his business and rule the city. But they'll first have to deal with a revenge-seeking vigilante looking to clean up the streets. The gangs, the cops and the vigilante clash in an explosive battle of cars, guns, double and triple-crosses on the streets of LA.
Executive Producer
Кровавый лагерь и блуждающий по нему клоун-маньяк перешли в разряд известных страшилок. В рамках курса "городских легенд" студенческой компании поручают развенчать или подтвердить существование клоуна, для чего они едут в тамошние леса и берут с собой видеокамеры. Трупы пропавших студентов находят через три месяца. А заодно находят и сделанные ими записи.
In a distant galaxy three escaped female convicts crash land on a primitive world inhabited by a race of warlike apes. They fight for survival as the humanoid apes fight for their possession, body and soul. A daring escape is their only way out. Hot on their heels are the blood lusting gorillas and a prison warden bent on their return to the prison ship they escaped from. Treachery, alliances and battle await the fighting factions. Who will survive on a planet where apes rule and humans are only breeding stock.
The vampires are back in town but this time there’s a new brood. Chisel-jawed Jon Euler steams up the screen as brood leader Jasin in this hot sequel to the wildly popular original. This time his vengeful ex-lover Demetrius (ripped dreamboat Rob Hoflund) is out to get Jasin and brings along his coven to boot. Jasin and Caleb’s eternal love is put to the test when Jasin’s jilted lover Demetrius returns to get this revenge. Demetrius plots to destroy Jasin by creating an army of vampires — unwilling victims recruited from the local boxing gym. Tara, reeling from her own rejection by Jasin, is eventually compelled by Demetrius to join him in his quest.
Supervising Producer
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
Dorothy and her band of vagrants have been on the run from a pair of vampire hunters for decades.
Henry Howard, an ambitious young scientist struggles to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His boss, the grumpy General Darwin, will not allow Hank to marry his daughter, Hannah, until the experiment is a success. Against Darwin's wishes Hank proposes to Hannah anyway, but his life is shattered by a mugger who steals his engagement ring. Dejected, Hank injects himself with the experimental serum and is transformed into the Amazing Bulk. The Bulk goes on a rampage through the city destroying everything in his path. Hank is caught by a relentless detective, imprisoned by Darwin and forced to battle the sadistic Dr. Kantlove, who threatens to blow up the moon with his arsenal of weapons.
Henry Howard, an ambitious young scientist struggles to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His boss, the grumpy General Darwin, will not allow Hank to marry his daughter, Hannah, until the experiment is a success. Against Darwin's wishes Hank proposes to Hannah anyway, but his life is shattered by a mugger who steals his engagement ring. Dejected, Hank injects himself with the experimental serum and is transformed into the Amazing Bulk. The Bulk goes on a rampage through the city destroying everything in his path. Hank is caught by a relentless detective, imprisoned by Darwin and forced to battle the sadistic Dr. Kantlove, who threatens to blow up the moon with his arsenal of weapons.
Bloody Mary tells the story of the spirit of the titular character (as portrayed by lovely actress Veronica Ricci), who after shuffling off the mortal coil in 1904 via execution due to her alleged adultery, returns to exact revenge on the bloodline of her executioner. In this case that’s Matt Elias (actor Derek Jameson), the grandson of Mary’s murderer and an up-and-coming rockstar.
Six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip, find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with an Alien monster. Not knowing what to do or who to trust, they struggle to protect themselves. Reluctantly, they join forces with another, seemingly friendly, alien, Ava, who orbits the Earth and appears to them in the form of an avatar. Having only one chance at stopping the monster, they must race to locate and repair the Ava’s earth sent robot, before it slaughters them one by one.
Jasin and his vampire brood's time is running out. In order for them to survive, Jasin needs to find a mortal to turn into a vampire to spend eternity with. Los Angeles provides plenty of young candidates. The brood has their eyes set on Tara, a young, gorgeous blond college student. Tara is open to the idea of becoming a vampire, but someone else enters the picture to disrupt the brood's plans. Caleb, a fresh face college student new to Los Angeles, keeps dreaming of a mysterious stranger. At school, Caleb meets the stranger, Jasin, and they have an instant connection. The problem is that time is short, and Jasin needs to convince Caleb that eternity as a vampire can be a very sweet life.
Это выворачивающая на изнанку история о пяти медиках, которые были заперты в бункере на карантин после того, как смертельная инфекция под кодовым названием H1N1 virus вырвалась на свободу. Им осталось жить три дня. Нет выхода. Нет надежды. Пока горе-ученые ломают голову над тем, как приостановить мутацию и выбраться наружу живыми, за каждым их движением некто наблюдает из лаборатории. Только большой брат может ответить на вопрос, сколько еще времени пленникам необходимо провести в карантинной зоне и будут ли они освобождены… Тем временем, кроме ужасной болезни и смертельной мутации, беднягам угрожает загадочный седовласый человек, появившийся буквально ниоткуда.
Original Story
Это выворачивающая на изнанку история о пяти медиках, которые были заперты в бункере на карантин после того, как смертельная инфекция под кодовым названием H1N1 virus вырвалась на свободу. Им осталось жить три дня. Нет выхода. Нет надежды. Пока горе-ученые ломают голову над тем, как приостановить мутацию и выбраться наружу живыми, за каждым их движением некто наблюдает из лаборатории. Только большой брат может ответить на вопрос, сколько еще времени пленникам необходимо провести в карантинной зоне и будут ли они освобождены… Тем временем, кроме ужасной болезни и смертельной мутации, беднягам угрожает загадочный седовласый человек, появившийся буквально ниоткуда.
A modern day descendent of Frankenstein becomes obsessed with his ancestor's work and seeks to replicate them and create a living man from lifeless tissue.
Vampires & Sex in the City - What more could you want?
Heavy Metal Band SaWbLaDe will do whatever it takes to make it big, including being locked overnight in a haunted studio to film a real "hard-core" video.
Executive Producer
When a group of med students go to take their final exams, they find themselves subjects of a twisted and bloody Satanic ritual led by their professor. It's up to two of them to save all.
When a group of med students go to take their final exams, they find themselves subjects of a twisted and bloody Satanic ritual led by their professor. It's up to two of them to save all.
A loner artist with a history of abuse meets a beautiful woman who takes an interest in his life and work; leading to a chilling path of tragedy.
Fifteen years after slaughtering his entire family on Christmas Day, a psychotic killer flees from the asylum to finish what he started when he was just a little boy. Devin Merriman was only eight years old when he committed the crime that still haunts his small town. Now the time has come to kill again, and the massacre Devin has in mind will make his previous murders look like child's play.
Лодка с небольшой коммандой садится на мель у острова. Герои обнаруживают, что на этом острове они не одни. На острове они сталкиваются с коммандой спецназа. Вместе им предстоит расследования некогда происходивших на острове экспериментов, а также столкновения с их результатом — огромной плотоядной летающей рептилией, жаждующей плоти и крови.
A young man living in a small town who finds escape and courage while playing the video game "Guitar Master" soon learns how to put his skills to work to win the heart of a beautiful girl.
A group of college students regret their decision to sneak into the cellar of a haunted asylum on Halloween. One by one they encounter Smiley, the last of a flawed bloodline.
Hollywood Roses is starting to make it big and they’re ready for the next step. Of course all their success has come after the band killed off the original founder, Drake. Once they realized he was holding them back, they turned on him and now they’re the best thing out there. Of course his girlfriend hasn’t forgiven them and now the band is gonna have to deal with Drake’s Ghost!
A dying woman participates in an experiment which makes unexpected changes to her body.
Over a century ago Pirate's Point was overrun by pirates, led by Abraham LeVoy, who became known as Pirate Death. He looted from the town, slaughtering over 150 men, women and children and then hid the treasure. Unaware of the terrifying and tortuous nature of Pirate Death, a group of college students researching their "pirate" heritage decide to locate the hidden treasure of Pirate Death.
Executive Producer
A young witch gathers her coven to methodically fulfill her uncle's demands to help resurrect a demon lover from centuries past. Believing that she has completed her tasks she waits for the resurrection and her eternal rewards only to find neither are really what she expected. The resurrected lover is not exactly the beautiful woman her uncle talked of in years past and the rewards her uncle had in mind for her are not made of a princes' fairy tales. The young witch finds the real truth of the "Blood Lengend".
A young witch gathers her coven to methodically fulfill her uncle's demands to help resurrect a demon lover from centuries past. Believing that she has completed her tasks she waits for the resurrection and her eternal rewards only to find neither are really what she expected. The resurrected lover is not exactly the beautiful woman her uncle talked of in years past and the rewards her uncle had in mind for her are not made of a princes' fairy tales. The young witch finds the real truth of the "Blood Lengend".
A murderous coven of witches open a sexy strip club to lure in unsuspecting sacrifice victims in this erotic tale of terror from genre specialist Jeff Leroy. As Halloween draws near, a coven of witches must claim the heads of 666 victims in order to usher in the arrival of the Dark Lord and maintain their evil power. With only days to go before their deadline arrives, the satanic sirens open the "Sin and Skin" gentlemen's club in hopes of reaching their goal and achieving ultimate power. As the clueless victims are lured to the witches' lavish mansion and offered one final meal, their dark goal comes ever closer to being fully realized. On this night, though, the evil coven has underestimated the determination of their dinner guest to see another sunrise, and before the night is over these witches are in for one hell of a deadly surprise
With Los Angeles in flaming ruins from a nuclear attack, solders mop up what is left of the deadly spider with a giant spider killing robot: Mecha-Destructor. Unfortunately, a terrorist escaped from the weapons base with a suit case full of the creatures. Shot down behind the Beluxor Hotel, the spiders make their way in the pyramid and up and down the strip devouring gamblers, show girls and destroying many landmarks.
With Los Angeles in flaming ruins from a nuclear attack, solders mop up what is left of the deadly spider with a giant spider killing robot: Mecha-Destructor. Unfortunately, a terrorist escaped from the weapons base with a suit case full of the creatures. Shot down behind the Beluxor Hotel, the spiders make their way in the pyramid and up and down the strip devouring gamblers, show girls and destroying many landmarks.
Cassidy, the lead singer of a band, lives with her boyfriend and band member, Neal. Cassidy records the torment of her silent pain and suffering in a private journal. Thinking Neal does not love her, Cassidy is devastated and commits suicide. Neal, shocked and horrified, witnesses the suicide. Three months following Cassidy's death, band members, Dora, Donny, Victor, and Neal visit Dr. Meso, a psychic, for answers. They question whether or not to continue recording their album with out Cassidy. After posing the question, Cassidy's spirit overtakes Dr. Meso's body. Cassidy addresses the band, and specifically Neal, before revealing four tarot death cards.
Three couples and a self proclaimed loser party in an abandoned High Rise only to find an escaped mental patient brutally killing them one by one. Music, sex and cold blooded murder are in store.
After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the investigation, they need the help of the only survivor, Kate. But first they have to get her released from the mental institution she's been confined to since the horrific attack. Written
One night in a dark nightclub, Jeff meets the beautiful and mysterious Tisa; Jeff is never seen alive again. Jeff's sister Cindy seeks the help of family friend Will Sparrow! As Will examines Jeff's death, he stumbles into a web of evil as old as time itself. He learns that Tisa is part of an evil coven of beautiful women that worship a long forgotten snake god, Malleus. The women of the cult must seduce men and lure them to their deaths to fulfill an ancient prophecy and unleash the ultimate evil upon the earth! Will is put in a life and death situation by going undercover, so that he alone may unlock the horrible secret before it is too late.
Vampire strippers terrorize a college town.
Deadly spiders are accidentally unleashed from a top-secret military installation. Army specialists and Tanks are called in to exterminate the deadly predators, but the outbreak is worse than expected. Weapons of mass destruction have little or no effect on the venomous spiders. Civilians are strangled with spider webs and eaten alive. The Military in a desperate effort to eradicate the killer spiders, decide to demolish the entire city.
When an ancient burial ground is desecrated, a deadly Mummy is awoken, and goes on a violent killing spree.
Two goth teenagers get caught up in a subculture of drugs, sex and murder after meeting a darkly savage woman with a taste for pain and deviance.
Maniacal presents the story of Gilbert Gill, a confused young man who is alienated from his family and society. Like the Columbine killers and other sociopaths, Gilbert goes on a bloody killing spree, targeting local youths. He is finally hunted down by the local sheriff and his own father, in one of the most terrifying stand-offs I've seen in years...
Sorority girls initiate new members by making them stay in a haunted funhouse. But it turns out there is a real killer on the loose.
The young and lust filled Blood Sisters find college life the perfect haven for their daily "habit"... Blood. They stalk and seduce their victims by day, then torture and kill them by night. When a chain of strange dissappearances occurs at sexy Tracy's college, fear immediately floods the hallways. Corpses mount at one of the school's sororities. Tracy and her gorgeous roomate, Melissa, join the mysterious sorority hoping to uncover the dark secret. After witnessing brutal slayings, they realize their only salvation lies in the defeat and damnation of the Blood Sisters!
While on an exploratory research trip into the jungles of South America, the beautiful Teresa Burns in bitten by a strange creature. Upon returning home Teresa starts to change - she is more aggressive, with heightened senses and an uncontrollable passion. The mysterious bite has inflicted her with the lust of a wild woman and the killer kiss of a demon. Teresa's boyfriend Paul is detained as the prime suspect of several mysterious murders. He informs the police about his girlfriend's strange behavior since their return and that it is she who is responsible for the murders. As Teresa's passion grows stronger, so does her bloodlust. Soon the demons within her take over, pushing her to the edge of sanity.
A woman working at a biological research facility becomes ill when she contracts a deadly, new virus. Sometime after, she becomes a half-monster beast and kills her old co-workers. Some time later, a group of teens go into the old research facility to have a party and come face-to-face with creature
Linnea plays Malicia Tombs, a well-known horror actress who dies in a car accident under mysterious circumstances after leaving the set of her latest movie. Fans and co-workers alike reflect on her life. But someone believes she was murdered and sets out to get revenge for her death!
Tara Woodley is a reporter looking to do a story on the famous ghosts of an old desert town. she can't seem to find the place until she picks up a strange hitchhiker, who tells her he knows the way. they proceed on a journey involving a variety of characters, including an Army Sergeant whose vicious cruelty kills on a young recruit and three hapless campers who stumble into an old cursed cemetery!
Four cheerleaders are on their way to compete at a competition when their van breaks down and they end up stranded in the woods.
Four college friends take a fateful road trip. The road, Hell's Highway--a direct route to terror. They pick up Lucinda: A hot young hitchiker, full of sexual deviance and lust for the bloody kill. After being terrorized and nearly killed, the group manages to turn the tables. They thought they killed her, but around the next ben--around every ben-- she appears like a mirage ready to murder again. Is she the devil? Can anyone stop her killing spree?
While away at college, Autumn becomes associated with a Coven of witches. After being visited by her dead grandmother from the spirit world, Autumn realizes that she must use her magical powers for good rather than evil. She battles for control of her Coven with the evil raven-haired Vallie. Vallie threatens to sacrifice Autumn's boyfriend Gabe. Autumn must fight to save him, and the fate of her Coven.
During a routine pilgrimage, the crew of the Ape Ship 7 finds itself caught up in a violent battle with another ship of apes hell bent on seizing their human cargo.
On a hiking trip in the Italian Alps, James discovers an ancient burial cave filled with gladiator artefacts. He becomes possessed by the spirit of Tyranus, a demon gladiator, and goes on a killing spree to revive the true spirit of Demonicus. A professor, Gina, and her students are to be the sacrifices to the demon Tyranus. Can they outwit Demonicus before becoming offerings to the evil god?
Mr. Sterling
Бывший полицейский, а ныне частный детектив, зарабатывает себе на жизнь сбором информации о супругах своих клиентов. Такое занятие приносит ему стабильный доход и массу новых впечатлений. Очередной заказ вызывает у сыщика массу противоречивых эмоций, и он решает выяснить, так ли все просто, как показалось ему в самом начале...
When a social worker takes away his younger brother Sam, Donny Davis enters a scooter contest, hoping to win first prize ($2000) and get his brother back.
A young woman and her father go in search of the twin sister who appears in her dreams.
A group of theater students buy an old stage and discover an ancient evil.
Smarmy opportunist filmmaker Worthy Milligan convinces traumatized sole survivor Tricia to work as a technical advisor on a film he's making about the horrific events that occurred at Camp Blood. The cast and crew return to the remote woodland area to shoot the picture. Of course, the murderous machete-wielding Clown also shows up to commit more brutal killings.
Three drama students revive three witches, who want to open a gate to hell; Will Spanner and Kelly get involved, while Detectives Lutz and Garner investigate.
Ten years ago a series of brutal murders rocked peaceful, isolated Camp Blackwood. The killer was never caught and the camp, renamed "Camp Blood" by the locals, was never reopened.Ignorant of the camp's terrible history, two young couples visit Camp Blood. And they soon realise they are not alone. Someone is watching. Someone is waiting. The murders are far from over... they have only just begun.What began as a pleasant hiking trip turns into a savage struggle for survival. Will anyone make it out of Camp Blood alive?
Coed Jasmine is a gorgeous cheerleeder who's obsessed with finding the man of her dreams. One night, she and a few of her pep-squad pals are stranded in the country when their car breaks down. That's when a mysterious stranger shows up who just might turn out to be Jasmine's Mr. Right.
Homicidal meth dealers murder a deaf-mute; his nutbar sister turns to the supernatural for revenge.
A college student being pressured to join a cult by his attractive landlord. The cult is a parody of Scientology with a book similar to Dianetics.
When two campers on a peaceful weekend excursion are suddenly confronted, harassed, and molested by a pack of heavily armed outdoorsman, a brutal series of events ensues. A struggle for survival and sanity drives the surviving victim into a bloody vendetta of rage. The hunters become the hunted in a malicious game of cat and mouse.
B-movie actresses are turning up dead, or simply vanishing, so two L.A. detectives are assigned to investigate. After some missteps, they begin to make some progress when a mysterious FBI agent intrudes, sending the case in an entirely new direction.
B-movie actresses are turning up dead, or simply vanishing, so two L.A. detectives are assigned to investigate. After some missteps, they begin to make some progress when a mysterious FBI agent intrudes, sending the case in an entirely new direction.
A laboratory accident leaves Rich blind and at the mercy of an unscrupulous surgeon who performs an accidental eye transplant. Unknown to everyone, including the doctor's band of organ-snatching murderers, the eyes were pulled from the sockets of a werewolf. All hell breaks loose when Rich, with the help of his horny nurse, a midget and a lesbian detective, tries to extract revenge during the next full moon.
Three beautiful Vampire Femmes without remorse search out their next victim. The Femmes' only concern is the sweet flesh of their next meal. In order to survive, they will go to any means necessary to satisfy their hunger.
A Queen of Peace comes from another planet to help save the Earthlings from the Evil G-Man.
Danger faces unsuspecting tourists in Las Vegas as Colonel Nelson goes mad when he is accidentally electrocuted by the very super secret U.S. military tank he is testing, Iron Thunder. He now believes he is in the middle of an actual war and the city of glittering lights is his target. In a desperate attempt to stop him from using the state of the art offensive and defensive technology on board, the head of the Iron Thunder project sends out a Special Forces team, headed by woman who has to deal with a crew that has its own ulterior agendas. Following Nelson's trail of destruction across the desert, they face off in a spectacular battle.
An L.A. cop shoots another officer in self-defense and tries to clear his name.
A psychopath goes home after 15 years in an insane asylum. Strange things start happening to her family.
Executive Producer
One Man's strength is put to the test. He decides to take justice into his own hands after his family is torn apart by a mysterious man.
A police detective must investigate the death of a high-stakes drug dealer.
A psychologist snaps, becomes a vigilante and wipes out inner city "scum." Occasionally he kidnaps bad girls and hookers and and hunts them for sport Most Dangerous Game style.
An evil stranger with a dark crystal wanders the night collecting souls for Satan. He finds Jake who has only one desire in life -- her name is Allison. He'll give anything to have her, even his soul. A bargain that would be struck in the shadows of Hell. In this terrifying and erotic sequel, one man battles the seductions of evil and the forces of doom for the love of a woman.
A woman kidnaps her husband's mistress and tells the mistress two horror stories involving evil things.
A team of L.A. detectives hunt down the ringleaders of a sex-slave operation in this thriller.
The newest entry in the Axegrinder series.
a sexy update version of the 70, and 80 girls in trouble films.