Американская журналистка едет в Индию, чтобы снять проект для журнала. В этом путешествии ей предстоит узнать себя через столкновения с культурными особенностями, потерянную любовь и даже гендерную путаницу.
A constantly picked-on aquarium fish escapes her yacht home, unaware of the dangers that await her in the open ocean. With the help of other misfit sea creatures, she learns not only how to brave the perils of the deep, but how to be true to herself.
This is the story of a fairly successful young black man, just shy of 30 years old, who decided he needs to be less of a workaholic and meet and date women, with marriage and family as a goal.
Issac, a young reclusive mortician who inherited his stepfather's mortuary business, meets a friendly waitress, Cassi. The two create an instant connection and after a night of terror, they pursue a revenge murder together.