Paul Robeson

Paul Robeson

Рождение : 1898-04-09, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Смерть : 1976-01-23


Этот красивый, красноречивый и очень харизматичный актер стал одним из ведущих интерпретаторов пьес Юджина О'Нила и одним из самых ценных имен в песнях первой половины двадцатого века. Он также вызывал пренебрежение и общественную полемику на протяжении большей части своей карьеры в качестве стойкого защитника прав человека времен холодной войны, а также активно поддерживал Иосифа Сталина и советское вторжение в Венгрию в 1956 году. Деятельность и левая идеология озлобили его и практически разрушили его карьеру, он остается сегодня прочным символом расовой гордости и сознательности.


Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson
Paul Robeson


Britain on Film: Black Britain
This series of archive films provides a fantastic opportunity to explore the vital history of Black Britain throughout the 20th century. Featuring footage spanning from 1901 to 1985, this little-seen footage has been found from all across the UK. This programme allows an exploration into stories of migration, community and also the struggle against inequality, while also providing the opportunity to celebrate black British culture and life on screen.
Fred Baker - filmmaker
The house he lived In: A conversation with Fred Baker (1932-2011) filmmaker , director , screenwriter , film producer, actor and jazz musician. A shining example of America's bohemian underground that has been around since the days of Walt Whitman. A sensualist. His favorite topics are sex, art, food and politics. To the rhythm of New York and Lenny Bruce.
Our Paul: Remembering Paul Robeson
Self (archival footage)
A retrospective look at the career of Paul Robeson and his legacy as both an American and a citizen of the world.
Howard Zinn: Voices of a People's History of the United States
An impressive roster of celebrities -- including Lili Taylor, Paul Robeson, Sarah Jones, Brian Jones, John Sayles and Wallace Shawn -- lend their voices to this performance of readings inspired by Howard Zinn's best-selling book. Segments bring to life Tecumseh's speech to the Osages, Frederick Douglass' thoughts about July 4 and Paul Robeson's Unread Statement before the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Scandalize My Name: Stories from the Blacklist
Self (archive footage)
A documentary look at the confluence of the Red scare, McCarthyism, and blacklists with the post-war activism by African Americans seeking more and better roles on radio, television, and stage. It begins in Harlem, measures the impact of Paul Robeson and the campaign to bring him down, looks at the role of HUAC, J. Edgar Hoover and of journalists such as Ed Sullivan, and ends with a tribute to Canada Lee. Throughout are interviews with men and women who were there, including Dick Campbell of the Rose McLendon Players and Fredrick O'Neal of the American Negro Theatre. In the 1940s and 1950s, anti-Communism was one more tool to maintain Jim Crow and to keep down African-Americans.
Paul Robeson: Here I Stand
Paul Robeson: Here I Stand presents the life and achievements of an extraordinary man. Athlete, singer, and scholar, Robeson was also a charismatic champion of the rights of the poor working man, the disfranchised and people of color. He led a life in the vanguard of many movements, achieved international acclaim for his music and suffered tremendous personal sacrifice. His story is one of the great dramas of the 20th century, spanning an international canvas of social upheaval and ideological controversy.
Paul Robeson: Speak of Me as I Am
Himself (archive footage)
A famed athlete, linguist, scholar, lawyer, actor, singer and activist, Paul Robeson left behind an irreplaceable legacy in American life. Friends, artists and writers recount the efforts of this tireless champion of African-American rights, whose actions ironically made him a target of McCarthyism. This eye-opening profile of the American icon is designed for students in middle school, high school and college.
Paul Robeson: 20th Century Renaissance Man, Entertainer & Activist
Self (archive footage)
Paul Robeson was a celebrated African-American Actor, Athlete, Singer, Writer, and Civil Rights Activist. Robeson's many achievements are chronicled in this program, ranging from playing with the NFL to graduating from Columbia Law School, performing on Broadway and in Hollywood films to founding the American Crusade against Lynching as well as Council on African Affairs. Robeson was one of the most talented performers of his time and a dedicated humanitarian who ultimately sacrificed fame and fortune for what he believed in. His association with Leftist Politics during the era of the Cold War, and frequent denouncing of American political parties led to his eventual blacklisting with other prominent writers and artists during the McCarthy Era. His talents in all areas are remarkable, and his dedication to attaining a peaceful coexistence between all the people of the world is truly admirable.
I'm a Negro, I'm an American - Paul Robeson
Biographical notes on the American singer, actor and civil rights activist Paul Robeson (1898-1976). At the height of his fame and skill, Robeson’s career was cut short by Cold War anti-communist hysteria. This documentary includes historic footage of the US civil rights movement; clips of Robeson’s speeches, performances and visits to East Germany (GDR) and the Soviet Union; and interviews with his son, Paul Robeson Jr., and the musicians and activists Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger and Earl Robinson. Co-produced by the GDR’s DEFA Studio for Documentary Film and the West Berlin production company Chronos, with scenes shot in the U.S.
Musical Comedy Tonight III
Sylvia Fine hosts this musical show featuring some great American singing and dancing stars, featuring music by Gershwin, Rodgers & Hart, Berlin and Kern.
Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist
Himself (archive footage)
This Academy Award-winning documentary short Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist, narrated by Sidney Poitier, traces the career of Paul Robeson through his activism and his socially charged performances of his signature song, “Ol’ Man River.”
The Tallest Tree in Our Forest
A detailed biography of famed singer, actor, athlete and activist Paul Robeson. Complete with several interviews and footage of concerts and film clips.
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Black Shadows on the Silver Screen
Self (archive footage)
Ossie Davis narrates a history of "race films," films made before 1950 which catered to a primarily black audience.
Противоречивая Америка. Вера, надежда, любовь и ненависть. Фильм 2
Self/Cameo (archive footage)
Во втором фильме автор рассказывает о борьбе негров за право чувствовать себя равными со всеми гражданами США. Комментарий мэра Каира, одного из городов на американском юге, о подавлении восставших, о жесточайших способах борьбы с протестующими афроамериканцами. Выступление Джесси Джексона. Комментарий Джесси Джексона об организации, борющейся за права чернокожих. Комментарии жительниц города Джексона столицы штата Миссисипи о степени умственного развития белых и черных. Рассказ о Ку-клукс-клане, о Роберте Шелтоне - главе Ку-клукс-клана. Комментарий Р. Шелтона о решении негритянской проблемы в США. Выступление американского певца и драматического актера Поля Робсона, его комментарий. Кадры Олимпиад, победы на соревнованиях чернокожих спортсменов. О расправах над негритянскими организациями. О поддержке афроамериканцев и борьбе против расизма высказаваются вдова американского писателя Эрнеста Хэмингуэя Мэри и американский ученый Генри Винстон. 1973 год.
Song of the Rivers
Voice of Singer
An allegorical documentary about the workers of the world, whose common destinies and hopes for peace are symbolically united by the rivers that run through their respective lands. The film was shot on the Volga, the Mississippi, the Nile, the Yangtze, the Amazon and the Ganges and combines these images of five continents with the music of Dmitri Shostakovich and the poetry of both Bertolt Brecht and Paul Robeson.
South Africa Uncensored
In 1951, the Council on African Affairs produced a twenty-two minute agitprop documentary film about apartheid in South Africa, narrated by Paul Robeson and edited by Hortense Beveridge (also known as Tee Beveridge; her first complete film). South Africa Uncensored is a raw and gritty piece of black-and-white agitprop, full of firsthand testimonial footage of the appalling conditions endured by Black South Africans under apartheid. The film portrays the filth in Black shantytowns lacking proper sewage systems, the country's segregated public spaces, and the vile white leisure spectacle of enjoying forced fisticuffs between Black workers.
Mining Review 2nd Year No. 11
The 23rd issue of the long running industry cinemagazine. Features the articles: 'Safety First', 'Paying For It' and ' A Star Drops In'.
Easy to Get
U.S. Army training film about avoiding venereal disease, intended primarily for Black servicemen.
Сказки Манхэттена
Фильм состоит из шести новелл о черном фраке, якобы несущем проклятье.
Native Land
By the start of World War II, Paul Robeson had given up his lucrative mainstream work to participate in more socially progressive film and stage productions. Robeson committed his support to Paul Strand and Leo Hurwitz’s political semidocumentary Native Land. With Robeson’s narration and songs, this beautifully shot and edited film exposes violations of Americans’ civil liberties and is a call to action for exploited workers around the country. Scarcely shown since its debut, Native Land represents Robeson’s shift from narrative cinema to the leftist documentaries that would define the final chapter of his controversial film career.
Гордая долина
David Goliath
Чернокожий американец Давид Голиаф ищет работу в валлийском шахтерском городке. Подружившись с Диком Перри, местным хормейстером и шахтером, он находит работу и кров. Во время взрыва на шахте Перри погибает, а шахта закрывается, оставляя большинство людей в городе без работы. После протеста горожан шахта вновь открывается, и Голиаф рискует своей жизнью, спасая шахтеров, которые оказались в завале.
Big Fella
Joe, a Marseilles docker, is hired by a wealthy English couple to find their missing son. When Joe finds him, he learns he escaped of his own will and takes him to stay with a local singer. They offer him a refuge from his repressed white parents.
King Solomon's Mines
Adventurer Allan Quartermain leads an expedition into uncharted African territory in an attempt to locate an explorer who went missing during his search for the fabled diamond mines of King Solomon.
Cpl. Jericho Jackson
An unjustly condemned corporal flees to Africa, chased by the captain blamed for his escape.
Song of Freedom
John 'Johnny' Zinga
John Zinga, a descendent of slaves, has an ancient medallion around his neck and a fragment of song passed down generations. He is an English dockworker with a magnificent voice and a yearning to learn his roots.
Show Boat
Despite her mother's objections, the naive young daughter of a show boat captain is thrust into the limelight as the company's new leading lady.
Сандерс с реки
Британский офицер Сандерс управляет одной из территорий в английской колонии Нигерии. Его стиль управления жесткий, но справедливый. По долгу службы ему приходится бороться с контрабандистами и работорговцами. В этом ему помогает его местный вождь Босамбо. Когда Сандерс отправляется в Англию на свою свадьбу, контрабандисты пускают слух о его смерти, и Басамбо решается на опустошительный набег.
The Emperor Jones
Brutus Jones
Unscrupulously ambitious, Brutus Jones escapes from jail after killing a guard and, through bluff and bravado, finds himself the emperor of a Caribbean island.
Блэк энд уайт
Тяжек труд чернокожих на сахарных плантациях Кубы. Горька участь старого негра Вилли, чистящего сапоги белым джентльменам. Не выдержал однажды Вилли, спросил у сахарного короля: почему черные делают только черную работу? И получил в ответ удар кулаком в зубы. Откуда знать старому негру,что с такми вопросом надо обращаться в Коминтерн, в Москву.
Pete Varond
Starring Paul Robeson (one of the first black movie actor/singers to achieve mainstream popularity) in a rare silent role, this experimental drama was thought lost until the 1990s when it was rediscovered by the British Film Institute. The Switzerland-set melodrama takes place in a resort and chronicles the reaction of patrons when an interracial couple shows up for a stay. Some critics claim that careful, sensitive viewers may be able to pick out gay subtext running throughout the story.
Camille: The Fate of a Coquette
Alexandre Dumas fils
A home movie version of the Dumas play. A young woman becomes a courtesan and tragedy befalls her. Appearances are made by many socialites of 1920s Paris and New York.
Body and Soul
Reverend Isaiah T. Jenkins / His brother Sylvester
A minister is malevolent and sinister behind his righteous facade. He consorts with, and later extorts from, the owner of a gambling house, and betrays an honest girl, eventually driving them both to ruin.