David Homb


Alien Species
Aaron Doyle
Huge Motherships from an alien species sneak ominously into orbit around Earth. Lethal bat-winged fighters descend on the planet. Citizens are abducted. Homes are destroyed. The invasion has begun! A small town sheriff, two deputies and a professor discover the alien plan. With the secret to destroy the attacking ships, there's a chance they could stop the alien invasion... for now!!!!
Street Soldiers
Warring teenage street gangs provide the fodder for this martial arts actioner. Things really heat up when each gang finds a martial arts experts to train them out to fight.
Срази их наповал
Устав быть полным неудачником, Мартин заключает контракт с нечистой силой: он становится рок-звездой и кумиром молодёжи, но взамен обязуется выполнять все пожелания тёмной стороны, которые, конечно же оказались самыми кровавыми.
Mente Criminal
(as Dave Homb)
Newlywed couple Andres and Gabriela would love to live a happy life at their beach home in San Antonio del Mar. However, their wedded bliss soon turns into a nightmare once Andres is accused of committing a series of gory murders.
Camp Fear
Some sorority sisters opt for camping in the woods with a handsome professor instead of going to Palm Springs for spring break. However, the orgy is interrupted when some druids appear and decide they need to sacrifice the sisters to prevent the apocalypse at the start of the new millennium.
Witchcraft II: The Temptress
Witch from the first Witchcraft movie stalks the now teenage child. She attempts to kill his friends in order to slowly corrupt him to Satan. However the boy is able to defeat the evil Satanic witch, and not enter into Evil with her
The Channeler
Pam (Sims) gathers a group of college students to join her in a trek to an abandoned mine on a remote, forested mountain. Though her companions believe they are going to help reclaim and restore the area's environment, Pam knows of strange events in both the distant and recent past. Her interest appears to be more in the line of folklore and parapsychology than the environment. The group experiences a number of misfortunes and mysteries before arriving in the area of the mine. They soon encounter a hermit (Haggerty) living alone in a cabin and he seems to know quite a bit about the sinister nature of the region. All must confront and escape the evil that has lurked at the mine since a tragedy there in 1845.
A young man, whose girlfriend was killed by street thugs, builds a Golem, Frankie, who is programmed to go out and kill the thugs. But all Frankie really wants is love.