Vincent Vittorio

Vincent Vittorio


Vincent Vittorio


Record Safari
A collector of records since childhood, Alex Rodriguez has turned his addiction into a career. Follow Alex across America as he discovers and curates records for Coachella Music Festival’s on-site record store. Dig into the world of record collecting, as Alex spends weeks on the road, buying records and swapping stories with fellow collectors, musicians, and producers.
An estimated 12 million people live in refugee camps worldwide and only 0.1% are resettled, repatriated, or integrated into normal society each year. The feature-length documentary.
The True Cost
Executive Producer
Film from Andrew Morgan. The True Cost is a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.
Сделано в Америке
Фильм отсылает ко временам, когда соблюдался баланс между производимой и потребляемой продукцией.
Little Men
Little Men is a story that captures how we grow up. The film takes the question of, "Whether girls should be allowed in the clubhouse," and focuses on the reality of the situation. The children, boys and girls, each realize if he or she is a leader or a follower, and struggle with this issue. The children, learning, fight to grow and to understand the next stage in their life, reminiscent for those who are already Big, and foretelling for those still Little
Little Men
Little Men is a story that captures how we grow up. The film takes the question of, "Whether girls should be allowed in the clubhouse," and focuses on the reality of the situation. The children, boys and girls, each realize if he or she is a leader or a follower, and struggle with this issue. The children, learning, fight to grow and to understand the next stage in their life, reminiscent for those who are already Big, and foretelling for those still Little