Wheelchair Bum
There's a Satanic flesh-eating killer on a rampage. The only one who may be able to stop him is a one-armed lady cop with a big gun and a bigger grudge.
There's a Satanic flesh-eating killer on a rampage. The only one who may be able to stop him is a one-armed lady cop with a big gun and a bigger grudge.
There's a Satanic flesh-eating killer on a rampage. The only one who may be able to stop him is a one-armed lady cop with a big gun and a bigger grudge.
There's a Satanic flesh-eating killer on a rampage. The only one who may be able to stop him is a one-armed lady cop with a big gun and a bigger grudge.
A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair.
A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair.
A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair.
A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair.
Ведя поиски пропавшей девушки, частный детектив выходит на след тайной религиозной секты, состоящей из вооружённых бензопилами проституток.
Ведя поиски пропавшей девушки, частный детектив выходит на след тайной религиозной секты, состоящей из вооружённых бензопилами проституток.
Однажды у дочери профессора Чемберса появляется шанс выйти из тени своего именитого родителя. А всё из-за того, что в гористой части Калифорнии удаётся отыскать пещерного людоеда с ожерельем из драгоценных камней на шее. Загоревшись идеей отыскать подземное алмазное месторождение, девушка собирает команду авантюристов и отправляется в пещеры, не подозревая, что вместо богатства ей предстоит столкнуться с кое-чем гораздо менее приятным.
Associate Producer
Microbes are brought back to earth via a space probe from Venus. A scientist is using them in experiments on aging, but dies before the work is finished. His assistant approaches an aging actress who is being passed by for the lead roles, and she injects the serum hoping to become young again. When the actress is still passed up for the plum roles, the alien bacterium transforms her into a hideous bug-like alien resulting in a predictable attrition problem amongst her detractors.
Dr. Leibowitz
Microbes are brought back to earth via a space probe from Venus. A scientist is using them in experiments on aging, but dies before the work is finished. His assistant approaches an aging actress who is being passed by for the lead roles, and she injects the serum hoping to become young again. When the actress is still passed up for the plum roles, the alien bacterium transforms her into a hideous bug-like alien resulting in a predictable attrition problem amongst her detractors.
Dead Fisherman
В разрушенном ядерным взрывом Лос-Анджелесе орудует банда моторизованных нацистов с ходовыми псевдонимами Геринг и Менгель. К несчастью, наци-байкеры убивают негра по имени Лерой и на арену выбирается его big black mama. Что она сделала с нацистами — лучше не рассказывать.
Two girls pose as hookers for a sorority initiation, then turn into zombies and eat their neighbors.
Second Unit
Two girls pose as hookers for a sorority initiation, then turn into zombies and eat their neighbors.
Two girls pose as hookers for a sorority initiation, then turn into zombies and eat their neighbors.