Cops in the town of Markham, Illinois invite a documentary crew into their station to help ease public relation concerns. But when a stake out goes bad, the police force needs to figure out the best way to deal with the situation.
A Texas publishing exec who's on the wagon and in A.A., walks in on his wife in bed with another man, and in the nasty divorce that follows, he falls off the wagon and takes up Crystal. Alternating between concern for his pre-teen daughter, his enjoyment of rough sex and cocaine with Crystal.
Red Ridge chronicles the scandalous true events currently taking place in small towns along the Texas/Mexico border. Innocent young women are being kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery and prostitution. Like the independent films Monster and Boys Don't Cry, Red Ridge exposes the darkest side of man's inhumanity to man with shocking clarity and spine chilling horror.
Julia Sabbath
An ex-convict teams with government agents to battle an advanced race bent on conquering Earth.
J.R.'s Secretary
It has been two years since Bobby and Sue Ellen Ewing took over control of Ewing Oil. Although J.R. is successfully managing a large oil conglomerate, he wants to once again own his father's company. When he discovers that Ray Krebbs' land, which is heavily mortgaged, has undiscovered oil on it, he knows that if he plays his cards right, he can purchase the land and have enough money to regain control of Ewing Oil. But his business rival Carter McKay also has his eyes on Ray's property, and may soon join Bobby and Sue Ellen as an executive at Ewing Oil. Both parties hatch schemes in order to get what they want. (Written by Phil Fernando)
Julie Paulson
По ночным улицам в черном автофургоне ездит беспощадный видеоманьяк, избравший своей целью избавление общества от женщин — изменниц. С помощью суперсовременного оборудования слежения он ведет летопись порочной жизни его жертвы, затем превращает ее в документальный видеофильм, который, вместе с завернутой в целлофан жертвой, он подбрасывает полиции или телекомпании. Спустя полтора года охоты за маньяком к расследованию подключается психопатический алкоголик — полицейский Дак Смит, которому помогает оштрафованная и работающая на поруках полицейская Кристин О`Коннор. Вскоре они узнают, что видеоманьяк снимает свои фильмы по заказу теневых боссов порно- мафии и защищает его кто-то из начальства департамента полиции, в котором работают Дак и Кристин. Сталкиваясь с постоянными препонами, преодолевая смерть друзей, они должны избавить ночной город от жуткого видеоманьяка, одновременно наладив и собственную жизнь.