Marius Lesoeur


Fall of the Eagles
Executive Producer
In World War II Germany, two young men, one, an ardent Nazi, and the other, a secret anti-Nazi, are in love with the same woman, the daughter of a wealthy banker. The two join the Army, and the young woman becomes a nightclub singer. Eventually she joins the Army too, to entertain the troops, but circumstances soon result in her entire world being changed.
Le commissaire épate le FBI
Dark Mission: Flowers of Evil
An undercover CIA agent posing as a reporter travels to South America on a mission to destroy a drug cartel.
Maniac Killer
A murderous cult kidnaps French prostitutes and tortures them to death to "purify" them of their evil ways. The local pimps, understandably upset, set out after them, as does a man whose girlfriend was kidnapped by the cult and may still be held by them.
Maniac Killer
Production Manager
A murderous cult kidnaps French prostitutes and tortures them to death to "purify" them of their evil ways. The local pimps, understandably upset, set out after them, as does a man whose girlfriend was kidnapped by the cult and may still be held by them.
Амазонки золотого храма
Production Manager
Женщина по имени Лиана обитает в лесах дикой Амазонии и на жизнь не жалуется. Но тут приезжает старый друг её отца и рассказывает ей всю правду о том, как жестокие и коварные амазонки убили её алчных родителей. Лиана решает мстить. По дороге в логово жестоких амазонок она набирает себе команду — шамана, обезьянку Рокки и отправляется в путь.
Амазонки золотого храма
Женщина по имени Лиана обитает в лесах дикой Амазонии и на жизнь не жалуется. Но тут приезжает старый друг её отца и рассказывает ей всю правду о том, как жестокие и коварные амазонки убили её алчных родителей. Лиана решает мстить. По дороге в логово жестоких амазонок она набирает себе команду — шамана, обезьянку Рокки и отправляется в путь.
Sida, la peste del siglo XX
A finished, but never released drama directed by Jess Franco.
Angel of Death
A Jewish commando unit hunting Nazi war criminals tracks down the infamous Dr. Mengele in the jungle, and find that he is torturing nubile young virgins and performing horrible medical experiments on the locals. They prepare to battle their way past Mengele's hordes of fanatic Nazi bodyguards in order to get to him.
Panther Squad
Executive Producer
An astronaut has been abducted by a group of environmental terrorists. The New Organization of Nations decides to send a lethal commando "The Panther Squad", composed of sexy female mercenaries to get rid of the terrorists led by Barbara Wims and to free the hostage...
Сокровища белой богини
Девочка Диана из Англии пропала много лет назад в джунглях Африки, выжила и стала белой богиней в племени Мабуто. Через 15 лет умирающая мать собирает небольшую экспедицию, чтобы найти дочь, но некоторые из участников экспедиции оказались бандитами и преследуют цель найти драгоценности этого племени
В течение ужина, организованного в Париже у друзей Сесилии, она встречает Филиппа, молодого и блестящего дипломата, у которого, помимо своей привлекательности, есть много денег. Они влюбляются, и Филипп оставляет своих многочисленных подружек и забывает свои мечты плейбоя. Счастье, которое они разделяют, поглощает полностью их жизнь. Их история любви смогла бы быть обычной, если бы не поездка в Португалию...
В течение ужина, организованного в Париже у друзей Сесилии, она встречает Филиппа, молодого и блестящего дипломата, у которого, помимо своей привлекательности, есть много денег. Они влюбляются, и Филипп оставляет своих многочисленных подружек и забывает свои мечты плейбоя. Счастье, которое они разделяют, поглощает полностью их жизнь. Их история любви смогла бы быть обычной, если бы не поездка в Португалию...
Revenge in the House of Usher
Upon arriving at the dilapidated estate of his mentor, Dr. Harker finds his former professor, Dr. Usher, radically changed. Instead of the reasoned scholar he once knew, a paranoid man is in his place and he's spiraling into madness.
Озеро живых мертвецов
Рядом с небольшой деревушкой расположено озеро, где местные жители никому не порекомендовали бы купаться. Однако, как это обычно и бывает, молодая девушка, проигнорировав рекомендации, идет купаться на озеро, и на нее нападает зомби, одетый в нацистскую форму и с зеленым лицом. Дальше — больше… Зомби-наци не удовлетворяются лишь случайными жертвами, забредающими к ним на пикничок, и поэтому выходят из озера в поисках новых жертв…
La Pension des surdoués
La Pension des surdoués
Белая богиня каннибалов
Во время тропической экспедиции каннибалы убили жену и похитили маленькую дочь ученого Тейлора, а ему самому отгрызли руку. Спустя несколько лет он вернулся в те места, надеясь найти дочь, которая стала фетишем для племени дикарей.
Strategy for a Mission of Death
A diplomatic meeting between Western and Arab diplomats goes wrong, and a black gold dossier is firmly pushed across a desk. Against a background of hostages taken in an embassy, a covert operations agent, Benson, is given a mission in Paris. He is going into an Arab Emirate with a chosen group of operatives, and blow up an oil refinery.
The Sadist of Notre Dame
Jesus Franco directs and stars in this cut-copy-and-paste-version of one of his own movies. Here, he plays a mad priest going around killing sinful people in the name of God, all while trying to get a book published.
Nathalie: Escape from Hell
Production Manager
When a Russian doctor (Patrizia Gori) falls foul of the Nazis, she finds herself imprisoned at Fort Stilberg, a luxury brothel for German top brass where the women are overseen by sadistic SS officer Helga Hortz (Jacqueline Laurent). The doctor's medical skills bring her to the attention of Nazi Lieutenant Erik Mueller (Jack Taylor), who saves the lovely lady from becoming one of the establishment's 'hostesses' by assigning her to the infirmary.
Viol, la grande peur
Production Manager
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
Viol, la grande peur
A newspaper editor wants to sell more newspapers using sex crimes as a way to attract more readers.
Конвой SS
Немецкий офицер Эрих фон Штрассе воевал где-то в Африке, был ранен и вернулся в Берлин с Железным крестом и славой героя. После небольшого отпуска он должен был отправиться на русский фронт. Неожиданно в берлинском борделе он встретил Ренату, девушку, с которой встречался до начала своей военной карьеры. Эрих выяснил, что её семья укрывала у себя в доме еврейку, за что отец отправился в тюрьму, а Рената по настоянию офицера Гестапо подписала контракт для вступления в некое «женское вспомогательное подразделение», на деле оказавшееся публичным домом...
Helga, She Wolf of Spilberg
Helga, a woman who runs a strict prison camp, forces her female prisoners into slave labor and to be love toys for her own personal pleasure, as well as for her soldiers. Issuing torture and whippings to anyone who dares defy her, man or woman.
Captive Women 4
To improve the morale of the German officers, a train with beautiful girls is arranged to entertain them when on leave.
Paris Porno
A couple from the French countryside/provinces visit their country's capital city. A guide leads them to Paris' seedy side such as sex shops, adults-only cinemas, live-sex-show clubs, etc.
Golden Jail
A notorious gang leader named Mr. Winter who specialized in extreme forms of prostitution is forced out of Hong Kong due to increasing gang warfare. He settles down in Paris and starts to kidnap and coerce women into prostitution to rebuild his empire, but his extreme behavior threatens to quickly undo his work.
Golden Jail
A notorious gang leader named Mr. Winter who specialized in extreme forms of prostitution is forced out of Hong Kong due to increasing gang warfare. He settles down in Paris and starts to kidnap and coerce women into prostitution to rebuild his empire, but his extreme behavior threatens to quickly undo his work.
Golden Jail
A notorious gang leader named Mr. Winter who specialized in extreme forms of prostitution is forced out of Hong Kong due to increasing gang warfare. He settles down in Paris and starts to kidnap and coerce women into prostitution to rebuild his empire, but his extreme behavior threatens to quickly undo his work.
Потрошитель из Нотрдама
Одержимый священник пытается насильно изгнать демонов из тел своих похотливых прихожанок. Он видит один способ избавить их от грешной одержимости — это убить их…
Потрошитель из Нотрдама
Одержимый священник пытается насильно изгнать демонов из тел своих похотливых прихожанок. Он видит один способ избавить их от грешной одержимости — это убить их…
Жаркие ночи Линды
Production Manager
Молодая женщина нанимается для ухода за пожилым человеком, который живёт на острове. Когда она приезжает туда, человек предупреждает её, что его дочери опасны... Кинопоиск (с)
The Girls of the Golden Saloon
Richard le Noir, disguised as a woman, helps free the local girls of the California town of Harriba Lannana, from enslavement at a local brothel called the Golden Saloon.
A Virgin for St. Tropez
Production Manager
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
A Virgin for St. Tropez
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
A Virgin for St. Tropez
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
A Virgin for St. Tropez
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
Il torcinaso
The Mark of Zorro
In nineteenth-century California, two children listen to the adventures of a grandfather who fought against the Yankee invaders. At that time a mysterious man, dressed in masked black, appeared.
Women Behind Bars
A small-time hood brings the attention of the law with an insurance scam and diamond theft, but things become even more interesting when his moll murders him and is slammed behind bars where she faces all manner of electric shock treatments to various parts of her anatomy
Devil's Kiss
Former Countess Clair and Professor Gruber conduct occult research in castle basement of Count Victor, re-animating people to kill for them.
The House of the Lost Dolls
Executive Producer
A luxurious house stands in a deserted region, contrasting with its surroundings. It is a house of prostitution and its inmates are brought there against their will. One of them, Yvette, is helped to escape by Mr Gaston, a regular customer and she tells the story of her ordeal to the police.
Convoy of Women
On the coast of France, the police are raiding the streets and taverns at night in search of girls to send to the colonists in North America. A ship takes these girls to America, where they are placed in carts leaving for territories where colonists and soldiers are expecting them.
Convoy of Women
On the coast of France, the police are raiding the streets and taverns at night in search of girls to send to the colonists in North America. A ship takes these girls to America, where they are placed in carts leaving for territories where colonists and soldiers are expecting them.
Девственница среди живых мертвецов
Студентка Кристина из Лондона приезжает в Гондурас для оглашения завещания своего недавно умершего отца среди далёких родственников. Хозяева выглядят и ведут себя весьма странно - периодически пьют кровь или проявляют свои лесбийские наклонности, однако Кристина не придаёт этому особого значения. Вскоре по ночам Кристине начинают снится кошмары, в которых она видит своего отца с петлёй на шее. Кристина, думая, что сходит с ума, решает больше узнать о своём отце и о его родственниках. Немногим позже, всё глубже окунаясь в семейные тайны, Кристина узнаёт, что родственники то и сами не совсем живы, а, точнее, являются привидениями.
Avortement clandestin!
Production Manager
Sophie, a young employee, gets raped on her way back from work and realizes some time later that she is pregnant. She does not want to keep the baby but abortion is illegal. Who can she tell? She first keeps her secret to herself but Jacques, her boyfriend, notices something is the matter with her and manages to make her talk. When he learns about her lot, he advises her to let her mother know. First, the distressed Sophie is unable to as she feels too low but, at long last, she does it. Sophie's mother, who immediately sympathizes with her daughter, undertakes to find a way out, why not a in a London clinic?
Avortement clandestin!
Sophie, a young employee, gets raped on her way back from work and realizes some time later that she is pregnant. She does not want to keep the baby but abortion is illegal. Who can she tell? She first keeps her secret to herself but Jacques, her boyfriend, notices something is the matter with her and manages to make her talk. When he learns about her lot, he advises her to let her mother know. First, the distressed Sophie is unable to as she feels too low but, at long last, she does it. Sophie's mother, who immediately sympathizes with her daughter, undertakes to find a way out, why not a in a London clinic?
Графиня Ирина Карлштейн проживает в отеле на острове Мадейра. Чтобы поддерживать свое бессмертие, она питается жизненными соками мужчин и женщин. Когда находятся новые жертвы, судебный врач Др. Робертс консультируется со своим коллегой Др. Орлофф, и их опасения подтверждаются: возможно, в смерти погибших виноват вампир. Тем временем Ирина встречает поэта, который верит, что предназначен стать ее любовником и войти в круг бессмертных!
Eugenie de Sade
Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.
Pigalle, carrefour des illusions
Executive Producer
A gang uses Marina, a naive striptease artist, on a tour of Asia, to make a microfilm out of the country. As soon as the girl arrives at Orly airport, she is followed by smugglers.
Pigalle, carrefour des illusions
A gang uses Marina, a naive striptease artist, on a tour of Asia, to make a microfilm out of the country. As soon as the girl arrives at Orly airport, she is followed by smugglers.
Crimson, the Color of Blood
A mad doctor performs a head transplant on an injured criminal, which results in him being even more dangerous and murderous than before.
Red Hot Zorro
A soft-core sex farce using the Zorro legend as an excuse for countless lusty exploits. Jean-Michel Dhermay is the dashing and amorous Zorro who stands up agaunst the tyrannical California ...
The Invisible Man's Love Life
Dr. Orloff creates a murderous, invisible ape-man.
Girls for Mercenaries
Four mercenaries, employed by an African country, are responsible for negotiating a purchase of arms. They seize the sum planned for the negotiations and three of them flee to Spain after having abandoned the fourth in the bush. The latter manages to survive and then finds his accomplices who lead happy life ...
Nathalie, l'amour s'éveille
Black Angel of the Mississippi
Associate Producer
Early Spanish western. Ramon Torrado’s westerns remain among the most obscure ones. Of his four westerns, all shot around 1964.
Death Whistles the Blues
Vogel, an important trafficker, betrayed two of his accomplices, Castro and Smith. The first was shot by police, while the latter was imprisoned. Fifteen years later, Vogel adopted a new identity and moved to Jamaica with his wife, Linda. Smith comes back for revenge but Vogel sends his henchmen to kill him.
Dr. Orloff's Monster
A mad scientist creates a hideous monster to carry out his murderous plans...
No temas a la ley
Jean Faran has the misfortune to run over with his car a young woman named Micaela. Once recovered from the fright, she invites him to her house to have a few drinks.
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Man Blocking Traffic on Bridge (uncredited)
Jess Franco returns with another campy gore-fest featuring the strange goings-on in a tiny hamlet called Holfen. When women wind up knifed and gouged in the village, everyone thinks the deaths are due to a curse wielded by a cruel 17th century baron. Von Klaus heir Ludwig is distantly related to the royal, which makes him the target of suspicion. Can he clear his name, or will he wind up giving in to his dark side?
Ужасный доктор Орлоф
Полицейский инспектор занимается делом об исчезновения певичек из кабаре. Его предприимчивая невеста хочет помочь в расследовании и появляется в увеселительном заведении под видом дамы легкого поведения. Она становится объектом внимания злоумышленников — доктора Орлофа и его помощника, слепого лунатика Морфо. В уединенном замке доктор снимал кожу с похищенных девушек, дабы использовать ее для возвращения красоты своей изуродованной сестре Мелиссе.
Vampiresas 1930
As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and for a short time have a decent amount of success singing and dancing at clubs and bars. But the public has an insatiable taste for foreign black jazz bands, and they will stop at nothing to become a success.
Desperate Flight
Cuatro en la frontera
A French National Treasury van is assaulted and they steal the gold bullion it was carrying. According to confidences received by the Police Headquarters of Barcelona, it seems that part of the gold is clandestinely introduced into Spain through the Pyrenees. In order to discover and eradicate such smuggling infiltration, an agent pretends to be a day laborer at a farm located on the border and in a suspicious area.
Zig et Puce sauvent Nénette