Colombia 1662: In the Spanish colonies there the Inquisition: apostates are tortured, burned witches. The indigenous people are demonized and in the middle are two friends into enemies. The doctor Alfonso should marry the eldest daughter of the wealthy Don Ramon, but her other two sisters hedges of deadly intrigue. Father Guzman plays a spy of the church is a dangerous game that will be fatal for him and the mysterious Esmeralda turned all men's head.
A down-on-his-luck author makes the find of a lifetime in the remote Columbian jungle, in the form of an alien spacecraft . He sets off to announce his find to the world, but finds that a mishmash of government agents, organized crime members, neo-Nazi extremists and extraterrestrials are all out to prevent him from revealing his discovery.
The slave Flavia works in a brothel of ancient Rome . It attracts the attention of the consul Valerius , a regular customer, who falls in love with her, inadvertently giving the start to a series of hidden envy and bloody clashes.
Неизвестный убийца умерщвляет девушек из танцевальной школы оригинальным способом: сначала усыпляет жертву при помощи эфира, затем пронзает её сердце длинной иглой. Наставница погибших видит во сне мужчину, отставного спивающегося актера, который пытается её убить. Она находит этого мужчину и у них завязывается роман. Танцовщицы продолжают погибать от укола в сердце…
Erika and George are two crooks hired by a rich lady to get rid of her philandering husband.
An under-taker (Renzo Montagnini) unintentionally raises three accident victims from the dead while reading out-loud from a zombie pulp novel. He dies of a heart attack, but the zombies then turn around raise HIM with the same book, and the the four of them shamble off looking for food. After unsuccessfully trying to prey on passing motorists, they end up at an inn owned by the aunt of one of the men. After accidentally giving her a heart attack, they take over the inn and try dine on the guests, but their plans go hilariously awry as the movie turns into a parody of "Night of the Living Dead", its sequel (and Italian co-production) "Dawn of the Dead", as well as such classics as "Dead of Night" and even "The Wizard of Oz"
An under-taker (Renzo Montagnini) unintentionally raises three accident victims from the dead while reading out-loud from a zombie pulp novel. He dies of a heart attack, but the zombies then turn around raise HIM with the same book, and the the four of them shamble off looking for food. After unsuccessfully trying to prey on passing motorists, they end up at an inn owned by the aunt of one of the men. After accidentally giving her a heart attack, they take over the inn and try dine on the guests, but their plans go hilariously awry as the movie turns into a parody of "Night of the Living Dead", its sequel (and Italian co-production) "Dawn of the Dead", as well as such classics as "Dead of Night" and even "The Wizard of Oz"
Aldo Muratti, is a man, separated from his wife, who to pay for food and be able keep his daughter writes porn novels.
Три комедийных новеллы, объединенные одной темой: человек и его свободное время. 1) "Я буду вся твоя". Нагулявшись, Энрико решил, наконец, пожить на вилле с женой. Но Джулиана устраивает ему настоящее испытание воздержанием и флиртом с молодыми красавчиками. 2) "Да, Бауна". Незадачливый путешественник Вильсон прибыл в Африку охотиться на зверей, но вынужден был переквалифицироваться в проводники для туристов сафари. 3) "Культурный отдых". Взрослые дети убедили родителей впервые в жизни культурно отдохнуть и отправиться в путешествие по Италии. Это привело ко множеству курьезных приключений.
Naples. Don Raffaele Sapienza famous Neapolitan smuggler loses one of his men into the sea during a firefight against unknown offenders, meanwhile is kidnapped a child, the son of Mary, a former companion of wisdom. Raffaele is working now to find the child, and discovers that behind the kidnapping is a group of Marseilles, the same ones who killed the smuggler in the sea.
Naples. Don Raffaele Sapienza famous Neapolitan smuggler loses one of his men into the sea during a firefight against unknown offenders, meanwhile is kidnapped a child, the son of Mary, a former companion of wisdom. Raffaele is working now to find the child, and discovers that behind the kidnapping is a group of Marseilles, the same ones who killed the smuggler in the sea.
Mara, Silvia and Irene, three sisters, are sent from Rome to Padua as guests of prof. Bordignon, their uncle. First, they let off steam with the young cousin Anselmo; then, realizing that their destiny is a boarding school, they take plot their revenge.
Pretty solid Merli/Massi collaboration. The plot is a simple one that centers on various kidnapping episodes. With each scenario, the stakes increase for Merli's character and he must race against the clock to resolve each standoff.
В этом напряженном триллере Л. Фульчи обратился к хичкоковским традициям. Вирджиния - женщина, обладающая экстрасенсорными способностями. Ее посещает видение убийства. Она пытается помогать полиции в его раскрытии. Однако вскоре психоаналитик Вирджинии, а потом и она сама, понимают, что видение было не из прошлого, а из будущего. А жертвой покушения станет... Вирджиния...
В этом напряженном триллере Л. Фульчи обратился к хичкоковским традициям. Вирджиния - женщина, обладающая экстрасенсорными способностями. Ее посещает видение убийства. Она пытается помогать полиции в его раскрытии. Однако вскоре психоаналитик Вирджинии, а потом и она сама, понимают, что видение было не из прошлого, а из будущего. А жертвой покушения станет... Вирджиния...
Anna, a young stenography student who after a chance meeting in a park, begins a steamy relationship with Marco (Bekim Fehmiu) a much older married man, who dotes on his young daughter but is quite happy to cheat on his wife. When they first make love Anna reveals her masochistic streak so it's not long before their relationship takes a much darker turn as Marco increasingly pushes the boundaries between love and abuse in the things he asks her to do.
Семья нанимает хорошенькую медсестру, чтобы свести в могилу больного главу семейства.
When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.
Thriller about a reporter who comes home from an overseas assignment to find his baby in the hospital and his wife dead...
Thriller about a reporter who comes home from an overseas assignment to find his baby in the hospital and his wife dead...
После успеха своей книги писатель Джейсон Скотт снова возвращается на Аляску. Он вновь встречает Белого Клыка, у которого теперь новый друг Билл — внук старого торговца-золотоискателя Джона Таруотера, сестру Еванджелину, пытающуюся построить в поселке новую больницу, и бандита «Красавчика» Чарли Смита, который взял себе другое имя, прикинулся инвалидом, но не изменил своих повадок…
После успеха своей книги писатель Джейсон Скотт снова возвращается на Аляску. Он вновь встречает Белого Клыка, у которого теперь новый друг Билл — внук старого торговца-золотоискателя Джона Таруотера, сестру Еванджелину, пытающуюся построить в поселке новую больницу, и бандита «Красавчика» Чарли Смита, который взял себе другое имя, прикинулся инвалидом, но не изменил своих повадок…
Северная Америка, девятнадцатый век, эпоха «золотой лихорадки». Храбрый пес Белый Клык, которого вырастили индейцы, считал, что все люди — добрые. Но когда вокруг все бьются за золото, нужно уметь выбирать себе друзей. И уметь отомстить за них…
A satire of army life in which a tough army sergeant who loves opera clashes with his soldiers who love rock music and have formed a band.
A satire of army life in which a tough army sergeant who loves opera clashes with his soldiers who love rock music and have formed a band.
When intruders interfere in the robbery of Le Mataf (Michel Constantin) and his gang and a girl is murdered, they are set up for blackmail by an underworld figure who wants them to do a job for him...
The Godfather Don Vito Monreale knows, by chance, the Italian-American singer Nick Bouillon. Since the two are alike, Don Vito decided to exploit this similarity in his favour.
Захолустный итальянский городишко потрясают бессмысленные и жестокие преступления: кто-то убивает мальчишек-подростков. Расследование, которое ведут полицейские, периодически заходит в тупик. А по очереди обвиненные в убийствах городской дурачок и странная колдунья оказываются непричастными к детским смертям. Однако в запасе есть еще несколько подозрительных персонажей, и заезжий журналист, куда более догадливый, чем полицейские ищейки.
Захолустный итальянский городишко потрясают бессмысленные и жестокие преступления: кто-то убивает мальчишек-подростков. Расследование, которое ведут полицейские, периодически заходит в тупик. А по очереди обвиненные в убийствах городской дурачок и странная колдунья оказываются непричастными к детским смертям. Однако в запасе есть еще несколько подозрительных персонажей, и заезжий журналист, куда более догадливый, чем полицейские ищейки.
Неизвестный совершает убийства женщин. Единственный ключ к разгадке личности маньяка, его мотивов и связи между жертвами — медальоны в виде полумесяцев, которые он оставляет на бездыханных телах.
Two waiters who work in a restaurant, whose owner is a big boxing fan, pretend one of them is a boxer and the other his manager. The supposed boxer wins his first matches thanks to set ups organized by the other but when he beats a champion from another part of town, he is severely beaten up by his supporters.
Wells Fargo hires bounty hunters to protect its gold transports from the notorious outlaw Glenn Kovacs. Jeff Sullivan, one of the hired gunmen, buys the freedom of Dan Barker, a prisoner who may lead him to Kovacs. When Barker escapes from Sullivan, the other bounty hunters pursue him also, leading to the ultimate showdown between all parties.
The love story between two youths born in rival villages is hindered by the other inhabitants.
The love story between two youths born in rival villages is hindered by the other inhabitants.
Italian comedy
Italian comedy
Молодая женщина обвиняется в убийстве шумной соседки, которое ей недавно приснилось. Теперь ей нужно выяснить, совершила ли она преступление в реальности или все это лишь страшный сон.
Молодая женщина обвиняется в убийстве шумной соседки, которое ей недавно приснилось. Теперь ей нужно выяснить, совершила ли она преступление в реальности или все это лишь страшный сон.
A young man unwantedly gets caught up in an international gang war in this humorous crime farce!
The manager of a football team wants to hire a coach. Luckily the team begin to win but on the eve of an important match the opposing team has their best scorer kidnapped. Will they win the match all the same?
The manager of a football team wants to hire a coach. Luckily the team begin to win but on the eve of an important match the opposing team has their best scorer kidnapped. Will they win the match all the same?
Сартана, как всегда, оказывается в гуще бурных событий где-то на Диком Западе. Многие, очень многие хотят его убить. Но “хотеть” и “мочь”, как известно, - это две очень разные вещи...
Two Sicilian shopowners who live in Rome pick up some beatnik hitchhikers and the group gate-crashes their seaside villa. In the meantime the two men's wives smell something fishy going on and go to the villa themselves. To make things worse the place is also invaded by three prison fugitives who terrorize the lot.
Two Sicilian shopowners who live in Rome pick up some beatnik hitchhikers and the group gate-crashes their seaside villa. In the meantime the two men's wives smell something fishy going on and go to the villa themselves. To make things worse the place is also invaded by three prison fugitives who terrorize the lot.
Чиччо и Франко работают официантами в ресторане «Сатирикон». Однажды, обслуживая очередную вечеринку, они позволяют себе чуть больше чудачеств, чем обычно, и оказываются безжалостно выгнаны вон. Расстроенные приятели решили залить увольнение вином и уснули прямо посреди дороги. А когда проснулись – обнаружили себя в Римской империи времен Нерона. Друзья немедленно направились к близлежащей вилле, которая оказалась принадлежащей самому Петронию Арбитру. И уже в качестве его домашних рабов отправились ко двору императора. Здесь они мимоходом спасли Нерона от заговора Британика, после чего были немедленно определены в тайную императорскую службу. А уж там-то недотепам было самое место…
Чиччо и Франко работают официантами в ресторане «Сатирикон». Однажды, обслуживая очередную вечеринку, они позволяют себе чуть больше чудачеств, чем обычно, и оказываются безжалостно выгнаны вон. Расстроенные приятели решили залить увольнение вином и уснули прямо посреди дороги. А когда проснулись – обнаружили себя в Римской империи времен Нерона. Друзья немедленно направились к близлежащей вилле, которая оказалась принадлежащей самому Петронию Арбитру. И уже в качестве его домашних рабов отправились ко двору императора. Здесь они мимоходом спасли Нерона от заговора Британика, после чего были немедленно определены в тайную императорскую службу. А уж там-то недотепам было самое место…
Итальянский вельможа Франческо Сенчи был настолько жесток, что даже его близкие родственники решают расправиться с ним. Олимпио, слуга Сенчи, влюблен в его дочь, прекрасную Беатриче.
Ради нее он готов на любые жертвы. Олимипио нанимает известного бандита Каталоно, и они вдвоем убивают Сенчи, имитируя несчастный случай. За расследование этого дела берется святая инквизиция...
Итальянский вельможа Франческо Сенчи был настолько жесток, что даже его близкие родственники решают расправиться с ним. Олимпио, слуга Сенчи, влюблен в его дочь, прекрасную Беатриче.
Ради нее он готов на любые жертвы. Олимипио нанимает известного бандита Каталоно, и они вдвоем убивают Сенчи, имитируя несчастный случай. За расследование этого дела берется святая инквизиция...
Джордж Дюморье – состоятельный доктор из Сан-Франциско, руководитель местной клиники, где работает вместе с братом, Генри. Несмотря на то, что он женат на Сюзан, страдающей астмой, у него есть любовница Джейн, профессиональный фотограф. Внезапно Сюзан умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах, а Джордж начинает испытывать угрызения совести. Вскоре Джордж случайно знакомится со стриптизершей, Моникой, которая поразительно похожа на его умершую жену. Но странности на этом не кончаются. Он обнаруживает страховой договор, согласно которому после смерти супруги ему переходит сумма в 2 миллиона долларов. Полиция начинает подозревать Джорджа в убийстве с целью наживы. Он отчаянно пытается доказать свою невиновность, но становится только хуже…
Джордж Дюморье – состоятельный доктор из Сан-Франциско, руководитель местной клиники, где работает вместе с братом, Генри. Несмотря на то, что он женат на Сюзан, страдающей астмой, у него есть любовница Джейн, профессиональный фотограф. Внезапно Сюзан умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах, а Джордж начинает испытывать угрызения совести. Вскоре Джордж случайно знакомится со стриптизершей, Моникой, которая поразительно похожа на его умершую жену. Но странности на этом не кончаются. Он обнаруживает страховой договор, согласно которому после смерти супруги ему переходит сумма в 2 миллиона долларов. Полиция начинает подозревать Джорджа в убийстве с целью наживы. Он отчаянно пытается доказать свою невиновность, но становится только хуже…
A comedy about the Italian National Health System based on a doctor who owns a private clinic and manages it more like a con man than a follower of the Hippocratic oath.
A comedy about the Italian National Health System based on a doctor who owns a private clinic and manages it more like a con man than a follower of the Hippocratic oath.
Franco, singer in search of success, falls in love with Marisa. But she walks away from him to stay close to her sick cousin.
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
Two inept crusaders almost sabotage the christians' plan to conquer Jerusalem.
Two inept crusaders almost sabotage the christians' plan to conquer Jerusalem.
A 3-episode film starring popular comedians Franchi and Ingrassia. In the first episode, Carlo and Oreste are married to the same woman; when she delivers twins, they fight for paternity. In the second episode, Celestina needs a heir to receive her dead husband's fortune. In the third episode, young widow Daisy arrives in Italy to meet her deceased much-older husband's family and ends up marrying his great-grandson.
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.
Трое друзей-разбойников решают поживиться за счет неразберихи созданной Гражданской войной и присоединяются к армии Конфедерации. Но вскоре их махинации раскрывают, и финал вполне ожидаемый - встреча с расстрельной командой. К счастью для них, один из высших чинов армии Юга решается на дерзкое ограбление и похищает золото, предназначенное для покупки оружия. Генерал Сибли объявляет друзьям отсрочку приговора и снаряжает их в погоню за предателем.
Трое друзей-разбойников решают поживиться за счет неразберихи созданной Гражданской войной и присоединяются к армии Конфедерации. Но вскоре их махинации раскрывают, и финал вполне ожидаемый - встреча с расстрельной командой. К счастью для них, один из высших чинов армии Юга решается на дерзкое ограбление и похищает золото, предназначенное для покупки оружия. Генерал Сибли объявляет друзьям отсрочку приговора и снаряжает их в погоню за предателем.
When $300,000,000 in diamonds are stolen from a fiery plane wreck the British Government become concerned that it might be part of a plot to undermine the value of sterling. They hire professional photographer, amateur lady-killer, and undercover agent Steve Norton to investigate.
A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though. (via IMDB- user unbroken metal)
A western comedy starring the Sicilian comedians Franco and Ciccio who produced dozens of such spoofs in the 1960s. This time, they quote mainly "The Good, the Bad And the Ugly". Ciccio is sergeant in the army and Franco volunteers to join (after too many drinks). Franco has a talking horse telling him where a treasure is buried. They have to get behind enemy lines in the civil war to get hold of it, though. (via IMDB- user unbroken metal)
A journalist and secretary get involved in espionage.
Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.
Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.
An actor is approached by a group of men offering him a job posing as an executive at a diamond exchange to help them pull off a robbery.
Это коллекция из пяти независимых киноновелл, снятых пятью режиссерами — классиками итальянского кинематографа.
Franco, an Italian fisherman, witnesses a U.S. Air Force plane crash in the Mediterranean off Egypt carrying a nuclear weapon, and he is then persued by shady spy, named Ciccio, working for a spy organization led by the sinister Dr. Si (Yes) to find the atom bomb before anyone else does to blackmail the world, which leads to Franco and Ciccio forming an unlikely alliance to get the bomb for themselves.
Franco, an Italian fisherman, witnesses a U.S. Air Force plane crash in the Mediterranean off Egypt carrying a nuclear weapon, and he is then persued by shady spy, named Ciccio, working for a spy organization led by the sinister Dr. Si (Yes) to find the atom bomb before anyone else does to blackmail the world, which leads to Franco and Ciccio forming an unlikely alliance to get the bomb for themselves.
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
Rod Cooper, an American agent of the CIA, is sent to Paris to discover if colonel Segura, head of a clandestine organization which proclaims itself anti-Castroist, is playing a double game at the expense of the United States. He first tries to make contact with Ms Beckett, who should tell him. Segura's intentíons, but the woman is found killed. Subsequently, Rogerson, another American, presents Cooper to Segura himself and so Rod can enter his organization. Here he discovers that the colonel tries to attract a certain number of Americans to use them in an attack against the president of a state of southern America and thus promote communist expansion. Segura soon discovers Rod's real identity and tries to get rid of him; but the agent manages to reverse the situation and kills Segura in a shoot-out.
Rod Cooper, an American agent of the CIA, is sent to Paris to discover if colonel Segura, head of a clandestine organization which proclaims itself anti-Castroist, is playing a double game at the expense of the United States. He first tries to make contact with Ms Beckett, who should tell him. Segura's intentíons, but the woman is found killed. Subsequently, Rogerson, another American, presents Cooper to Segura himself and so Rod can enter his organization. Here he discovers that the colonel tries to attract a certain number of Americans to use them in an attack against the president of a state of southern America and thus promote communist expansion. Segura soon discovers Rod's real identity and tries to get rid of him; but the agent manages to reverse the situation and kills Segura in a shoot-out.
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
The invention everyone is after is definitely of the science fiction type. It's a special tie-clip that when used with a pair of infra-red contact lenses enables the user to see through walls! The guy that stole them from the professor is putting it to good use by wearing it while playing poker and cleaning up! He should think bigger. The first thing Roger does when he discovers this little novelty is use it to spy on his girlfriend getting dressed! That's more like it. This film really gets around. We travel from the Riviera to Geneva to Paris to Casablanca (the Casbah no less), and to Copenhagen. We even get a tour of the Tuborg brewery. There's a prolonged gun battle amongst the giant beer tanks. Talk about product placement!
In the deserts of the Middle East, circa 1930s, a half-Arab-half-French adventurer named Aldar woos the Princess Yasmin while engaged in selling guns to warring factions.
Franco and Ciccio mosey into the Mexican border town of Santa Genoviefa. Both are dressed in ponchos, one rides a small mule, one a large one. They are gun salesmen, peddling their wares from town to town.
Franco and Ciccio mosey into the Mexican border town of Santa Genoviefa. Both are dressed in ponchos, one rides a small mule, one a large one. They are gun salesmen, peddling their wares from town to town.
An evil bandit kidnaps a sultan's son and raises him but finds the son has magic powers.
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first.
In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first.
Two rich Sicilian cousins sell their farm because they want to help two fake Siamese twins separate and then marry them. After the operation the girls are thought to be dead but then they reappear to con more money out of the two gullible men. Will they manage to do so?
Two rich Sicilian cousins sell their farm because they want to help two fake Siamese twins separate and then marry them. After the operation the girls are thought to be dead but then they reappear to con more money out of the two gullible men. Will they manage to do so?
Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested.
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
Hercules, having agreed to restore justice to Mycenae, confronts evil Prince Myles. The villain is invested with power over giant bronze warriors by his mother Pasiphaë, a sorceress in Hades. Myles assassinates the king and abducts his cousin, Queen Ate, through whom he plans to inherit the throne. Although Zeus temporarily removes Hercules' strength for killing Eurystheus, an innocent man framed by Myles, the god restores his powers. Hercules then saves Ate and destroys Myles, Pasiphaë, and the giant warriors.
Four muscular heroes fight the evil ruler of an oppressed people.
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
In the first half of the 1600's, France is at war with Spain. The cousin of the king of Spain, Isabella, is held captive in the French castle, and the Count of Seville is sent to France as a diplomat. While there, he is escorted by the Three Musketeers, who discover that he has secretly made a deal with Cardinal Richelieu to disclose Spanish military secrets in exchange for Isabella's release. However, he is merely bluffing and plans to take Isabella by force. When the musketeers discover this, they come to his aid, and together the four of them work at freeing the Countess. Meanwhile, the Count doubles as Zorro to free the Spanish court from a treacherous suitor.
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
Маркиз Галеаццо ди Торреальта найден убитым за своим рабочим столом. Таинственный Дьяболикус расправился с ним. Но кто виноват? Он не успел написал завещания, по которому его огромное состояние переходило бы к его невесте. Следовательно, наследники - родственники, братья. Полиция принимается за расследование. У маркиза, оказывается, довольно много братьев и сестра. Тут и генерал Шипионе ди Торреальта, на старости лет устроивший у себя в доме маленький заповедник времен дуче. Профессор Карло ди Торреальта, доктор, хирург. Баронесса Лаудомия ди Торреальта, милейшая женщина! Преподобный монсиньор Антонио ди Торреальта, святейший человек! Кто же из них таинственный Дьяболикус?
Маркиз Галеаццо ди Торреальта найден убитым за своим рабочим столом. Таинственный Дьяболикус расправился с ним. Но кто виноват? Он не успел написал завещания, по которому его огромное состояние переходило бы к его невесте. Следовательно, наследники - родственники, братья. Полиция принимается за расследование. У маркиза, оказывается, довольно много братьев и сестра. Тут и генерал Шипионе ди Торреальта, на старости лет устроивший у себя в доме маленький заповедник времен дуче. Профессор Карло ди Торреальта, доктор, хирург. Баронесса Лаудомия ди Торреальта, милейшая женщина! Преподобный монсиньор Антонио ди Торреальта, святейший человек! Кто же из них таинственный Дьяболикус?
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
The evil King Zagro has designs on the beautiful Princess Sira. He wants to marry her so he can take over her kingdom and add it to his own. When Sira is kidnapped, Ursus leaves his farm to rescue her and to eventually lead a revolt against King Zagro.
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.
Квартирный вор, шантажируя неверного мужа, втирается в доверие его семьи и выдаёт себя за личного врача Муссолини, чтобы украсть золотые столовые приборы.
Квартирный вор, шантажируя неверного мужа, втирается в доверие его семьи и выдаёт себя за личного врача Муссолини, чтобы украсть золотые столовые приборы.
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
Two bumbling actors get wrapped up in a scheme to murder a rich man's wife.
A group of passengers traveling around the Mediterranean on a luxury liner enjoy various adventures and become romantically involved with each other.
A group of passengers traveling around the Mediterranean on a luxury liner enjoy various adventures and become romantically involved with each other.
A farcical account of the happenings in Rome in 1943 when the allied army and the partisans fight the nazis.
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
In 16th century Italy, mercenary Marco is hired by cruel duke Astolfo whose unjust reign is threatened by the notorious outlaw the Red Mask.
The Posalaquaglia cousins are two small scammers and make a living of expedients: Dante receives as recognition for Tommaso a bill of one hundred thousand lire from the famous financier Bruscatelli, who ends up in prison immediately afterwards.
The Posalaquaglia cousins are two small scammers and make a living of expedients: Dante receives as recognition for Tommaso a bill of one hundred thousand lire from the famous financier Bruscatelli, who ends up in prison immediately afterwards.
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Убежденный в том, что налоги слишком высоки, владелец магазина тканей Торкато Пеццелла, хотел бы утаить свои доходы, или, хотя бы, часть их. Хитрец разными способами отвлекает инспектора, проверяющего финансовые дела Торкато, от внимательного чтения бухгалтерских книг. Тем временем, дочь сборщика налогов - Лаура влюбляется в сына торговца - Тино…
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
Michele, a young mechanic, is in love with Angela Antonia, beautiful but capricious: the girl's father, once he learns of the relationship, has him fired from the place where he works and is forced to move to Naples. He asks for hospitality from his aunt Carmela, concierge in a building, but she has no vacancies and arranges him as Donna Tecla, the owner of a pension who, having three young daughters eager to get married, hopes to arrange at least one. But the three girls are not the best of beauty and Michele, gifted with a beautiful voice, agrees to sing in a club on behalf of an impresario who becomes his friend.
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Ничто не может заставить Тото покинуть Италию кроме злого рока в лице маркиза Гастона, похожего как две капли воды на Тото. Вот только причина, по которой маркиз замыслил путешествие Тото в Париж, благородной назвать никак нельзя, и ставкой в этой игре будет чья-то жизнь. Но что возьмёт верх, простодушная беспечность Тото или гениальные происки воротил криминального мира?
Ничто не может заставить Тото покинуть Италию кроме злого рока в лице маркиза Гастона, похожего как две капли воды на Тото. Вот только причина, по которой маркиз замыслил путешествие Тото в Париж, благородной назвать никак нельзя, и ставкой в этой игре будет чья-то жизнь. Но что возьмёт верх, простодушная беспечность Тото или гениальные происки воротил криминального мира?
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
Tecla Cammarano, following a financial crisis that has made her situation precarious, leaves America and comes to Italy with her two lovely grandchildren.
Tecla Cammarano, following a financial crisis that has made her situation precarious, leaves America and comes to Italy with her two lovely grandchildren.
A blind girl and a disabled singer fall in love.