Nejat İşler

Nejat İşler

Рождение : 1972-02-28,


Genç tiyatrocu Nejat İşler, 28 Şubat 1972 yılında İstanbul’un Eyüp semtinde doğdu. Feshane işçilerinden birinin torunu olan Nejat İşler, ilkokuldan sonra eğitimine Cağaloğlu Anadolu Lisesi’nde devam etti. Ortamına alışamadığı yeni okulunda popüler olmak ve derslerinden kaçmak için okulun tiyatro koluna girdi. Kısa zamanda popüler olan Nejat İşer derslerini de boşluyordu. Liseyi bitirdikten sonra üniversiteye giremeyince, para kazanmak için çay partileri düzenlemeye başladı. Nejat'ın işleri umduğu gibi gitmeyince borca girdi. Borçlarını kapatabilmek için Mahmutpaşa’dan t-shirt alıp Teşvikiye’de bu t-shirtleri satma kararı aldı. Kış aylarında ise t-shirt yerine kitap, dergi ve plak sattı. İki sene sonra Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fotoğraf bölümünü kazanan Nejat İşler iki yıllık olan bölümden askerlik için iyi olmadığnı düşünerek vazgeçdi. On yıl kadar satış işleriyle uğraştıktan sonra Taksim’de dolaştığı (27 Mart [Dünta Tiyatrolar Günü]) birgün, bir tiyatro sahnesinde bedeva gösterimde olan "Danton’un Ölümü" adlı eseri seyretti. "Ben niye bu işi yapmıyorum?" diye düşünen Nejat İşler, dayısının yanına gittiği Eskişehir’de konservatuar sınavına gitmeye karar verdi ve kazandı. İstanbul’a döndüğünde, ilanını gördüğü Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Konservatuar Bölümüne başladı. 1995 yılında Mimar Sinan Üniversitesinin devlet konservatuar bölümünden mezun olana kadar devlet tiyatrosunda ve televizyon dizilerinde rol aldı. 1995 yılında mezun olduktan sonra iki arkadaşıyla birlikte "Kahramanlar ve Soytarılar Tiyatrosu"nu kurdu. Tiyatronun kurulmasından sonra kendi oyunları için hikâyeler yazmaya başladı. "Belki hiç okumayan biri de yazabilir bunları, benim yazı yazmamın nedeni yazmak değil, sadece oynayalım diye yazıyorum." dediği, "Tuhaf Şehir Hikayeleri", "Biz Zavallı Erkekler" ve "Yalnızlık Benim Gizli Sevgilim" adlı üç kitap yazdı. 41.Antalya Altın Portakal Ödülleri için Erkek Oyuncu dalında aday olarak gösterildi. Her fırsatta amacının başrol oynayıp şöhret olmak olmadığını belirten İşler, tek arzusunun yaptığı işi elinden geldiğinin en iyisi olarak yapmak olduğunu, tiyatro yaparken ölmek istediğini dile getirdi. 1994 yılında rol aldığı ilk televizyon dizisi olan Gurur’dan sonra, Deli Yürek, Şehnaz Tango, Nasıl Evde Kaldım, Dedem, Gofret ve Ben, Aşk ve Gurur, Şeytan Ayrıntıda Gizlidir dizilerinde oynadı. 1999'da ilk sinema filmi Eylül Fırtınası’nda rol aldı. Mustafa Hakkında Her şey ve Anlat İstanbul filmleri ile sinema oyunculuğuna devam etti. 2006 yılında "Çalıntı Gözler", "Yaşamın Kıyısında" ve "İki Süper Film Birden", 2007 yılında ise "Barda" ve "Yumurta" gibi filmlerde rol aldı. 2007 yılının en popüler dizilerinden biri olan "Bıçak Sırtı" adlı televizyon dizisinde rol almıştır. Halen 2009 sonbahar yayın döneminde başlayan Kapalıçarşı isimli dizide oynamaktadır. Duman grubunun "Ah" parçasını coverlamıştır.​


Nejat İşler
Nejat İşler
Nejat İşler


Zaferin Rengi
Sabri Toprak
The days when Istanbul was occupied as a result of the Armistice of Mudros after the First World War and the Fenerbahce football team won the "Harington Cup"
10 Days of a Bad Man
Battered, broken and bereaved, a private investigator must muscle his way through a tangle of lies to uncover the truth behind a mansion murder.
A summer period film about a couple who are in jewelry business in 80s' Bodrum.
10 Days of a Good Man
A lawyer turned private investigator takes on a missing person case, propelling him on an unexpected and life-altering quest.
The Garage
Two brothers Yılmaz and Müjdat, who have grown up in an orphanage, are inherited a car body repair shop from Nuri and İsmet who were like fathers to them. One night they take an old grumpy man's car to couple of streets away. In the middle of the night, when they are hotwiring the car, the old man's heart can't take it. Thus, their short journey now leads them to somewhere unknown. One thing leads to another, now Yılmaz and Müjdat have to put the old man's dead body into a thinner solvent tank. The duo keeps painting the cars in their shop but they realize that the thinner they take from the tank with the dead body is giving amazing results. That "a couple of streets away" now leads to something really odd.
9,75 Santimetrekare
During his military service in 1990's Southeast Turkey, Ahmet experiences something that will haunt him for the rest of his life. In 2013, when the chaotic days of Gezi Park protests in Istanbul start, Ahmet learns he has a brain tumor. Just as the lines between truth and fiction, the dream and the reality start to get blurred for him, he meets Serap; the love of his life. But time is ticking and his painful past weighs down on him every day, suffocating him with the same question: Who is the child that plays hide and seek with him?
Shooting  Winter Sleep
A documentary about the shooting session of the film "Winter Sleep" by Nuri Bilge Ceylan. 'Winter Sleep' had been shot in about 14 weeks in Cappadocia region of Anatolia.
Kaybedenler Kulübü Yolda
Kaan and Mete, who have a holiday in Olympos with a crowded Kadiköy group, travel to Istanbul with their engines. Two people are accompanied by two unexpected guests on their journey. This journey, which they do with various plans, shows them that the journey and the relations are not as planned at all.
Повелитель чаек
На окраине Стамбула в спокойствии живет один мужчина, его называют "Повелителем чаек", а коротко Мэф . Он сидит на берегу и уже долгое время ждет одну гость. И вот в конце концов она приезжает. Вся в белом, как символ невинности. С ее приездом для Мэф начинается новый этап в жизни. Его таинственная гостья будет впечатлена тем наивным и чистым миром Мэфа, но она познакомит его с реальным миром, преподаст горький урок…
A thorough look at the 90's Turkish rock scene, one legendary stage band and its two members: Kerim Capli and Yavuz Cetin... An inquiry of their existential battles with the society, the industry and their own minds.
Красный Стамбул
Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to help Deniz -a famous director- edit his first book. Deniz has been living in a mansion with his family which started to lose its old brightness and power. Orhan finds himself in the middle of Deniz's complicated relationships, mysterious friends and stange family members. This is the first movie of Ferzan Ozpetek which is shot in Turkey after a long time. It is also based on his own book which has the same name with the movie.
Вместо нас двоих
В одном посёлке молодая девушка по имени Чичек живёт жизнью, которую навязала ей семья. Но однажды она влюбляется в таинственного учителя литературы Догана, приехавшего в их края. Да и сам Доган, как ни сопротивляется запретной любви, не может выбросить Чичек из головы. Эта чувство двух людей друг к другу изменит их и повлияет на судьбу целой семьи.
Зимняя спячка
Отель «Отелло» в Анатолии. Им управляет импозантный седовласый Айдин, бывший театральный актер, чья слава давно прошла. Вместе с ним живут красавица-жена, занимающаяся благотворительностью, и сестра, тоскующая по мужу, с которым не так давно развелась. Небывалый снегопад отрезает отель от цивилизации, и он становится убежищем для этих трех человек и декорацией, в которой разыгрываются сцены их мучений.
Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire
Ercüment Çözer
In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
Клуб неудачников
Действие фильма происходит в конце 90-х годов. Каан — владелец печатного дома «6,45», выпускающего «книги которые никто не читает». Мете — владелец бара в Кадыкёе и коллекционер пластинок. Вместе они ведут ночную программу Клуб Неудачников на радиостанции Kent FM. В прямом эфире они рассуждают о жизни, литературе и женщинах, как будто разговаривают два друга, сидя в каком-нибудь баре за кружкой пива. Их программа и стиль вызывают как возмущение у критиков и цензуры, так и интерес и признание слушателей, которых со временем становится все больше и больше. В своих импровизированных диалогах, кажущихся иногда бессмысленными, эти два циника-интеллектуала поднимают глубокие философские темы, помогающие кому-то понять и обрести смысл жизни, а кому-то научиться не бояться говорить на темы, которые ранее не принято было обсуждать открыто.
A matriarch and her grandson forge a special bond during family picnics every two months, until her health causes a conflict among the relatives.
Black and White
A painter with a turbulent history, fiercely committed to his ideals and still averse to settling down despite his 70 years; a lawyer who packed in his job after suffering a heart attack and now pursues a quiet life looking after his pet snail; a doctor already disenchanted with his profession and now discarded by his wife; a career woman braving life on her own, who has made loneliness a life style. These characters are all patrons of Black & White, an Ankara bar that has been around for 25 years, and in a sense the bar is their last haven. The owner, meanwhile, is the irritable, easily offended but utterly lovable Faruk... Black & White is a film about the awareness of growing old, friendship, sensitivity and the finer details of life.
Путь дракона
Два профессиональных детектива — Аббас по кличке «Черкес» и Джелаль по кличке «Скорпион Джелло» — расследуют серию загадочных убийств, совершённых в Стамбуле. Но вот что странно: цель убийцы всегда одна и та же — отсидевшие срок, но выпущенные на свободу педофилы и извращенцы. Все нити ведут к бывшему военному, тоже некогда заключённому Энсару.
10 to 11
Mithat passionately collects newspapers in his Istanbul flat. The other tenants ridicule him and he lives a lonely life. As the building is to be renovated, Mithat develops a friendship with concierge Ali, another loner, who helps him save his collection. They involuntarily change each other’s fate.
У Юсуфа умирает мать Зехра. Это заставляет его вернуться в свой родной город, где он провел свое детство. Вернувшись домой, он узнает, что у него есть сестра Айла. Дом, где жил Юсуф, уже давно находится в аварийном состоянии. От Айлы Юсуф узнает, что мать просила его принести жертву за нее. Брат с сестрой стараясь выполнить последнюю волю матери спешат к местам святых захоронений. Однако, в первый день им не удается найти животное для жертвоприношения. Спустившаяся ночь вынуждает их на ночлег в ближайшей гостинице. В это время в отеле идет свадьба. Благодаря ей, Айле и Юсуфу удается узнать друг друга лучше. А дальше все резко меняется…
На краю рая
Германия и Турция. Рассказ о судьбах шести человек, находящихся в поисках прощения и примирения. Пенсионер и вдовец Али спасается от одиночества в гамбургских борделях, пока именно там он не встречает Йетар. За те же деньги, что она зарабатывает в борделе, он приглашает её жить с ним. Неджат, образованный сын Али, преподающий германистику в гамбургском университете очень удивлён странным выбором своего упрямого отца. Только когда он узнаёт, что Йетар посылает большую часть денег своей дочери Айтан в Стамбул, чтобы профинансировать её учёбу, он начинает уважать её. Когда Йетар трагически погибает, Неджат отправляется на поиски Айтан. Но будучи политической активисткой, та уже давно сбежала из Турции и нашла приют у Лотты и её матери Сюзанны в Германии… Понадобится не одно путешествие, чтобы герои нашли друг друга… хоть и неожиданным образом.
В баре
A group of drug-influenced lumpen teenagers from the suburbs of the city descends into the center where they do not belong, where they are excluded. They adopted a brutal method to seize rights that were not granted to them. Unaware of what will happen to them, cheerful and well-to-do university students are helpless in the face of this gun-wielding mob that suddenly raids the bar where they are having fun.
2 Süper Film Birden
Necati is a 33 year old man who's passionate for cinema. He has lost his mother just after he was born and his father is an odd fisherman nicknamed "Newton". Necati's biggest dream is to complete his film "Gravity Zero" which he endeavors to shoot by using a home camera and show it to an audience on a cinema screen. The film he presented as "an experimental picture that will rock Europe" runs on no script nor does it incorporate any professional actors. Unexpected circumstances come to life when Necati is on the verge of realizing his dream will leave him alone in the midst of a Mafia pay-off and give birth to results that will affect the lives of the people around him.
Stolen Eyes
This is a story of strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Muslim Turk woman and a non-Muslim Bulgarian man. Ivan (the Bulgarian) is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called "regeneration process" (when ethnic Turks' names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones). He is responsible for the official seals, which is required to issue the new identity documents after the forced name changes. The schoolteacher Ayten tries to steal the seals, thinking that this way she can slow down the ethnic genocide. Their unexpected and unusual meeting brings these two characters together and makes them fell close, forcing Ivan to take a fateful decision -he must either "rename" Ayten, or face the consequences if he does not.
Расскажи, Стамбул!
Фильм состоит из пяти отдельных историй. В каждой истории участвуют сказочные персонажи. Особенность этих персонажей заключается в том, что их образы и действия очень сильно напоминают героев сегодняшнего времени. Персонажи все делают так, как мы это делаем сегодня. Кроме того, эти абсолютно разные истории, которые переплетаются между собой. В общем, проще посмотреть.
Everything About Mustafa
A man is forced to confront his past after he loses everything in an accident. Mustafa is a successful business man living a seemingly great life with his family when an accident takes it all away from him and leaves him with many questions and a cab driver, Fikret, who can answer it all. Mustafa is due to get a lot more than what he bargained for, however, as his interrogations take him to long-forgotten childhood memories and force him to see his formerly perfect life from a very different perspective.
After the Fall
Büyük Metin
Behzat Ç.:An Ankara crime thriller
Ercüment Çözer
Centered around a personally troubled, officially discredited police chief and his inharmonious police team in Ankara Police Force. Even though the show usually focuses on murders and other crimes that happens on a weekly basis, the undertone of the story leads to an eventual duel between Behzat Ç. and the rotten department officials and bureaucrats.
Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm
Şehit Mehmed
It tells the story of Fenerbahçe Football Club's boathouse's turning into a secret ammunition depot in 1923.