Tequila Mockingbird


Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space
William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", re-imagined in a child's vision of Hell. "Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space" is a festive yarn, comprised of the most homely and vulgar materials, while shamelessly thwarted buy the Bard's coarsest of jokes and grossest buffoonery.
Соседские мальчишки
Street Band
Бо и Рой, два городских аутсайдера, после окончания колледжа решают отправиться на уикенд в Лос-Анджелес. Но увеселительная прогулка оборачиваете кошмаром: Бо и Рой неожиданно совершают зверское по жестокости убийство, и их кровавое путешествие шокирует всю страну. Что могло подтолкнуть к бесчеловечным поступкам обычных ребят — таких же, что живут с тобой по соседству?
A teenage girl spends the summer on the notorious Fire Island off of New York. She has sex with a variety of people, while the others in her group engage in both straight and gay sex with each other. She succeeds in seducing her brother, then both hatch a plot to try to convert their parents to their newfound "lifestyle".
Feeling Randy
Madame Tinsel
In the midst of family confusion, Randy goes on a road trip with his school friends to discover his sexuality in the 1970s.