Frank Whitten

Рождение : 1942-11-15, Waikato, New Zealand

Смерть : 2011-02-12


Hell Has Harbour Views
Giles Taffy QC
Hell Has Harbour Views is a 2005 Australian television movie starring Matt Day and Lisa McCune. It was written and directed by Peter Duncan, based on the novel of the same name by Richard Beasley. It was nominated for "best miniseries or telemovie" at both the AFI Awards and the Logie Awards, losing to The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant at both; and for two additional AFI Awards and an additional Logie Award, all of which it lost to Love My Way.
Питер Пэн
Питер Пэн — нестареющий мальчик, живущий в стране Нетландии с другими вечно юными детьми. Тем временем фея по имени Тинк наделяет трех лондонских детей — Уэнди, Джона и Майкла Дарлингов — способностью летать.Они перемещаются в Нетландию, где им приходится вступить в противоборство с бандой пиратов под командованием жестокого Капитана Крюка, который напоминает детям кого-то очень хорошо знакомого…
Человек, который судился с Богом
С бывшим юристом Стивеном Майерсом на рыбалке случается непредвиденное и невероятное происшествие — во время грозы в его лодку ударяет молния! Лишившись имущества, Майерс обращается в страховую компанию, но та наотрез отказывается возмещать ущерб, ссылаясь на силы стихии, неподвластные человеку. И тогда Стивену ничего не остается, как подать в суд на… Бога! А местным представителям церкви придется на время забыть о делах духовных и защищать своего «патрона» на самом громком и скандальном в истории судебном процессе. Эта легкая ироничная комедия, наполненная тонким юмором и множеством комичных ситуаций, заставит вас смеяться от души!
Подземный стрелок
Человечество переселилось в подземные города. Теперь солнце и свежий воздух стали дороже золота. Миллионы людей грезят о них ночами. Но, к сожалению, даже в подземном царстве дурная человеческая сущность не позволила людям существовать в мире и согласии. Здесь, в лабиринтах мрачных тоннелей, закон насаждается элитными отрядами «подземных стрелков». Именно на их плечах лежит ответственность за правопорядок…
A gang of construction workers try to relieve tension by taunting their newest member.
A super-killer female cyborg with chameleon-like powers discovers maternal instincts when she protects a child from government operatives in this science fiction tale set in the year 2028.
Koala (voice)
The adventures of Golden Retriever pup Napoleon and his friend, the parrot Birdo Lucci.
The Roly Poly Man
Dr. Henderson
Private detective Dirk Trent, a collector of cigarette butts, a "smooth" ladies man, a wearer of bad suits, and he's convinced there's more to an incident he caught on tape, where a man seemed about to murder his mistress with an axe. Delving deeper, the film enters some seldom-trodden territory as it slips easily into horror and sci-fi, while still maintaining the hilarious dialogue
The Leaving of Liverpool
Brother Jerome
A poignant and forceful saga which traces the fortunes of two English children uprooted from their beloved Liverpool dockside to the alien environment of Australia in the years following World War Two.
An ex-convict pays for his wife's marijuana by keeping the green at a lawn-bowling club
A teenage boy wants to leave his home town.
The Returning
Mr Spiggs
A successful city lawyer abandons his practice and heads out to the country. There he comes upon a stately, but neglected, homestead. He moves in, and during his first night a beautiful ghostly woman makes love to him, in his sleep. Soon his dreams become more engrossing than his everyday world and girlfriend. Gradually he unravels the tragedy of his spirit lovers' past. To respond to her call, he needs to embrace the hearafter.
The Shrimp On The Barbie
Carlos has failed in show-biz and currently works as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. There he meets Alex and dumb footballer Bruce celebrating their engagement with her parents. Alex' father is less than thrilled of her fiancée and says he'd rather accept anybody else. Eventually Alex hires Carlos to present him as her new fiancée.
Sam works on the tolls and likes to listen. He overhears more than he bargains for and becomes embroiled in a mishmash of corruption and blackmail. Anna is a hooker who specializes in throwing tomatoes at ageing weirdos. Sam and Anna's paths cross as he works to expose shady maneuvrings by the CEO of Infacorp, who is out to land a contract to build a tunnel under Auckland harbour.
Chill Factor
Frank Robertson
After a day of filming her popular "Window On The World" television series, hostess Katherine returns to her hotel room to find Clifford, an ex-CIA agent who reveals a saga of a worldwide organization that seeks to destroy the economic stability of every major country. Katherine seizes this opportunity to become a "real journalist" like star reporter Jerry, against the direct orders of news director Carl.
The Clean Machine
Premier John Morgan
A new Premier is elected promising to clean up corruption. He sets up a taskforce headed by a traffic cop thinking he won’t get far. But Inspector Riordan opens up a can of worms and won’t let it go – all the way to the top.
Arriving Tuesday
Monica arrives back from her big overseas experience to find her boyfriend Nick unchanged. Although Nick styles himself an artist, he is really something of a cultural redneck, and when the couple head up north for a break, and they meet up with Riki, a poet, who is rather less shallow and charming.
Ethan Ruir
Toss lives on a sheep farm with her father in New Zealand. When Toss's father dies in an accident, Ethan, an itinerant hunter, wanders onto the family farm and is given a job by her grandfather. Toss's fairly innocent relationship with Ethan is severed when he forms a relationship with her mother.
Stan Gubbins
A young woman searches for her identity by joining a "free love" hippie commune, against the wishes of her darkly possessive widowed father. The tensions of small town New Zealand and individual conflicts generated by intolerance and fear, unleashes forces of violence and betrayal.