Victoria, a mother addicted to the internet and work, is completely disconnected from her two teenage children, Clara and Julián. Just when he is about to receive that long-awaited promotion, a solar storm leaves the entire world without internet, indefinitely. With her ex-husband stranded in another country, she is faced with the reality that she has to be a mother without the help of apps or the internet.
A group of Chilean actors reflect on their works when they see footage off their characters on film and TV.
Для некоторых женщин судьба не приготовила очевидной биографии. На пороге сорокалетия Каролина понимает, что никогда не испытает радость материнства. Ее избранник уходит к подруге, которая беременна от него. Попытавшись утопить свои неприятности в бутылке спиртного, дама залазит на крышу особняка, после чего подает вниз с высоты. Как навести порядок в собственных проблемах? В чем искать смысл бытия, когда сердце страдает от недостатка мужского внимания? Барышне предстоит подробно разобраться в собственном внутреннем мире, поскольку тупиковая ситуация угрожает ей печальными результатами? Найдется ли новый кавалер? Кому можно будет доверить свои переживания? Сможет ли хрупкая особа оправиться от удара?
A grumpy retiree involuntarily causes his unpleasant neighbor Roberto's beloved dog to be run over by a car. With the corpse hidden in his house, Eduardo must manage so no one finds out what happened.
Seven actresses talk about their lives, their characters, the history of Chile and the construction of the national theater, of their loves and their anecdotes, of those who are and those who have left.
Главный герой картины, управляющий фабрики манекенов Хуан, впервые в жизни сталкивается с бессмысленной и яростной гомофобией, когда его 18-летнего сына-гея Пабло избивают до полусмерти. Отсутствие свидетелей и дорогие медицинские счета заставляют Хуана покинуть тихую стабильность своей жизни навсегда и оказаться в мире, где существует дискриминация. Но все его усилия сойдут на нет, пока однажды ночью на улицах Сантьяго он не установит свои собственные правила для того, чтобы спасти сына.
Cleaning Lady
Находясь в Чили, группа путешественников посещает подземный ночной клуб в тот самый момент, когда начинается мощное землетрясение. Выбравшись на поверхность, они тут же понимают, что кошмар для них только начался.
Sebastian and Paula meet each other in a subway. A friendship develops that forces them to examine their lives.
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
Actuary's Secretary
A man takes his insecure, overweight paramour to a seaside resort to consummate their relationship, but there he stumbles onto an artistic discovery that will change his life.
A determined teenager must rely on her own wits when her fractured family abandons her.
Leyton and his lifelong friend Modesto are both fishermen and as close as brothers, but very different in temperament. The braggart Modesto is a slave to progress, while the more unpretentious Leyton is content with the simple life. Modesto marries Marta, a beautiful young naïf, who longs for the sexual fulfillment Modesto is incapable of providing. And, just as Modesto captures creatures from the sea in his net, it isn't long before the cruel web of destiny entangles Marta and her lover Leyton in a tragic triangle.
Ana's Mother
A thief asks his wife to visit him in prison, she goes without imagining that he is planning his escape.
Based on real events, 17-year-old Johnny García becomes involved with four older thugs who are planning to rob a money-laundering business masquerading as a video store. As they try to escape, a swarm of exploitative media attention awaits.
Tía Infante
After a hectic love life,Pelao Infante has decided to settle down, marrying his girlfriend.But everything collapses when suddenly his ex appear claiming she's expecting a son from him.
Valeria has decided to make a study about low-income women as her university thesis. The town priest recommends her as subject a hard-working woman who is said to see the future while dreaming. As Valeria goes deeper in her research, she will increasingly commit herself to the reality of Elena, confronting her with her own accommodated status, while she waits for the return of the man she loves and whose promise was to come and look for her even though she was from far away