Santiago Pedrero
Рождение : 1979-02-27, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Даже спустя годы после переезда в отдаленный городок темное прошлое не отпускает экс-полицейскую — женщина обнаруживает труп на территории своего дома.
Claudia is a workaholic event planner. When a colleague asks her to plan her wedding, she starts to notice a lot of issues with the ceremony and changes it's location on the last minute, unfolding on a series of unfortunate events.
Guillermo Lucena
Guillermo Lucena, rock musician outside the market, travels from Argentina to Lima looking for a friend who disappeared some time ago. After following some anonymous clues, he meets Sofia, a restless teenager with whom he will befriend. The two will find in this bond a way to make sense of the absences they happened to live.
Два года назад беременная Мария, предпочитающая называть себя Аланис в честь знаменитой певицы, приехала в Буэнос-Айрес из глухой провинции. Здесь одинокой девушке с ребенком приходится выживать в жестоком и безжалостном мире большого города без профессии, денег и связей. Берясь за любую работу, не гнушаясь проституцией, Аланис пытается прокормить себя и своего маленького сына. Но ее единственная подруга арестована за незаконный секс-промысел, квартирный хозяин выгоняет Марию из квартиры, и девушке ничего не остается, как искать убежища у своей тети, женщины доброй, но отличающейся чрезвычайно пуританскими взглядами.
A legend of Argentine rock travels to Iquitos to find an old Healer and participate in his Ayahuasca ceremony. You will have to go through the jungle and your own ghosts, on your way to healing.
With no memory, a young man wakes up beaten and in a mysterious place, only gradually coming to remember that he was involved in a horrific accident.
A decade after the disappearance of his best friend and musical partner, Guille receives the offer from a label to finally release an album that never saw the light of day. His friend Pablo tries to help him overcome loss and grief, and release the album.
Dissatisfied with his new life (and wife), a man tries to insinuate himself back into the home of the ex-wife and daughter he left ten years before.
As laid-off factory worker Marcos pins his hopes for a new life on completing his long-unfinished one-man play, he contacts his estranged friend Martín, now a television writer, for help. But can their collaboration transcend an uneasy past? As the men come together in the creative process, they're offered a chance to rebuild their abandoned friendship.
Ariel Lambert
Three situations of vaguely theatrical origin, stripped of all outer clothing, reveal the track of a different cinema. whose realism seeps into the cracks of his apparently self-contained, closed world.
A young man becomes obsessed with a gardening student who is about to leave for Switzerland.
Guillermo Lucena
The film does not describe, rather it observes, in a distant manner, the world of Martin, a seventeen year old who feels he doesn’t belong anywhere, not at home, school, nor with his friends or members of his rock band. In search of some happiness, Martin takes off to the coastal town of Mar de Plata, where his older brother lives. Unglamorous, yet enchantingly addictive and refreshingly genuine, Acuña paints a confused and uncomfortable world, and makes us want revisit it over and over again.
A handful of young people deal with their personal and emotional tribulations in this teen-centric romantic comedy from Argentina. Laura (Karina Dali) is a woman who has unwittingly stolen the heart of Joaquin (Mariano Martinez), a brash film student, but while he makes plans to woo her, Joaquin has to take care of some other matters first. Joaquin is moving into a new flat, and he and his friends discover just how hard it is to move a piano; meanwhile, he also is drafted into helping his buddy Marcos (Facundo Espinosa) win back his girlfriend, which means lending Marcos his car.
A young man wants to make a girl fall in love with him and on the way he discovers that what he wanted was something else...
Bruno Larsen