Shirley Eaton

Shirley Eaton

Рождение : 1937-01-12, Edgeware, Middlesex, England, UK


Shirley Eaton (born 12 January 1937) is an English actress. Eaton appeared regularly in British films throughout the 1950s and 1960s, and achieved notability for her performance as Bond Girl Jill Masterson in the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger. Preferring to devote herself to raising a family, Eaton retired from acting in 1969. Description above from the Wikipedia article Shirley Eaton, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Shirley Eaton
Shirley Eaton
Shirley Eaton


Best Ever Bond
Self / Jill Masterson
Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.
Bond Girls Are Forever
Jill Masterson (archive footage) (uncredited)
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
Майк Хаммер Микки Спиллейна
Микки Спиллейн, актеры и сценаристы детективного жанра обсуждают Майка Хаммера.
Behind the Scenes with 'Goldfinger'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "Goldfinger".
Девушка из Рио
Джефф Саттон похищает кругленькую сумму и бежит в Рио-де-Жанейро. Здесь на него «наезжает» местная мафия, прознавшая о содержимом дипломата Джеффа. А где-то за городом находится странная организация воинственных женщин «Фемина», которые хотят править миром. А для этого нужны деньги. По приказу своей предводительницы они похищают богатых мужчин, подвергают их всевозможным пыткам, заставляют отдать деньги, а затем убивают. И эта организация тоже прознала про содержимое дипломата Джеффа и теперь ему нужно спасаться не только от мафиози, но и от воинствующих красоток…
Кровь Фу Манчу
Black Widow
4-й из серии британо-немецких фильмов 60-х годов о зловещем докторе Фу Манчу. Фу Манчу открывает секрет древнего яда с помощью которого собирается избавиться от своих злейших врагов. Получивший «поцелуй смерти» сначала слепнет, а потом в течение нескольких дней умирает. После того, как Нейланд Смит также оказывается отравленным, его друзья отправляются в находящуюся где-то в джунглях Южной Америки крепость Фу Манчу, чтобы найти противоядие…
The Scorpio Letters
Phoebe Stewart
A spy thriller involving an American who is enlisted by British intelligence to replace one of its recently murdered agents and smash a ring of blackmailers -- James Bond style -- headed by a nefarious figure known as Scorpio.
The Million Eyes of Sumuru
Sumuru is a beautiful but evil woman who plans world domination by having her sexy all-female army eliminate male leaders and replace them with her female agents.
Восьмерка беглецов
Ellie Barton
Генри, вдовец с семью детьми, работающий кассиром в банке, находит на автостоянке 10 000 долларов. Радость длится недолго. Вскоре обнаруживается, что в банке, где работает Генри, существенная недостача денег. Теперь вся его большая семья вынуждена отправиться в бега…
Вокруг света под водой
Dr. Margaret E. 'Maggie' Hanford
Спокойствие нашей планеты часто нарушают внезапные разрушительные землетрясения. Атомная подводная лодка «Hydronaut» отправляется в плавание с целью установления предупредительных приборов на дне океана. Дуг Стэндиш и Крейг Мосби, сконструировавшие лодку, становятся во главе экспедиции. Рутинный, хотя и опасный вояж внезапно прерывается приказом с земли. Им необходимо поставить сенсорный датчик возле недавно обнаруженного подводного вулкана. Но когда «Hydronaut» приближается к пункту своего назначения, начинается извержение, и подводную лодку засыпает камнями. Члены экипажа должны приложить максимум усилий, чтобы остаться в живых…
Десять негритят
Ann Clyde
Экранизация романа Агаты Кристи "Десять негритят". В фильме снимался молодой Марио Адорф в роли слуги и Кристофер Ли "в роли" голоса мистера Оуэна. Действие происходит в 60-ые годы 20 века в Австрийских Альпах. Название фильма изменено на "Десять маленьких индейцев" из соображений политкорректности. По сути, фильм является ремейком голливудской экранизации 1945г., с таким же хеппи-эндом.
The Naked Brigade
Diana Forsythe
A British girl is trapped on the island of Crete when the Germans invade it.
007: Голдфингер
Jill Masterson
На этот раз Джеймс Бонд борется со злом в лице международного преступника Голдфингера. Негодяй планирует уничтожить золотой запас США и таким образом ввергнуть в пучину хаоса все капиталистическое общество. Помешать этим дерзким планам может только один человек. При помощи нескольких прекрасных женщин и множества хитроумных приспособлений агент 007 обезвреживает злодея и ликвидирует угрозу банкротства целого государства.
Miss Harleigh
A zoologist working to save the endangered animals of africa has problems with poachers and local tribesmen who don't understand his methods. But, with the help of the local district nurse,...
Охотники на женщин
Laura Knapp
Фильм начинается с того, что Хаммер переживает многолетний запой, и его вытаскивает из канавы озлобленный полицейский, намеревающийся выведать информацию об умершем. Вдохновленный секретами, которые он слышит, Хаммер отправляется на улицы в личном крестовом походе, чтобы найти любовь всей своей жизни.
Какое надувательство!
Linda Dickson
Согласно завещанию покойного дядюшки, чтобы вступить в обладание наследством, Эрни и другие претенденты должны провести ночь в его мрачном особняке.
Dentist on the Job
Jill Venner
Colonel Proudfoot of Proudfoot Industries tries to entice a couple of newly qualified dentists to advertise "Dreem", a revolutionary type of toothpaste, but he knows that if the dentists learn that they are part of an advertising campaign, they will be struck off, and the campaign will be a disaster.
Nearly a Nasty Accident
Cpl. Jean Briggs
The RAF Group Captain has a hard job to restrain the aircraft-man from tinkering with everything he can get his hands on
A Weekend with Lulu
Deirdre Proudfoot
Fred, Tim and Deirdre plan a fun weekend break on the coast. What they didn't make allowances for was the company of Deirdre's mother who insists on coming along as her daughter's chaperone.
Так держать, констебль!
Sally Barry
With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.
Life Is a Circus
Shirley Winter
Encompassing three hugely popular double acts, The Crazy Gang were one of Britain's best-loved, most enduring variety troupes – their antics delighting audiences for over three decades from the early 1930s and their career taking in numerous Royal Command performances. Their efforts to save a struggling circus provide the laughs in this uproarious comedy, also starring Goldfinger icon Shirley Eaton and featuring Flanagan and Allen's rendition of their greatest hit, Underneath the Arches. The Crazy Gang have been jacks-of-all-trades with Joe Winter's Monster Circus for almost as long as Joe has been on the road, and they're still hoping for a big break. But Joe has hit hard times: his equipment is mortgaged, most of his acts have deserted him and even the elephants have walked out. So the Gang set about finding a way to save the circus... and come up with a typically novel solution!
In the Wake of a Stranger
Joyce Edwards
An unfortunate sailor gets implicated in a murder he never committed. After a bookie is murdered, the sailor is caught in an ever-tightening vice that would trap him as the killer unless he can clear himself. Along the way to struggling free and tracking down the real culprits, several unsavory characters cross his path as well as a rather interesting woman who sets romantic sparks flying.
Так держать, медсестра!
Staff Nurse Dorothy Denton
В госпитале «Приют» одна из мужских палат причиняет больше проблем, чем весь остальной госпиталь. Огромная главная медсестра наводит ужас на всех пациентов, и только Рекитт противостоит ей. Среди прочих персонажей: майор, который является для всех постоянной неприятностью, неуклюжая медсестра, влюбленные Тед Йорк и медсестра Дентон, и Белл, который требует срочно сделать ему операцию. Однажды, после пьянки, мужчины из этой палаты решают помочь Беллу…
Further Up the Creek
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
Так держать, сержант!
Mary Sage
Фильм об армейской жизни, в которой очень полно раскрыта тема доброго обращения с солдатами.
Date with Disaster
Sue Miller
A car salesman and suspected safecracker Miles saves his fiancee Sue from those who would kidnap her.
Голая правда
Melissa Right
Найджел Деннис, блестящий издатель бульварной газеты под названием «Голая правда», пытается шантажировать несколько видных деятелей. Те, в свою очередь, организауются вместе и разрабатывают планы по его устранению. Однако Найджелу каждый раз чудом удается ускользнуть от нависшей смертельной опасности.
Doctor at Large
Nurse Nan McPherson
The third of the "Doctor" films. Newly qualified doctor Simon Sparrow goes in search of a job. He applies for a surgery position at the hospital where he studied, but manages to insult the senior surgeon and one of the hospital's governors. So, instead he ends up as assistant to with a niggardly and rather scary GP with an amerous wife, followed by cushy but rather unmedical job with a Harley Street doctor, and then a job with a very nice GP whp is the opposite to the first one. But after getting the chance to rescue the hospital governor from a group of angry ladies at a resort in France, he finally lands a job at his beloved hosdpital.
Three Men in a Boat
Sophie Clutterbuck
Three London gentlemen take a vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.
Sailor Beware
Shirley Hornett
Battle-axe Emma Hornett dominates her hen-pecked husband Henry, his meek sister Edie and daughter Shirley. Shirley is to marry young sailor Albert,raised in an orphanage,and he and best man Carnoustie stay with the Hornetts on the eve of the wedding, though Emma makes sure the stag night is a brief one. Next day Albert fails to show up for the wedding. He eventually turns up at the house and confides in the vicar that if family life is anything like the Hornetts he wants no part of it. When the Hornetts are told this Emma declares that she sees that has been a "very wicked woman" and will mend her ways but, as the young couple eventually marry and move into their own house , one wonders how long her change of heart will last.
Charley Moon
Angel Dream
A new career opens for Charley Moon when, during his army service, he is detailed to appear in a unit concert. In doing so, he becomes friendly with Harold Armytage, a peacetime actor of the old school. Hearing that Charley has no job to go to when demobilized, Armytage suggests they team up as stage comics. Things are not easy; jobs are few and far between, and when they can be found they are in the tattiest of theatres, but Charley gains the experience he needs. They then decide to try their luck in London.
The Love Match
Rose Brown
After being arrested for assaulting a football referee, desperate train driver Bill (Arthur Askey) raids the railwaymen's holiday fund to cover his £55 fine. He knows he's going to be discovered though, leaving him no choice but to get the money back by hook or by crook! His last chance is to run a book on the United v City football derby. If that wasn't tense enough, Bill's son is also making his debut for United. It looks like it's going to be a day to remember - do you dare look? ...The Love Match.
Doctor in the House
Millicent "Milly" Groaker
The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-car driving that constitute 1950s medical training. There is, however, always the looming and formidable figure of chief surgeon Sir Lancelot Spratt to remind them of their real purpose.
A Day to Remember
Young Woman on Ferry (uncredited)
Based on The Hand and the Flower, a novel by Jerrard Tickell, A Day to Remember stars Stanley Holloway as Charley Porter, captain of London darts team. When the team travels to the French town of Boulogne for the annual darts tournament, a good time is had by all--and more besides. Jim Carver one of the team's members, is reunited with a little French girl he'd befriended during the war, who has now developed into a beautiful young woman. And Fred Collins makes a poignant journey to the hotel where he'd honeymooned with his late wife. The film works best as a low-key comedy-drama; it is least successful when it ventures into O. Henry territory and strains for "surprise" story twists. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Personal Affair
Schoolgirl (uncredited)
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.