Jorge Rivera López

Jorge Rivera López

Рождение : 1934-03-19, Argentina


Jorge Rivera López


Juan Manuel de Rosas: El Restaurador
There is probably no Argentine historical figure that has aroused more controversy and debate than Juan Manuel de Rosas. We analyze how, over the years, his figure was recovered and became a political symbol of many nationalist sectors.
Pedro, an inexperienced conman, decides to rob a bank. When he tries to escape, the branch is surrounded by police. His hostage turns out to be Pablo, the husband of the daughter of the bank's owner. After Pedro and Pablo leave the crime scene, Pedro demands ransom. But the money never arrives, since Pablo's father-in-law decides not to pay and, to make matters worse, instead sends an assassin to kill off Pedro.
Juan Astrada
A young ambitious claims assessor investigates a multi million dollar marine insurance fraud.
Esteban Ortiz
Тридцатилетний Кармело очень застенчив и не может признаться в своих чувствах своей коллеге по работе Веронике. Мир Кармело рушится, когда он узнает, что его возлюбленная скоро выходит замуж. Случайно, Вероника видит его выступление в компании геев, где он становится лидером. Конечно, и она принимает его за гея. Кармело использует это недоразумение в своих интересах, что приводит к более непредсказуемым последствиям..
Julio and El Polaco, in distant years, were inseparable friends in their hometown, near Necochea. The life of the first was governed by obedience to his mother, the despotism of his uncle and a style of honesty. El Polaco, on the other hand, was closer to marginalization and violence. Julio, turned into a businessman, takes root in the United States. The Pole continued his course in the place of those sometimes very cruel antics.
Stolen Moments
1947, in Patagonia, in a little village on the seaside. An abandoned house on the beach shelters Letty's dreams, her loneliness that only Miguel, a very young pianist, may share with her. Tomas, her husband, loves Letty and eagerly defends her against all the village, while she keeps playing her part of a 'femme fatale' with a romantic past and a very adventurous file. But on a windy day, a handsome and strange foreigner appears, coming from the sea, a man just as those Bette Davis used to fall in love with. For Letty, reality begins to look like the most incredible dreams of her. But this will call the police inspector's attention. With that mysterious spy, Letty will be involved in a story that will end as those stories she was so fond of when she was going to the movie theater of her little willage.
Любовь и мрак
Professor Leal
Ирен – молодая американка, проживающая в Чили времен диктаторства Пиночета, работает редактором в журнале. Однажды к ней на работу устраивается фотограф Франциско, который через короткое время становится ее любовником. Завоевав доверие Ирен, Франциско сообщает ей, что является членом тайной политической группировки, которая борется с политическим режимом их страны. Это признание заставляет Ирен по-другому взглянуть на жизнь и осознать весь ужас событий, происходящих в Чили.
Play Murder for Me
Victor Silberman
Paul Slater, a down and out saxophone player, runs into his former lover at his nightclub in Buenos Aires. Tricia seduces Paul into helping her kill her wealthy underworld husband. Paul is now trapped between love and the law in a gripping noir ending.
Veredicto final
The trial of a confessed serial killer focused on the alternative of finding him guilty and sending him to the electric chair, or declaring him unimpeachable and confining him in a psychiatric hospital.
Visión de un asesino
An important paleontological discovery causes a series of crimes.
Proceso a la infamia
Senador Santana
Difunta Correa
La hora de María y el pájaro de oro
Beyond the Sun
Biographic film about the pioneer of argentine aviation Jorge Newbery.
Triangle of Four
In a boring marriage a model-photographer attracts the husband and a young man to the woman.
La Mary
A sexually-repressed girl of the Buenos Aires slums slowly goes mad after marrying.
Восстание в Патагонии
Edward Mathews
В 1920 рабочие Юга Аргентины, организованные в анархистские и социалистические сообщества, начали забастовку, требуя улучшения условий их труда. При посредничестве представителя президента Аргентины удалось добиться заключения трудового соглашения между хозяевами и рабочими профсоюзами, и забастовка была прекращена. Но хозяева отказались выполнять соглашение. И тогда снова началась забастовка, быстро ставшая всеобщей. Правительство ответило на забастовку жесточайшими репрессиями. Были расстреляны сотни рабочих.
The Bad Life
Simón Linsky
A look at the Buenos Aires underworld and its protagonists: the pimps, the prostitutes, the madams, and the politicians.
Todos los pecados del mundo
The seven deadly sins are illustrated through short stories.
Sansón Fitzpatrick
A bellicose Eastern power organizes a complicated plan to obtain the services of Professor Diego de Alcántara, a Spanish atomic scientist and father of Lola, a famous singer.
The Slowness
A typical office employee decides one day rebelling against its routine and not going to work because it has a "lazy". His family, friends and colleagues are trying to dissuade him unsuccessfully at the beginning. But as time passed his situation complicated emotional and economically. These circumstances thwart his rebelliousness.
Turismo de carretera
Ufa con el sexo
Dr. Casini
An intelligent look at the absurdity of love, prostitution and money.
The ABC of Love
Film that includes three short films by different authors about love: "O pacto" by Eduardo Coutinho, "Terrible Night" by Rodolfo Kuhn, and "Magic World" by Helvio Soto.
Noche terrible
During his last night as a bachelor, a man imagines what would happen if he ran away and avoided marriage, or if he were able to avoid conventions and have a sincere relationship with his girlfriend. Adaptation of the homonymous short story by Roberto Arlt.
Gente conmigo
Antonio Croatti
An Italian woman arrives in Buenos Aires and suffers all kinds of social and personal misadventures.
Pajarito Gómez
A chronicle of the life and career of a popular singer: his humble origins, his rise to fame, and his exploitation by the media.
Stay Tuned for Terror
A succession of television broadcasts has unexpected and terrifying effects on the minds of viewers.
Los inconstantes
The Old Young People
The frustrations felt by certain middle class youth in Argentina, under the presidency of Arturo Frondizi during the sixties.
Three Times Ana
Three different love-related stories -all starring María Vaner as different "Anas". In "The Earth," Ana is a young and idealistic woman on the verge of adulthood when her first relationship with a clerk shatters her dreams of a romantic life. In "The Air," Ana is a rebellious, easy-living type among some beach bums whose sexual leanings tend to tip the scale at active promiscuity. In "The Cloud," Ana only exists in the imagination of an introverted man, who dreams of his ideal woman.
The images connect the workings of a slaughterhouse with a city that is also divided between executioners and dead people.
En Buenos Aires, hoy
Pobres habrá siempre
Eduardo Sandoval
"Pobres habrá siempre" is a rarity within Argentine cinema for many reasons. Its theme is the rebellion of a group of meatpacking workers around 1935 and the several reasons that justified it, but the film was shot at a time when workers and union struggles were very strange issues for local production.