Ernst Sasse

Ernst Sasse


Ernst Sasse


Gorillas: Rumble in the Jungle
Camera Operator
Gorillas live in complex social groups led by a dominant male silverback; he is intelligent and powerful, fiercely leading his troop through the dangers of the jungle; gorillas are like humans in so many ways, but their existence is under threat.
The North Sea - Our sea
The North Sea, the largest sea on our doorstep, has many faces: wide tidal environments, high dunes, flat holms and rugged coastlines. Its beaches attract every season not only tourists but also countless seals. And beneath the cool sea surface hides a varied and fascinating underwater world: whether majestic basking before the chalk cliffs of Dover or combative gray seals on the beach of Helgoland, whether mighty squid on the Dutch Oosterschelde, or creepy Greenland shark in the Fjords of Norway.
Wild Poland
Huge wandering dunes on the Baltic, thousands of lakes in the dream landscape of Masuria, gigantic river systems of Biebrza and Narew, mystical primeval forests and the rugged crags of the Southern mountains: all of this is Poland. No other country in Europe has more square kilometres of national parks.
Wild Poland
Huge wandering dunes on the Baltic, thousands of lakes in the dream landscape of Masuria, gigantic river systems of Biebrza and Narew, mystical primeval forests and the rugged crags of the Southern mountains: all of this is Poland. No other country in Europe has more square kilometres of national parks.
Wild Poland
Huge wandering dunes on the Baltic, thousands of lakes in the dream landscape of Masuria, gigantic river systems of Biebrza and Narew, mystical primeval forests and the rugged crags of the Southern mountains: all of this is Poland. No other country in Europe has more square kilometres of national parks.
Wildes Polen
Scotland - Highlands And Islands
Scotland is explored, from its outer islands to the Scottish highlands, along with its rugged, idiosyncratic inhabitants, both human and animal.
Россия - царство тигров, медведей и вулканов
Это окно в Россию, неизвестную для западного человека и даже для многих россиян. Россия – самая большая страна мира. Во многих своих частях она остается неизведанным миром, полным чудес. Пусть сохранится этот мир и для поколений, которые придут после нас.
Wild Croatia
Picturesque coves, freshly caught fish on the harbour, one of the many areas where history is still alive. Hundreds of islands are strewn across the royal blue water. Croatia is the Adriatic's jewel. "Wild Croatia" reveals a heartfelt, emotional portrait of one of Europe's smallest countries, influenced by some of the largest contrasts in landscapes and the special inhabitants who live there.
Этот сенсационный фильм — зрелище настолько завораживающее, что никакие спецэффекты не смогли бы передать невообразимую реальность происходящего. Работа операторов поистине уникальна — впервые в истории кино птиц снимали непосредственно во время полета.