Jorge Queiroga


Vá Cavar Batatas
After years living in Lisbon, Castro's family makes the decision to move to the countryside.
A Viagem do Senhor Ulisses
The story of an old man who does not settle for being abandoned by his own son in a hospital, venturing with the company of a rebellious teenager in a long and troubled way in search of the family, in which will also find a new life.
Até que a vida nos separe
"Until life separates us" tells the story of Raquel, a 42-year-old woman who engages Henry, an 18-year-old boy who is the son of her husband's boss. The relationship between Raquel and Henrique lasts only three days, but the aftermath of this involvement will be remarkable, especially when Henrique begins to relate with Patricia, Rachel's daughter. The bad nature of Henry will lead the young man to a tragic and irreversible end. And the life of Rachel and her family will never be the same.
Lúcia is a lawyer that works to help women whose the father of the relationship deny the paternity. A job she is very keen about since she doesn't know who her father is.
A Vida Privada de Salazar
Na fase final da vida de Salazar, o estadista recorda a sua vida, as suas opções, as decisões que tomou e as que podia ter tomado. Dar a conhecer o homem por detrás de quem governou Portugal durante 40 anos foi o grande desafio: Salazar, enquanto estadista, é conhecido do grande público. O mito do estadista estóico, convictamente religioso e assexuado tem o contraponto neste filme.
Behind the Clouds
Nine-year-old Paulo stumbles upon a photograph of Miguel, the grandfather he never met, sets out to track him down and eventually meets him, at which point the magic begins.
Amor Perdido
A story about two people (Clara and Tó), from different economic backgrounds, who love each other, but whose love is not accepted by everyone, especially by the father of Clara, who will do everything he can to stop their love. Things go even worse when Clara becomes pregnant.
Королева Марго
Second Assistant Director
Август 1572 года. Францию раздирает религиозная война. Чтобы восстановить мир в стране, прекрасная и гордая принцесса Марго, сестра католического короля Карла IX, должна выйти замуж за протестанта Генриха Наваррского. А после свадьбы произошла кровавая резня Варфоломеевской ночи, организованная жестокой и коварной Екатериной Медичи. Погибли тысячи протестантов, а один из них, тяжело раненный дворянин по имени Ла Моль, в отчаянной попытке спасти свою жизнь постучался в дверь Марго.
A Viagem
A couple in search of a different life, move from the city to the countryside and confront unexpected events without breaking their union.
A Viagem
A couple in search of a different life, move from the city to the countryside and confront unexpected events without breaking their union.
Fábula em Veneza
Assistant Director
A middle-aged musician speaks of various themes - innocence, friendship, seduction, fascination, love, death - immediately portrayed in paintings, which the actors interpret, in different situations from the character they embody. In the spotlight, a young photographer, a strange-looking dancer / model, a bullfighter who lives his dream, a retired old man ...
The Seventh Letter
Assistant Director
Some time ago Gerardo knew another man of the same age called Berardo. When he said the name, Berardo expressed his oppinion violently, saying that the «G» was owed him and that Gerardo, since he owned it had somehow stolen something from him. Berardo then tries to get something back which soon goes beyond a baptismal name. Gerardo whitnesses this strange spectacle of himself as a place where, after Berardo, other people try to get something back, something that escapes them about themselves. Three women - Adália, Miranda and Virgínia - are whitnesses to this game