Ugo Fangareggi

Ugo Fangareggi

Рождение : 1938-01-30,

Смерть : 2017-11-20


Ugo Fangareggi


Odissea nell'ospizio
Mago Egildo
Four sixty-something disgraced comedians - who used to work together - find themselves in a retirement home. They'll join forces again, this time to save the place from bankruptcy.
Il sogno nel casello
amico dei casellanti
Безумная семейка
Don Ugo
Когда скандальная новость о том, что профессор Франческо Гаммарота - гей, облетела всю Италию, от него отрекся не только брат Никола, но и вся семья. Но благородная мать семейства Роза всё же придумала, как помирить вечных врагов - она умерла, пожелав напоследок, чтобы сыновья похоронили её в ее родных краях. Теперь братьям придется проехать через всю страну, чтобы любой ценой выполнить волю матери, иначе они никогда не узнают, что хранится в секретном конверте, приложенном к завещанию. Скрипя зубами, профессор и сырный магнат отправляются в путь, не пытаясь даже предположить, чем закончится их безумное путешествие…
Una storia qualunque
Helsinki Napoli - All Night Long
Alex is a Finnish taxi driver in Berlin. One evening pits two men feel comfortable in his taxi with a briefcase full of money, but unfortunately for Alex's money stolen and a group of gangsters are at the nape of the two. Soon it comes to shooting, and when the two men being killed, is good advice costly for the beleaguered driver. "Helsinki Napoli All Night Long" is Mika Kaurismäki's first major European production. The film features a host of famous names in the cast: The legendary film director Samuel Fuller (The Big Red One), actor Eddie Constantine (Alphaville, Europe), cult directors Wim Wenders (Paris, Texas) and Jim Jarmusch (Dead Man).
Young, Beautiful... Probably Rich
Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day, they are summoned to the notary public's office and learn that Anna, one of their peers in high school who got a bad name as a "whore" in the town because of them and was forced to leave is now dead. Furthermore, she had amassed a great fortune abroad and decided to bequeath it to the three. However, she has a strange condition: Claudia, Rita, and Caterina should cheat on their husbands within three days and provide photographic evidence or else the inheritance will be donated to the retirement home.
Ночь в Варенне
20 июня 1791 король и королева Франции (Луи XVI и Мария Антуанетт)а пытались бежать из охваченного революцией Парижа, чтобы присоединиться к монархистским союзникам вне Франции, но были арестованы. Этот случай породил пламенную ненависть к монархии. Фильм связан с этим реальным историческим фактом и воображает группу путешественников в дилижансе на той же самой дороге, включая американского патриота Томаса Пэйна, известного соблазнителя Казанову, французского романиста Ретифа де Ла Бретона и одну из фрейлин королевы.
Attenti a quei P2
Sad Hotel Client
Attenti a quei P2 (Beware of those P2s) is a satirical parody of the judicial affair concerning the P2 Masonic lodge.
Quella peste di Pierina
Rosy's boyfriend
Полоса невезения
agente della Digos
Марио Мильо, санитар в больнице, делит свои будни между постылой работой и скучной семейной жизнью. Неожиданно он выигрывает в лотерею роскошную машину, но террористы крадут её и используют для своей акции. Марио арестован и отправлен в тюрьму. Он спасает себя, дав ложное признание, в то время как его жена становится богатой, продав фальшивый документ.
Pierino the Pest to the Rescue
The Gorilla
protettore sbaragliato
Ruby has been trained in martial arts by her father and now has a job safeguarding a wide range of people and their valuables. A clumsy artist named Adelmo falls for Ruby at first sight but remains clueless about her profession. Things are complicated by Adelmo’s French neighbor and sometime model having a crush on him, and Ruby’s father trying to hook up his daughter with various body builders while putting the moves on the French girl.
Teste di quoio
Terrorista Boodoostano
The Crazy Neighbors 2
Fermin and Julio are two married men whose wives, Justina and Mireya, are political leaders. While Justine is part of a conservative party, Mireya leads one that is feminist. Their husbands have become something completely different to what is generally expected in that is it they who are responsible for caring for their children, cleaning the house, etc...though of course they also get into trouble with women. Fermin and Julio are regulars at a whorehouse who runs Encarna, but it's unusual in that in addition to its main function, it also servers as a nursery.
Romulus and Remus: The Story of Two Sons of a Wolf
The history of Rome revisited by the group of Bagaglino (Franco, Montesano, Castellacci and Pingitore). Romulus kills Remus, but also manages to get rid of him. The sister continues to bother him in the ghost robes. When Romulus founded Rome and abducted the Sabine, dies, hell, he is received, needless to say, the petulantissimo Remo.
Occhio Alla Vedova!
Concetta Li Cause, deprived of her husband Oreste by the Mafia, is coveted by Bologna Marcello and Charles postman. Besides the two, there are other suitors because the widow is rich; but Cosa Nostra deploys its resources to prevent the woman from finding a new partner.
Кровать на площади
cognato di Luca
Лука Реали – знаменитость маленького итальянского городка. Едва ли не все красивые горожанки не устояли перед чарами местного Казановы и оставили свой след в его постели и на страницах нескромного дневника. Естественно, такое поведение не может нравиться его землякам, а потому Лука является изгоем в родном городе. Но однажды ситуация меняется. Знаменитый сердцеед спасает пытавшуюся покончить жизнь самоубийством девушку. Спасённая оказывается дочерью американского миллионера, имеющего свои деловые планы в городе Луки. Эти планы категорически не нравятся местной элите, считающей город своей вотчиной. Узнав о произошедшем, мэр и его подручные радостно потирают руки: теперь дочь чужака будет скомпрометирована, и с её отцом больше никто не будет иметь дело. Но их планы рушит неожиданное поведение Луки: он категорически отказывается соблазнять девушку, страдающую от тяжёлой депрессии…-
Il medico che visita Franco
Легко ли быть молодым, если педагоги - придурки, а между ног сильно чешется? Франко и его друзья, сексуально озабоченные подростки, пытаются ликвидировать пробелы в своем сексуальном образовании. И однажды они задаются вопросом: зачембезуспешно ухаживать за ровесницами, когда можно поискать возлюбленную среди женщин постарше? Именно в этот момент родители Франко нанимают для своего сына учительницу - репетиторшу Джованну. Пикантная возникает ситуация.
Italian Sex
uomo di avellino
A sexy graduate student is giving her thesis presentation, which creates quite a stir since it reveals that she has just posed as a prostitute for several months to do sociological research for her thesis. She relates various stories of her experiences to her salivating thesis committee and a large audience of curious on-lookers.
4 Crazy Draftees at the Army
The Chaplain
Four stooges from different social backgrounds (a recommended Neapolitan pope's son, a skilled Roman pickpocket, a Sicilian pseudo mafia and a rough shepherd burino) make friends in a barracks during the military service and begin to combine all the colors , subjected to the orders of some bizarre and braggart superiors. Despite the incapacity and ineptitude shown by the four in an often tragicomic way, the moment of redemption arrives. The four are in fact engaged in the "great maneuvers", where they will have to confront the English, US, German and French armies, and where, against all odds, they will prevail.
Manone il ladrone
Claudio, l'idraulico
Rodolfo Persichetti has reached the maximum of his career and at the same time the minimum of his sexual capacities. A famous psychiatrist helps him in regaining his lost virility by mean of a new therapy.
Побег из камеры смертников
Man in Café
Пытаясь прибрать к рукам международный наркобизнес, гангстер Аннунциата безжалостно уничтожает всех своих конкурентов. Последним на его пути стоит Фрэнк Диомеде по-прозвищу Фрэнки Дио.
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
il carcerato
The Sensuous Sicilian
Luigi Castorini, fratello di Paolo
From his youth, Paolo Castorini, a Sicilian baron, is as attracted to women as they to him. Giovanna, a servant girl, Lillian, a serious girlfriend in Rome, a hostess at a post-war party, Paolo makes love to them all. He also feels dissatisfied with a life only of the body, compared to his journalist friend Vincenzo and his own father, a sober and serious thinker. When his father is on his deathbed, Paolo learns of syphilis in the family and something of the curse of dissolution. Some years later, he resolves to marry Katrina, the pure daughter of the woman he should have married. He wants her purity to redeem him so he can make something of his life. But is it too late?
The Last Italian Tango
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
Seven Nuns in Kansas City
A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die
Ted Randall
A dishonored Union Army officer (James Coburn) leads a group of convicts to retake Fort Holman from the Confederate Army.
Даже если бы я хотел работать?
Don Cosimo
Четыре молодых человека пытаются подзаработать кражей найденного в склепах богачей. Непутевая компания постоянно оказывается по уши в проблемах…
Пуля для незнакомца
Два брата-ирландца с обычной для ирландцев фамилией МакИнтайр, едут домой, к отцу, на Дикий Запад. По прибытии, они знакомятся с таинственной бандой в масках, которая держит в страхе округу и занимается грабежом и вымогательством местных фермеров. Братьям, в борьбе с бандитами поможет стрелок, которого все называют Могильщиком, ну а бандиты наймут его старого друга — Герцога.
Touch and Go
North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.
Judge Roy Bean
In a small western town the ineffable judge Roy Bean metes out justice in his own special way. A cargo of gold is ambushed by the outlaw Black Bird who fails in the attempt and then rides into town.
Кошка о девяти хвостах
Gigi the Loser
В неком засекреченном институте, занимающемся биологическими и генетическими исследованиями, зверски убит охранник. Потом следует череда убийств самых разных людей, основной «виной» которых была причастность к этой первой нелепой смерти, иногда просто интерес к ней, какие-то догадки и разговоры.
Жандарм на отдыхе
Всему приходит конец. Начальство сочло наших героев слишком старыми и отправило их на заслуженный отдых. Это трагический момент в жизни такого мужественного офицера как сержант Крюшо.Запершись в роскошном замке своей жены, он предается унынию. Приезд бывшего начальника Жербера выводит его из спячки. Они собирают своих подчиненных, надевают любимую жандармскую форму и отправляются навстречу новым подвигам.
Quelli belli... siamo noi
Amateur songwriter falls in love with a Sicilian girl, but her father has already promised her to another.
Red Hot Shot
Frank was removed from an investigation into Mac Brown, the owner of a pharmaceutical company, who was suspected of drug trafficking and illegal experiments on teenagers. When Brown is murdered, Frank is called to investigate...
Realtà Romanzesca
Bizarre situations from around the world are looked at in this Mondo film.
Suicide Commando
Harper (as Hugh Fangar-Smith)
World War 2 - a British commando squad is tasked with attacking the "secret" German airfield from which German fighters have been attacking bombers which are trying to stop German tanks from reinforcing the D Day defences.
Man Only Cries for Love
Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.
Operation San Pietro
Small time crook Napoleone falls into an unlikely gang made up of a gangster, called The Baron, and his two cohorts, Agonia and The Captain, where Napoleone takes them to Rome where they shack up with a shady used car dealer caled Il Cajella to help finance their new life of crime by planing to rob a statue from the Vatican. But a big-time American gangster, named Joe Ventura, hears about the heist and wants the priceless statue for himself by having his mistress, Samantha, come onto and betray the woman-hungry Cajella to give the statue away to her.
Colpo doppio del camaleonte d'oro
The Tall, The Short, The Cat
Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.
Операция «Святой Януарий»
Captain Agonia
Золото Неаполя не дает покоя авантюристам из Нового Света. И вот, американцы решаются на ограбление века: их цель — сокровища святого Януария. Но что могут делать иностранцы в сердце Италии без поддержки местных авторитетов? Фотографироваться на фоне памятников. А воровать надо с согласия мафии. И вот, интернациональная бригада выходит на дело…
Rita the Mosquito
Rita, a vivacious co-ed is in love with her music teacher, a man who leads a double life - bespectacled professor by day and composer of rock songs by night. Will Rita win his heart?
For Love and Gold
A group of rogues steal a scroll granting its bearer the property of the land of Aurocastro in Apulia, a province in the south of Italy. They elect a shaggy knight, Brancaleone from Norcia, as their leader, and decide to get possession of this supposedly wealthy land. Many adventures will occurr during the journey.
Night of Violence
Roberto Lagosta
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
Le sedicenni
Сделано в Италии
Another Employee (segment "4 'Cittadini, stato e chiesa', episode 1")
Несколько смешных и грустных историй из жизни итальянцев.
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
impiegato Ultramarket (I)
Комедийный киноальманах из трёх историй, связанных одной общей темой человеческих комплексов. Нерешительность мешает клерку Квирино Раганелли (Манфреди) признаться в любви своей коллеге по работе, хоть та и готова ответить взаимностью. Депутат профессор Беоцци (Тоньяцци), озабоченный "рамками приличия" и собственным реноме, одержимо пытается ликвидировать следы фильма, в котором, обнажённой на несколько секунд, снялась когда-то его жена. Не страдающий комплексами, обладатель непомерно больших зубов Гульельмо Бертоне (Сорди) искусно продвигается к желанному месту диктора теленовостей, пока члены комиссии, в силу собственных стереотипов, желают, но не решаются снять его с конкурса.
One Million Dollars
Don Giuliano Niccolini Borges, Roman prince and member of the Pontifical Noble Guard, is very much attracted to Jane, an English girl he has met that is accompanying him on a pleasure trip to Switzerland. He has some plans for hanky-panky on their various stops along the route, but Jane has other plans as she is only with him because his car has a special-identification license plate and can go through customs without inspection. The car clears customs as does the stolen million dollars she is smuggling. Sandro, her former boyfriend is following and plans to hi-jack the loot, leaving Jane empty handed.
Two Public Enemies
Two two-bit crooks get in the way of a criminal ring and cause a hold up to fail. The two flee to Paradise avoiding a reprisal and try and steal Saint Peter's halo.
Un mostro e mezzo
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
Intrigue in Los Angeles
F.B.I. agents David Blair and Thelma Avery are assigned to search for Professor Weiss, who had mysteriously disappeared after discovering an antidote for atomic radiation. Following a feeble lead offered by the mysterious death of two dancers, David and Thelma begin to investigate their supervisor, George. They discover that Professor Weiss is being held prisoner by George and his sister—the professor’s former assistant—who want to sell the precious formula to a foreign country.
The Maniacs
Antonio (segment "Il week-end")
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
The Girl from Parma
Priamo, il commesso della rosticceria
Dora, driven away from her town by malicious gossip following her first love affair, has a series of short-lived adventures until she falls in love with Nino, a small time crook. In Parma, a police officer courts her but she keeps thinking of Nino.
The Black Invaders
Ограбление по-итальянски
Bisaccia, ladruncolo d'auto
Ночной сторож банка по имени Орацио, опоздав на работу, выясняет, что банк ограблен. Дабы не остаться без работы, он решает найти и возвратить украденное.