Tom Lipinski

Tom Lipinski


Tom Lipinski is an actor and director.


Tom Lipinski
Tom Lipinski


Nobody's Home
When Theodora's boyfriend Luca is set to be released from the institution where they are both admitted, she escapes with him and tries to re-traumatize him so he remains under her control. They end up at his childhood home where a knock on the door sends them spiraling into a confusing night of games and manipulation rooted in lies, insecurity, and fear.
The Spine of Night
In this ultra-violent, fantasy epic, ancient dark magic falls into sinister hands and unleashes ages of suffering onto mankind. A group of heroes from different eras and cultures must band together in order to defeat it at all costs.
Rubber Gun Club
Chris McKee
After a fellow officer takes his life, a New York City policeman is forced to reckon with his own suicidal ideation.
1 Out of 30
On the first day of Ramadan, a young architect attempts to fast for the first time while also trying to win a major contract for his firm.
The Caretaker
After their car breaks down on the side of the road on a cold winter night, a couple check into a strange hotel while they wait for a mechanic to arrive. When the woman's boyfriend suddenly goes missing--the latest in a series of unsettling occurrences within the hotel--she begins to suspect that something more sinister is at work.
Where There's Smoke
After a tragic accident, a firefighter must convince the city commissioner he's able to return to the line of duty.
Don't Worry Baby
A father and son unknowingly sleep with the same woman, then four years later compete over the paternity of a child either of them could be the father of.
Братья и сестры собираются в одном доме у постели умирающей матери и внезапно на их жилище нападает толпа странных психов в лыжных масках…
Blood Stripe
The Fisherman
After a third tour of duty in Afghanistan, a Marine sergeant returns home to find herself hemorrhaging anxiety and paranoia from unseen wounds.
Home Is Where Your Heart Aches
Home Is Where Your Heart Aches is the story of Kat, a beautiful, spirited New Yorker. Her only trouble is that she falls in love quickly - way too quickly. It's as if in matters of love, she never studied the boundaries, the games, the rules. Every encounter turns into a break-up scene. As her situation deteriorates, Kat recourses to extreme measures... In a world that has almost killed it, love turns into an act of revolt.
Black Dog, Red Dog
Follows the life of Stephen Dobyns as he deals with life, women, and his move from journalism to poetry.
Screenwriter in Love
Фрэд – прославленный композитор и дирижёр, вопреки просьбам Её Величества, отказывается выступить на дне рождения принца Филиппа, и на это у него есть веская причина. Мик, оскароносный режиссёр, вовсю работает над новым сценарием «фильма-откровения», но дело не слишком спорится. Фрэд и Мик уже полвека дружат, смеются над собой и дивятся красоте и несправедливости этого мира. Это лето они проводят на альпийском курорте, где любовные переживания уже взрослых детей, случайно подсмотренные драмы и откровения далекого прошлого навсегда изменят судьбы друзей.
Dial a Prayer
A troubled young woman working at a prayer call center makes a difference in other people's lives, forcing her to reconcile with her troubled past with the faith she brings out in others.
День Труда
Young Frank
Одинокая мать укрывает беглого убийцу в своем доме, где живет вместе с сыном. Полиция обшаривает весь городок в поисках преступника, а мать-одиночка, тем временем, узнает о своем «госте» горькую правду и перестает понимать, что же ей делать.
Dom McGuire
In the big city, a loving young couple Deb and Dom planning to get ready to marry seek guidance from the Catholic Church, which only brings out the true life problems they may encounter with each other and their friends. A sobering real life scenario on how religion can affect couples future together.
Alexa Reikowski, a rookie FBI agent, embeds herself in a suspected terrorist family, after a attack on American soil.