Damián Dreizik

Damián Dreizik


Damián Dreizik


Marcelo, 50 years old, has dedicated his life to teaching philosophy at the Public University and suddenly his mentor and boss, Professor Caselli, dies. Disoriented in this new landscape, Marcelo assumes that he will inherit the position left vacant by his mentor. What he doesn't expect is that Rafael Sujarchuk, a charismatic and pedantic philosopher trained in the best European universities, also covets the position. Between his multiple jobs as a philosophy professor in the local slums, at the university and privately with an 80-year-old millionaire, he must also prepare to run for office against this strong opponent who seems to have everyone on his side. Marcelo's clumsy efforts don't seem to be enough to get the job, but is that really what he wants?
El coso
Federico Manuel Peralta Ramos was an artist responsible for the creation of a work that it was as ephemeral as it is eternal. He was born in a traditional family, but some years later the curiosity for the art scene, night life and avant-garde development pushed him to live within the iconoclastic and unbiased young 60's crowd.
In 1982 the Malvinas war affected combatants from Argentina and the United Kingdom. The shock wave of the crisis shook thousands of souls in many countries. This documentary tells five stories of civilians whose lives changed forever by the conflict. An inquiry about being in the right place, at the right time, or the opposite
The Watchers
The venerable VHS may have surprises. A strange spell captures the protagonists, who are friends, and submerges them straight into the world of the most implausible Argentine cop films. An amazing flow of images lost, forgotten and recovered whose consumption threatens to become addictive.
Don't Cry for Me England
In 1806, in the mist of the British invasion of Buenos Aires, football is introduced. A merchant of the time sees in this sport a unique business opportunity and in the process awakens a passion so great that it can replace the war.
Что воды оставили позади
Группа молодых людей отправляются на руины города Эпекуэн, который ранее был затоплен озером, а теперь является городом-призраком, чтобы снять о нём документальный фильм. Но чем дольше герои здесь остаются, тем сильнее им кажется, что они здесь не одни.
Dead Man Tells His Own Tale
Angel is one of those typical macho’s who does not hold women in high regard. With his fancy talk, his tight suit and his fashionable job as a director of publicity spots, he has ample opportunity to grab as many young aspiring actresses by the pussy as he can. His wife and kid are left to deal with the consequences. This is now drastically coming to an end. One night, when there’s once again not enough blood flowing through his brains and too much through his nether regions, he walks into a trap set up by a circle of Celtic Goddesses. They transform him into a zombie and make him a pawn in their plan to end male dominance one and for all. Luckily Angel’s not alone. He’s part of a brotherhood of undead macho’s. They do not only exchange tips in how to mask their increasingly penetrating body odor, they also come up with a plan to sabotage the Goddesses.
Cita con Perón
In the spring of 2015, with her 80 years of age, Eloísa prepares to participate in a new celebration commemorating October 17, 1945. 70 years have passed since that feat of the working people. Everything is fresh in Eloísa's memory, also that night in 1944 when she became a witness to a secret meeting in the mansion where she worked as a service staff. There was Colonel Juan Domingo Perón fighting a duel with the representatives of the economic power of the time who proposed to condition his actions. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the staff debated the current employment and political situation.
Por un puñado de pelos
Pájaros Volando
Pájaros Volando
San Martín
General San Martin has stopped in the Cordillera and the crossing of the Andes does not advance. Rivadavia is that triune. A simple chasqui (courier), advised by an aboriginal witch, will try to solve the situation.
Enrique is 37 years old, 12 years of living with his wife and two children. Sick with jealousy, he has just separated from his wife once more. Luis, 40 years old, has just finished a passionate relationship with a very hysterical TV journalist that he was madly in love with, and left him for another. One comes from the horror of jealousy and weariness, and the other from a passion that swept him away, and finally left him alone. As Enrique has nowhere to go, Luis invites him to live in his house, temporarily ...
To Die in San Hilario
The inhabitants of San Hilario make their living from funerals. They are awaiting their first customer in a long time.
Do You Swim?
A unfulfilled man tries to find something to ling to, traveling from town to town, in one of them he'll find enough reason to stay.
Меркано Марсианин
Teo / Rino
Меркано-марсианин в результате крушения космического корабля оказался в... Буэнос-Айресе. Хулиан — полный девятилетний школьник, помешанный на компьютерах. Они не говорят на языке друг друга, но это не имеет значения: свои самые счастливые часы Хулиан проводит на www.mars.com — виртуальной "Красной планете", созданной тоскующим по родине Меркано. В скором времени мультинациональная корпорация, которую возглавляет отец Хулиана, увидела глобальные коммерческие возможности в виртуальной технологии и похитила Меркано. Заручившись помощью пестрой банды хиппи — противников технологий и активистов экологов, Хулиан бесстрашно отправляется освобождать своего самого дорого друга...
Just for Today
The film is about the stories of Ailí, Morón, Equis, Fer and Toro. They live together in Buenos Aires. It shows the intimacy of every day situations combining like a puzzle fragments of the five characters during five days of the week. Each one go through different situations that ends in an unique scene about the desires and limitations of our lives.
How silly are to grow up
Marcos (Gustavo Garzon), an existentially bored university lecturer, gets a grant to return to his birthplace to carry out biochemical research. There he meets old buddy Raul (Leo Masliah), who is now a priest. The story opens out to bring in their schooldays 20 years earlier, during Argentina’s politically active ’70s, when Raul was going out with Tamara (Victoria de Elizalde), who now lives in Paris with husband Paul (Ginger Poujoulet). The mature Tamara (Laura Melillo) returns to be with her sick mother, and Marcos unwittingly stumbles across some high-level politico-economic corruption on the part of the lab’s owners, led by Dr. Castembacher (Jean Pierre Reguerraz). In a piece in which perfs win out over plot, Garzon is satisfyingly nuanced as the disillusioned Marcos. Technically, pic’s restricted budget makes itself felt.
Vendado y frío
Autumn Sun
Clara Goldstein is a lovely, middle-aged Jewish woman who, because of an impending visit from her American brother, is forced to create a contrived relationship with a man of her own faith. She places an ad in a personals column and meets Raul, a well-spoken, handsome and charming man whom she soon discovers is a Gentile and does not fulfill her reason for placing the ad. Having no alternative, Clara proceeds to instruct Raul with an intensive course in Judaism. Their journey is both humorous and captivating, but not without pitfalls. These two mature people risk a last chance at a meaningful relationship in their lives.
After the theft of his motorcycle, Lucio bums aimlessly around Buenos Aires drifting from one arcade and record store to the next, indulging in short chats with friends and, more often, setting out onto the streets alone.