María Félix

María Félix

Рождение : 1914-04-08, Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

Смерть : 2002-04-08


María de los Ángeles Félix Güereña (8 April 1914 – 8 April 2002) was a Mexican film actress. She is considered one of the most important female figures of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. She was also considered one of the most beautiful film actresses of her time, and one of the greatest erotic myths of Spanish-language cinema. Along withPedro Armendáriz and Dolores del Río, she is one of the most important figures of Latin American cinema of the 1940s and 1950s. She is known by the nickname La Doña a name derived from her character in the film Doña Bárbara (1943). She is also known as María Bonita, thanks to the anthem composed exclusively for her, as a wedding gift by the composer Agustín Lara. She completed a film career that included 47 films made in Mexico, Spain, France, Italy and Argentina.


María Félix
María Félix


Quand Jean devint Renoir
Lola de Castro (archive footage)
The fascinating story of a man destined to be only a son of and who sought all his life to become "someone" by getting rid of the overwhelming image of his genius as a father, the painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
Il falso bugiardo
Self (archive footage)
Based upon Vincenzoni's biography, "Pane e cinema", the documentary traces the story of the screen play writer who invented many stories that became blockbusters throughout the world.
Inasible María Félix
Untouchable, inaccessible, ungraspable... Maria Felix is one of the great myths of Latin American cinema. Fatal passions, multiple marriages, sudden deaths and fabulous diamonds, these are the components of the legendary life of this artist. Through the excerpts of her films and the archive material we can understand her characters and how this life of splendor also led her to the high solitude of her mansions, temples of her cultures.
La Generala
Mariana Sampedro, La Generala
During the Mexican Revolution, a hardened and rich lady landowner is overtaken by the violence of the times. Losing her land and house, she falls in love with a revolutionary leader that is killed by a sadistic and corrupt federal officer. She takes the revolutionary flag and leads a rampage of violence and destruction.
La Valentina
A smuggler, condemned to be shot, is pardoned in exchange for kidnapping "La Valentina."
Любовь и секс (Сафо 1963)
Independently-wealthy woman tries to break free of repressive, conservative cultural constraints.
La Bandida
María Mendoza 'La Bandida'
During a lull in the Mexican Revolution when Francisco Madero became president and attempted to implement land reforms, two former revolutionaries are pitted against each other for the love of the same woman.
Si yo fuera millonario
White-collar criminals conspire to prevent a shmuck from collecting an inheritance.
Хуана Гальо
Ángela Ramos (Juana Gallo)
Анжела Рамос по прозвищу Хуана Гальо после того, как убили её отца и её жениха, присоединяется к повстанцам в борьбе с правительством. Она заручается поддержкой всего города, в том числе некоторых из тех, кто ранее был сторонником правительства.
La estrella vacía
Olga Lang
Mourners share their memories of a dead film-star at her wake, a la Citizen Kane. Only melodrama.
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Inés Rojas
Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship. A reactionary seizes the murdered governor's post, and rushes to eliminate his romantic rival, an idealistic underling. The bureaucrat Vazquez hopes to marshal the angry residents of the capitol, El Pao, plus the many political prisoners, to oust Governor Gual.
La Cucaracha
Refugio / La cucaracha
The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.
La Niña Chole
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
Beyond All Limits
Magdalena Gamboa
This typical Mexican melodrama is set in a coastal fishing village where a wealthy fisherman lives with his wife and young son. Their lives are turned upside down when an American of dubious morality comes into town. The American and the fisherman's wife had been lovers years and years ago -- and now the fisherman begins to suspect that the son he always thought was his, is really the offspring of this foreign intruder.
Café Colón
Expensively-kept woman unexpectedly falls for a Zapatista general. She sells her jewels to help finance the revolution and ends up fighting on the front lines. Yeah, right.
Ash Wednesday
1913: A young woman is raped by a priest and turns away from the Church as a result of the experience. 1924: She now is the owner of an expensive brothel, and she plays a small role on both sides of the Cristero Uprising, when foreign-born clergy were deported from Mexico.
A conquering woman of love, power, and fame is challenged by the devil, as he too wants to conquer all. Even the devil learns that there is no wrath like a woman’s scorn.
The story of an indigenous who gave his life for the love of a white woman, whom he confused, because of her beauty, with Maria the virgin, fighting against the society, the prejudices, and the race.
The Hidden One
Judging by the number of times it has shown up on Spanish-language cable TV, La escondida is one of the most popular and best beloved of the Maria Felix vehicles. The star runs the emotional gamut as Gabriela, who rises from the depths of poverty to the heights of Mexican society as a much-sought-after courtesan. Eventually, however, Gabriela proves that she is still true to her peasant heritage by casting her lot with the rebels in the 1916 Mexican civil war. Pedro Armendariz co-stars as Felipe, the charismatic rebel leader who wins Gabriela's heart - and inadvertently causes her downfall. La escondida is stunningly photographed by the late, great Gabriel Figueroa.
Герои устали
После войны летчик Мишель Ривьер приезжает в африканский городок, чтобы продать алмазы, которые он обнаружил в своем самолете. Погрузившись в заботы по поиску покупателя, Мишель упустил из виду нечто очень важное. Теперь ему повезет, если он выберется из города живым…
Французский канкан
Анри Данглар, уже немолодой театральный импресарио, известен своей способностью превращать обычных с виду девушек в сенсации. С равным успехом Данглар и соблазняет их. Однажды он не на шутку увлекается Нини, очаровательной прачкой с Монмартра, и перестает уделять внимание своей предыдущей любви. Он отдает всю энергию на то, чтобы сделать из Нини не просто звезду, он создает для нее новую программу, возрождает забытый канкан и строит новый театр «Мулен Руж» — аттракцион для миллионеров.
The Beautiful Otero
Carolina Otero
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
The Abduction
Aurora Campos
In a small Mexican village the news shock neighbors, Ricardo Alfaro, a wealthy local rancher has disappeared without a trace. Taking advantage of the circumstance, Aurora Campos, a strong woman with overwhelming beauty, convinces the authorities to sell her the property in exchange for twelve thousand dollars. Soon after, when Ricardo suddenly reappears, a real battle is about to begin.
A woman of low estate is beloved of a promising young man, but sacrifices her love for him in order to protect his future and reputation.
Movie star
Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve.
Naked Passion
A woman who works doing chores in the convent where her paralyzed daughter, that believes that is dead, and falls in love of a doctor.
Распутная и жестокая супруга императора Клавдия Мессалина строит планы по свержению мужа и возведению на трон своего любовника Гая Силия. Но планы императрицы нарушает ее неистовая похоть. Мессалина обращает свой жадный взор на гладиатора Тавра. Однако непокорный раб отказывает всемогущей императрице ради своей возлюбленной христианки Цинции. За это Мессалина приказывает отдать Тавра на растерзание львам. Но отважная Цинция отправляется на арену вместе со своим возлюбленным и, тем самым, смягчает сердца безжалостных римлян. Мессалина вынуждена подчиниться публике и помиловать влюбленных, но она даже не подозревает, что этот жест станет первым предвестником ее падения…
Incantesimo tragico
Black Crown
Mara Russell
A woman suffers from amnesia after killing her husband, who was just about to demand a divorce for having found her engaging in an affair with a lover, who is only interested in her to find where some precious jewels are hidden.
La noche del sábado
In Rome, a beautiful young model named Donina is hired by a sculptor, Leonardo, inspired her to do a statue he hopes will be his masterpiece. The striking statue of Prince Florencio, heir to the throne of Preslavia, who presented at the banquet in his villa in Rome. Soon their beauty is all the rage across the country, the girl is the feeling of the moment and decides to leave with her ​​prince, leaving behind all his life, including his daughter, who leaves her under the protection of Leonardo.
The Devil Is a Woman
A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.
Любая женщина
Nieves Blanco
После смерти сына Ньевес Бланко разводится с мужем. Она хочет добиться успеха самостоятельно, но у нее есть большая проблема, женщина необычайно привлекательна и все мужчины видят в ней инструмент наслаждения. Проходит время, но она так и не смогла найти работу. В отчаянии, она решает выйти «на улицу» и продать себя. Она встречает Луиса, таинственного человека, который собирается втянуть Нтевес в большую передрягу, превратив её жизнь в лихорадочную полосу препятствий.
Mare nostrum
The Spanish merchant "Mare Nostrum", captained by Ulises Ferragut, docked in September 1939 at the port of Naples to repair a breakdown. Walking through the ruins of Pompeii, Ferragut meets Freyra, an enigmatic and beautiful woman of whom she instantly falls madly in love, unaware that the girl is in fact a dangerous spy of the Third Reich.
На небольшом мексиканском острове живёт группа индейцев. Они живут, придерживаясь своих традиций и не воспринимают посторонних. Красавица Макловия и Хосе Мария любят друг друга, но отец девушки не позволяет им пожениться и противится любым связям между ними из-за бедности юноши. Молодой человек стремится обучиться и заработать средства для покупки собственной рыбацкой лодки, чтобы заслужить расположение её отца. В то же время на остров прибывает батальон солдат и жестокий сержант положил глаз на Макловию.
May God Forgive Me
Sofía / Lena Kovach
Concentration Camp survivor tries to start over with a new identity.
Рио Эскондидо
Rosaura Salazar
По просьбе самого президента Мексики, несмотря на болезнь сердца, молодая учительница Росаура Саласар отправляется в заброшенный городок Рио-Эскондидо, чтобы возглавить школу, которая была закрыта в течение нескольких месяцев. После её прибытия Росаура должна противостоять тирану-помещику Рехино Сандовалю, который нещадно эксплуатирует крестьян и убивает любого, кто встанет на его пути. Дон Рехино влюбляется в Росауру, но это делает её жизнь только адом…
The Kneeling Goddess
Raquel Serrano
Legendary superstar María Félix, stars in this melodrama noir playing the role of Raquel, a woman who has a passionate love affair with married aristocrat Antonio. However, a sensual sculpture untitled “The Kneeling Goddess” and modeled after Raquel will lead Antonio down a memory lane he'd rather soon forget.
Beatriz Peñafiel
Во времена мексиканской революции генерал повстанцев Хосе Хуан Рейес и его войско захватывают консервативный город Чолула, расположенный недалеко от Мехико. Генерал требует от самых богатых горожан пожертвований на мексиканскую революцию. Однако его планы нарушаются, когда он влюбляется в сеньориту Беатрис Пенафьель, своенравную дочь самого богатого человека города.
La Devoradora
Diana de Arellano
A Mexican film noir revolving around a crime: the suicide of one of Diana (María Félix)'s lovers and the disposal of his body in order to avoid a scandal. Diana not only engineers the entire scheme, but drafts her two other suitors: her fiance Adolfo (Julio Villareal) and his nephew Miguel (Luis Aldas).
La mujer de todos
María Romano
A beautiful woman of affairs falls in love with a handsome young man of great promise. Fearing for his future, the man's father begs her to leave his son so that her reputation will not hold him back.
The White Monk
In an Italian monastery during the XIII century, a white image appears sculpted by Fray Paracleto humble mystically and sew clothes. Besides a mysterious woman appears Orsina Galata. She tells her story to the Father Provincial and thus dates back to his past.
Young woman's fiance unexpectedly falls in love with her mom, and ends up arranging the young woman's death.
A European doctor, in self-imposed exile in some place like Borneo, obsesses crazily over a ruling-class white woman.
La mujer sin alma
Teresa López
Ambitious young woman climbs the social ladder. A bit too fast.
La monja alférez
Catalina de Erauso
A 17th century woman, imprisoned for fighting in a bar, recounts her past to a priest. She tells of her father teaching her how to fence, of being sent to a convent by her aunt when her father died, of escaping by dressing as a man, and of her life as a man following the escape.
Doña Bárbara
Doña Bárbara
A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.
María Eugenia
María Eugenia
Before marrying María Eugenia, landowner Carlos are away to visit her godmother to break the promise to marry his daughter. The godmother is dying, Carlos quiets and everything takes an unexpected course.
The Spirit's Canyon
María Ángela Valdivia
The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.