Wang Yu

Рождение : 1944-03-28,


История о трёх городах
Director of Photography
Даолон и Юрон познакомились во время войны – он работал на таможне, она пыталась пронести через нее опиум. Юрон в одиночку воспитывала двух дочерей после смерти их отца во время бомбардировки, Даолон похоронил жену и теперь на нем два маленьких сына. Двое одиночек влюбляются друг в друга, но разгорающаяся междоусобица не позволяет им начать спокойную жизнь.
The Golden Era
Director of Photography
The story of writer Xiao Hong comes alive through memories of her great love affair, literary influence and escape from China during World War II.
Crazy Dinner Party
Director of Photography
I’m not entirely sure what this one’s about, folks, but that hasn’t stopped me from watching the embedded trailer a couple of times tonight. It’s a little jarring and a touch annoying, but that, I think, is what makes this film so alluring. Although a proper synopsis detailing a few plot points would be nice to have, all you really need to know about the flick resides in its title. There is, in fact, a dinner party taking place, and crazy things are happening at a mad rapid pace. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. But don’t waste your time over-thinking it. Director Shang Jing’s “Crazy Dinner Party”, which stars Fan Wei, Huang Bo, Monica Mok, Liu Hua, and Liang Guanhua, opens in China on January 23rd, 2012. When will the rest of us get to partake in said festivity? That remains to be seen
My Own Swordsman
Director of Photography
After an eighty episode run on mainland Chinese television, Shang Jing's popular kung fu comedy makes the jump to the big screen with this feature version.
Cinderella Moon
Director of Photography
Long ago, in a majestic Kingdom in China, events on Earth are reflected in Heaven and the sun and moon keep each other in balance. Trouble brews when the mistreatment of girls results in a moon that stubbornly refuses to move in the sky. Soon, the sun threatens to lose balance and fall from the heavens, destroying the Earth. The King knows that in order to restore balance in Heaven, he must first fix an imbalance between boys and girls on Earth. But how? One day, an oppressed orphan named Mei Mei disobeys her scheming stepmother and instead fulfills her destiny by attending the Full Moon Dance. It is there, wearing the magic slippers that her mother gave her before she died, she finally determines her fate … and the fate of her threatened world.
Воин и Волк
Director of Photography
Древний Китай. В высокогорной приграничной области императорские войска воюют с кочующими племенами. Новобранец армии с отрядом оказываются в снежном плену в высокогорной деревушке одного из племён. Там он находит местную девушку и вскоре влюбляется в неё, не зная, что на представителях этого племени лежит проклятье, которое коснётся его самым непосредственным образом.
24 City
Director of Photography
24 City chronicles the dramatic closing of a once-prosperous state-owned factory in Chengdu, southwest China and its conversion into a sprawling luxury apartment complex. Three generations, eight characters : old workers, factory executives and yuppies, their stories melt into the History of China.
Cry Me a River
Director of Photography
An ancestral city; through its delicious botanical garden and its branched canals, we observe the clues and traces of its ancient culture. Two couples of men and women, former lovers, meet again one year later. The yesterday's breath of youth is still perceptible in their conversations. Is it still possible for us to love? Does youth really have an end? Like the networks linking the old city, what type of ecological existence does their culture require? Written by Venice Film Festival
Lost Indulgence
Director of Photography
After a car accident which kills him, the wife and son of a taxi driver take in the injured prostitute he was driving.
Lost in Beijing
Director of Photography
A look at modern-day life in China’s capital centered on a ménage-a-quatre involving a young woman, her boss, her husband and her boss’s wife.
The Go Master
Director of Photography
The life of Go master Wu Qingyuan from his meteoric rise as a child prodigy to fame and fortune as a revolutionary strategic thinker, as well as the tumultuous conflicts between his homeland of China and his adopted nation of Japan.
Разноцветные бутоны
Director of Photography
Главная героиня — миловидный агент по продаже недвижимости Мейли — однажды встречает двух людей, которым суждено оказать сильное влияние на её жизнь. Один из них, мадам Умэки, загадочная состоятельная японка, обращается к Мейли с просьбой подыскать жильца для её роскошной квартиры. Второй — безымянный офицер полиции с нагрудным знаком 4708, эдакий прекрасный принц в униформе, который будто материализовался из глубин самых сокровенных желаний Мейли.
Tea-Horse Road Series: Delamu
Director of Photography
This film is a record of the Tea-Horse Road, the caravans of the Nujiang River Valley, and the aboriginal peoples who live there -- Mm. Ding who has a family with 15 members speaking 6 languages, a pastor who was jailed for 15 years for his believing, a 104 years old lady who walks through 3 centuries, a village head whose wife run away, a caravan who shares one wife with his elder brother, a young lama in the Buddhist temple who feels lonely sometimes, a 82 years old caravan leader whose story is a legend of the Tibetan caravans¡­ Written by BDI Films Inc.
Пурпурная бабочка
Director of Photography
Дин Хуи — член «Пурпуной бабочки», могущественной группы сопротивления в оккупированном японцами Шанхае. Неожиданное столкновение вновь объединяет ее с бывшим любовником Итами. Любовником… и офицером секретного подразделения полиции, единственная цель которого — уничтожение «Пурпурной бабочки».
Zhou Yu's Train
Director of Photography
Zhou Yu, a ceramic artisan in China's rural Northwest, has a deep rapport with Chen Qing, a shy sensitive poet. Taking a long train ride every weekend just to make mad passionate love with him, her longing seems insatiable. Until one day, she meets the hedonistic vet Zhang Qiang and begins a torrid affair, which takes her to another train station, and another level of lust. Driven by the locomotive of love and desire, she hustles through a dark tunnel of no return.
Director of Photography
An actor becomes increasingly introverted and psychotic and his entire family attempts to intervene.
All the Way
Director of Photography
This love story is disguised as a road drama and a crime story with all the twists and turns along the way. Aptly directed by Shi Runjiu, with engaging cinematography that matches the feel of the story, All The Way involves many stories of many people surrounding one goal—find the guy who’s got the goods.
Тайна реки Сучжоу
Director of Photography
Шанхай, наше время. Курьер Мардар влюбляется в юную и прекрасную Маудань. И тут же теряет ее. Друзья-бандиты решили похитить девушку, чтобы получить выкуп с ее богатого отца-контрабандиста, а Мардар согласился им помочь. Однако попытка похищения оказывается неудачной. Узнав о предательстве Мардара, Маудань прыгает с моста в темные воды реки Сучжоу и исчезает навсегда. Мардар получает три года тюрьмы. После освобождения он знакомится с Меймей, русалкой из ночного клуба, которая похожа на Маудань «как две капли воды». Неужели это его любимая?
A Lingering Face
Director of Photography
A Lingering Face follows an everyman named Lei Haiyang (Pan Yueming), who has recently broken up with his girlfriend. Deciding to go to Beijing, he hitches a ride with a driver (Ma Xiaoqing) and a fellow hitchhiker, Yanzi (Li Min). Waking up from a nap, Haiyang finds the truck parked in the woods and the driver raping Yanzi. Hiding in the undergrowth, Yanzi sees Haiyang, but does not reveal his hiding position. Terrified, Haiyang runs away.