

Maut Ki Dahshat
A 2004 Indian horror film.
Ammajan/Jahanara Begum
Ammajan (English: Dear Mother) is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film directed by Kazi Hayat and written by Monwar Hossain Dipjol. The film was released in 1999 in Bangladesh. It was produced by Monwar Hossain Dipjol. It is a drama film and superstars Manna, Shabnam Moushumi, Amin Khan, Monwar Hossain Dipjol, Miju Ahmed and more. It is all-time blockbuster Bangladeshi movie and it is one of the highest-grossing films at Bangladesh box-office.
The Bar
Aina is a love story of two hearts and two souls but from two different social classes, one being a daughter of a business tycoon and one being a realistic, self-confident and a little bit arrogant poor young man.
Aina is a love story of two hearts and two souls but from two different social classes, one being a daughter of a business tycoon and one being a realistic, self-confident and a little bit arrogant poor young man.
A country rube goes to the city to try and find work and runs into misunderstandings and trouble.
Man and Animal
Shekhar lives a wealthy lifestyle with in widowed mother, Gauri, in Jamuna Nagar, India and manages an estate. The region is being terrorized by a tiger which was wounded by him and has since become even more fearless and a man-eater. Shekhar's attempts to entrap and kill it are all in vain. Then Shekhar meets with Meena and both fall in love with each. Their marriage cannot take place as Meena's father, Gokuldas, had killed Shekhar's dad. But when Mohan kills Gokuldas, the past is forgiven and the couple are allowed to get married.
Munim's Wife
Haria lives with his widowed and elderly grandmother at a tea estate and works as Elephant Driver. He has no knowledge of his biological father, as his mother died at the time of his birth. He meets and falls in love with a gypsy girl, Gulabi, and both want to get married. But Gulabi has another suitor, none other than Ajay, the only son of the tea estate owner. When Ajay finds out that Gulabi loves Haria, he plans to get rid of Haria, but fails. He waits for the right moment, and has his men abduct Gulabi. But before he could have his way with her, she is rescued by Raja, but Ajay subsequently shoots Raja to death. An enraged Haria wants to kill Ajay in return, but Ajay's dad stops him from doing so. Then Ajay's dad finds out a secret about his past life, and decides to change his last will and testament. Ajay finds out about this and lays in wait with a shotgun to kill his very own father - and anyone else who dares to stand in his way
Main Sunder Hoon
Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.
A pakistan man goes abroad his country for earning money.
Scattered Pearls
A young widow is separated from her two sons, but rescues and raises a rich man's daughter.
У Тхакура Сураджа Сингха трое сыновей и дочь. Старший брат Кишор заботится о семейном бизнесе, средний сын Виджай – поэт, младший Мохан учится в колледже. Виджай любил Сапну, которая была вынуждена выйти замуж за их соседа Бихари. В ночь свадьбы она покончила жизнь самоубийством на глазах Виджая. Не выдержав смерти возлюбленной, он сходит с ума. Не желая отправить сына в лечебницу для душевнобольных, Тхакур нанимает молодую куртизанку Чанду, которая как он надеется, вылечит его сына...
Qasam Us Waqt Ki
Made for the Pakistani Air Force
Цветок и два садовника
Сомна живет со своей овдовевшей матерью в горной деревушке Непала. Она зарабатывает на жизнь сбором яблок у богатого вдовца Кайлаша Натха. Кайлаш Натх является председателем школы альпинизма и обучает учеников. Его ученик Амар Кумар влюбляется в Сомну. Их родители дают своё согласие и свадьба должна состояться после возвращения Амара из альпинистской экспедиции. На группу альпинистов сходит лавина и Сомна получает известие о гибели Амара. Вскоре она узнает, что ждет ребенка. Кайлаш Натх женится на несчастной девушке, чтобы спасти ее от позора. Но вскоре оказывается, что Амар Кумар жив..
Доктор Рави возвращает из-за рубежа и занимает должность главного хирурга в больнице. Затем он встретился с медсестрой Шанти, живущей с больной матерью. Во время операции мать девушки умирает и из-за чувства вины Рави женится на Шанти. Приемные родители огорчены женитьбой Рави, так как надеялись, что он женится на их дочери Раджни. Молодожены отправляются в медовый месяц в Кашмир, их чувства становятся все глубже. По приезду Рави продолжает свои медицинские исследования. Вскоре Шанти заболевает и, не желая стать обузой, уходит. Приходит известие о ее гибели в железнодорожной катастрофе. Безутешный Рави из чувства долга перед приемными родителями вынужден жениться на Раджни…
Aaja Sanam
Dr. Satish travels from the big city to a small village, where he can serve the poor who cannot afford to go to the city for medical treatment. Once in the village, he meets with Shanti, who lives with her dad, Radhekiran, a watchman. Both Shanti and Satish fall in love, and exchange vows to be married. Radhekiran has an accident, and dies, leaving Shanti to re-locate, without notifying Satish. Satish is devastated at losing Shanti, and tries to locate her, to no avail. His parents want him to marry Kamini, and he agrees to do so. It is then he comes across Shanti, and he is shocked to see that Shanti has given birth to baby-boy, but will not disclose who the father is.
Basheer Ahmad from East Pakistan created an amazing record when he sang eight songs in this film. He was also lyricist and music composer of these songs, which is a unique record in Pakistan's film history.
Biwi Aur Makan
Four young men re-locate from a village in India, to a big city. While attempting to access accomodation, they are repeatedly told that rooms will only be rented to married couples, not to bachelors. Frustrated at this, two of them disguise themselves as women, and pose as wives for the other two males. They are able to secure accomodation with the Mishra family. Complications arise when the two "women" fall in love with Mishra's two lovely daughters - with results that can only be described as hilarious.
Aakhri Station
Based on the story 'Pagli' by Hajra Masroor
Harano Din
Directed by Mustafiz, the film made a record as the first Bangla movie to run for 25 weeks. The romantic movie also presented the first popular on-screen couple in our cinema, Rahman-Shabnam.