Mrs. Elster
A policeman tries to protect a young woman against a hit man, when she flees New York after witnessing a mob killing.
A female version of the man in the iron mask. In this version the mask is put on a princess (patricia medina) rather than a prince as in the original book by Alexander Dumas.
May Nelson
В центре внимания этого криминального фильма находится казалось бы нормальный молодой человек, который по какой-то необъяснённой причине испытывает безумную неприязнь по отношению к женщинам, с которыми пересекается случайно, стреляя в них сквозь окна или с крыш, когда они идут по улицам. В 1953 году сценаристы фильма Эдна и Эдвард Энхалт были удостоены номинации на Оскар за лучший сценарий.
May 'May Berry' Berringer
A woman becomes desperate to find a pair of car thieves after her husband -- while on their honeymoon -- is killed during a robbery.
Jennie Westfall
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
Candy Carson
Joan Grey is a young pianist that falls for the good manners and nice clothes of a gang of mobsters. She is warned by Mark Hampton, an investigator, that she is associating with gangsters and she is heading for trouble. She refuses to believe him and becomes innocently involved in some robberies and killings.
Birthday Party Guest (uncredited)
Лили Джеймс, девушка из небольшого городка в Канзасе, начинает карьеру модели в агентстве Томаса Карауэя в Нью-Йорке. Будучи родом из маленького городка, Лили рано постигла законы улицы и научилась хорошо разбираться в людях. Она полагает, что может избежать многих проблем, достигнув профессионального успеха. Тяжело трудясь, она быстро поднимается на вершину своей профессии. Лили привлекает внимание Стива Херли, богатого владельца медного рудника в Монтане. Считая, что ничто не может встать между ними, Лили влюбляется в Стива. Но скоро она узнаёт, что он женат. Его жена Нора прикована к инвалидной коляске после аварии, виновником которой является Стив.
Julie O'Brien (uncredited)
Захватывающая драма о женской тюрьме. Наивную 19-летнюю Мари Аллен отправляют в тюрьму штата Иллинойс за сообщничество в вооружённом ограблении, где ее соседями становятся бесчувственные преступницы и охранницы-садисты.
Bessie Collier
Joyce Harper is an ex-Army nurse who enters police work with the L.A. Police Department, when her friend Ruby gets involved with a petty crook, Max Taylor refuses to listen to Joyce's warnings, and eventually marries the hoodlum. Joyce gets through the detailed trained required to become an L.A. policewoman, and she and her newly-assigned detective partner, Harvey Gates cleanup up a skid-row Bar-girl scheme.And she and Gates are told to get the goods on a narcotics gang ran by Richard Cott , and Ruby and Max Taylor reappear.
1949 thriller about the hunt for a serial killer known as "the Judge" who kills his victims on rainy nights.
Miss Lewis
Капитан Финли находит доказательства причастности к смерти Джозефа Самуэльса группы демобилизованных солдат. В ретроспективных кадрах мы видим события ночи убийства с различных точек зрения. Сержант Кили занимается собственным расследованиям, пытаясь очистить от подозрений своего друга Митчелла, на которого указывают косвенные улики. Тогда же выясняется реальная причина убийства...
Lorraine O'Reilly
Thanks to a fib intended to ward off an annoying real estate developer, a young bachelor finds himself engaged to three different women and pursued by a fourth, a gangster's sister.
Helen Lengel
A man is brought back from death at the same time a vicious criminal dies in the electric chair. However, the man's soul is now taken over by the electrocuted gangster, who embarks on a vengeful crime wave.
Ranch Guest
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Number 10 in the Blondie series, Blondie Goes to College is predicated on the notion that Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) must receive a college diploma or lose his job with the Dithers Construction Company. Not wishing to be separated from her husband, Blondie (Penny Singleton) enrolls in college as well. But Leighton College rules stipulate "No Married Couples", forcing Blondie and Dagwood to pretend that they're not married. This causes quite a dilemma when coed Laura Wadsworth (Janet Blair) begins flirting with Dagwood and Rusty Bryant (Larry Parks) does same with Blondie. And Blondie's discovery of a very pleasant secret threatens to expose her and Dagwood's marital status too. The student body at this particular seat of learning is comprised of quite a few familiar faces, including Lloyd Bridges, Sid Melton, and Adele Mara.
'Bubbles' Deegan
Michael Lanyard's faithful butler Jamison is mistaken for his boss by a gang of jewel robbers.
Susie Sloan (as Marla Dwyer)
Linda Strong, a bookish, frumpy co-ed, is invited to a formal dance as a sorority pledge initiation prank. Her selfish stepsister and guardian, Eileen, refuses to buy Linda a dress and decides that she is too young to attend. Katy, the cook, buys Linda a dress and with the help of Linda's cousin, Marian, conspires to get Linda to the dance. When Linda's friend Suzy tells her that she was invited as a prank, however, she refuses to go to the dance. Without her glasses and wearing stylish clothes, Linda is quite attractive, but she still rejects all the invitations from the fraternity brothers. She is crying outside the house when Chicago opera star Philip Niles arrives and offers to escort her to the dance. Eileen is at the dance with her fiancé John Gilman, who was Marian's boyfriend until Eileen stole him away.
Harry and Inez are a dance team at the Wonder Bar. Inez loves Harry, but he is in love with Liane, the wife of a wealthy business man. Al Wonder and the conductor/singer Tommy are in love with Inez. When Inez finds out that Harry wants to leave Paris and is going to the USA with Liane, she kills him.
A potpourri of features involving Hollywood celebrities. The Columbia University football team, winner of the 1934 Rose Bowl game, visits the Warner Bros. Studios and is greeted by several stars; Margaret Lindsay, Guy Kibbee, and Dick Powell work at a gold mine; Joan Blondell, recovered from a recent illness, thanks her fans; songs from the movie Harold Teen (1934) are performed by the songwriters and the film's stars.