Linus Gidstedt


Алис Т.
Foley Artist
Алиc - жизнерадостный и дерзкий рыжеволосый подросток, совсем не похожая на очаровательную маленькую тихоню, которую когда-то взяли из приюта. Она - бесконечный источник проблем и настоящее разочарование для приемной матери. Алиc постоянно врет и манипулирует всеми, существуя между своими фантазиями и реальностью. Это продолжается до тех пор, пока однажды мать не узнает о беременности дочери.
Последнее завещание Нобеля
Во время торжественного ужина по случаю вручения Нобелевской премии репортер криминальной хроники Аника Бенгцтон становится невольным свидетелем убийства высокопоставленного чиновника. Полиция запрещает ей оглашать какие-либо подробности по делу, но репортер до мозга костей не в силах противиться журналистскому призванию. Аника начинает самостоятельное расследование, которое приводит ее к страшной разгадке.
The Piano Stairs
Sound Mixer
Ida's great passion in life is to play the piano, she dreams of becoming a great pianist. But right it feels like the way there very long as she do not have time to practice that much she really wants. All time have to go to school that does not seem to end and the pressure to perform makes itself constantly reminded. But one morning Ida oversleeps.. it will be a day she will never forget.
The Piano Stairs
Sound Designer
Ida's great passion in life is to play the piano, she dreams of becoming a great pianist. But right it feels like the way there very long as she do not have time to practice that much she really wants. All time have to go to school that does not seem to end and the pressure to perform makes itself constantly reminded. But one morning Ida oversleeps.. it will be a day she will never forget.
Мисия Лондон
Варадин, недавно назначенный послом Болгарии в Англии, прибывает на новое место работы и обнаруживает, что в посольстве царит настоящий хаос. Варадину поручают устроить так, чтобы концерт в честь вступления Болгарии в Евросоюз посетила сама английская королева. Он обращается за помощью в PR-агентство «Знаменитые связи», не подозревая, что, на самом деле, это агентство эскорт услуг. В это же самое время работающий в посольстве повар помогает бандитам из Сербии спрятать в холодильнике на кухне в посольстве дюжину уток, похищенных из Ричмонд парка — никто из них не догадывается, что Скотланд Ярд уже идет по следу похитителей. Тем временем, Варадин влюбляется в Кати — девушку, ведущую двойную жизнь: днем она работает в посольстве уборщицей, а ночью — стриптизершей.
Шальные деньги
Стокгольмский таксист, решивший подработать, соглашается на предложение своего босса начать торговать кокаином. Постепенно в дело оказываются замешаны югославская мафия, сбежавший из тюрьмы латиноамериканец, на эту мафию работавший, и серб, мечтающий покончить с криминальной жизнью.
Eastern Plays
Foley Artist
Two estranged brothers are brought together when they have opposite roles in a racist beating: while Georgi who's recently joined a neo-nazi group participates in the violence, Hristo witnesses and rescues a Turkish family. Only by reuniting will the two brothers be able to assess what they really want from life.
Eastern Plays
Two estranged brothers are brought together when they have opposite roles in a racist beating: while Georgi who's recently joined a neo-nazi group participates in the violence, Hristo witnesses and rescues a Turkish family. Only by reuniting will the two brothers be able to assess what they really want from life.
If I'd only cared
Production Assistant
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
If I'd only cared
Music Supervisor
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
If I'd only cared
Music Editor
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
If I'd only cared
Sound Mixer
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
If I'd only cared
Foley Artist
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
If I'd only cared
Property Master
Sebastian is often beaten and kicked by a guy in school. David wants to be Sebastian's friend, but doesn't dare. Based on children's and young people's stories of bullying.
Love Me
Production Assistant
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Music Supervisor
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Music Editor
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Sound Mixer
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Sound Designer
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Foley Artist
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Love Me
Property Master
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse and they used to have fun and go swimming together. But everything changed when Josse met Oliva and Sara. Alice was left alone with no friends. Olivia, Sara and their friends starts to bully and provoke Alice. It gets so far that Alice thinks of taking her own life. But what happens when someone starts to care for her?
Me and Johan
Johan moves to a new city and is quickly bullied by a group of young people. He meets Linnea but all attempts to get to know her are stopped by mockery and humiliation of the gang. To avoid the harassment, he joins another gang where he is involved in crime and drug dealing.
Me and Johan
Music Editor
Johan moves to a new city and is quickly bullied by a group of young people. He meets Linnea but all attempts to get to know her are stopped by mockery and humiliation of the gang. To avoid the harassment, he joins another gang where he is involved in crime and drug dealing.
Me and Johan
Sound Mixer
Johan moves to a new city and is quickly bullied by a group of young people. He meets Linnea but all attempts to get to know her are stopped by mockery and humiliation of the gang. To avoid the harassment, he joins another gang where he is involved in crime and drug dealing.
Me and Johan
Sound Designer
Johan moves to a new city and is quickly bullied by a group of young people. He meets Linnea but all attempts to get to know her are stopped by mockery and humiliation of the gang. To avoid the harassment, he joins another gang where he is involved in crime and drug dealing.
Me and Johan
Foley Artist
Johan moves to a new city and is quickly bullied by a group of young people. He meets Linnea but all attempts to get to know her are stopped by mockery and humiliation of the gang. To avoid the harassment, he joins another gang where he is involved in crime and drug dealing.
You fucking idiot!!
Sound Mixer
A young love couple goes to the pub, but a jealousy drama degenerates into a fight. The story follows several alternative paths: the young man is murdered, beaten and paralyzed, murderes his antagonist before it finally comes to a happy ending.
You fucking idiot!!
Sound Designer
A young love couple goes to the pub, but a jealousy drama degenerates into a fight. The story follows several alternative paths: the young man is murdered, beaten and paralyzed, murderes his antagonist before it finally comes to a happy ending.
You fucking idiot!!
Foley Artist
A young love couple goes to the pub, but a jealousy drama degenerates into a fight. The story follows several alternative paths: the young man is murdered, beaten and paralyzed, murderes his antagonist before it finally comes to a happy ending.