The Naked Cowboy

The Naked Cowboy

Рождение : 1970-12-23, Cincinatti, Ohio, USA


The Naked Cowboy
The Naked Cowboy


Waiting in the Wings: Still Waiting
The stripper Tony and the naive enthusiast Anthony, two entertainers, destined for the big time, who are mismatched in a casting office from two very different online contests.
Pacific Mermaid
A young mermaid comes to New York to pursue her dream and reach the Pacific Ocean. Guided by the music, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery across the United States. The people she meets on the way think her to be a muse and guide her to the stars of Hollywood. But what has become of the American dream?
Акулий торнадо 2
После героической победы в Лос-Анджелесе Фин и Эйприл летят на восточное побережье. Пассажирский лайнер атакуется акулами уже на подлёте к Нью-Йорку, после чего Эйприл оказывается в больнице, а перед Финном снова встаёт задача спасения горожан и родственников от акульих торнадо, которых на этот раз целых три.
Веруя в экологическую чистоту
Что такое "экологически чистые" продукты? Это действительно лучшее, или просто маркетинговая афера?
The Genius of Charles Darwin
A documentary series from Channel 4, hosted by professor Richard Dawkins, well-known darwinist. The series mixes segments on the life and discoveries of Charles Darwin, the theory of natural selection and evolution, and Dawkins' attempts at convincing a group of school children that evolution explains the world around us better than any religion.
Мгновения Нью-Йорка
Один день из жизни 17-летних сестер-близняшек Джейн и Рокси Райан. Путешествие от Лонг-Айленда до Нью-Йорк Сити оказывается полным не только забавных приключений, но и досадных неожиданностей…
Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker!
Naked Cowboy
A buffoonish candy addict, named Mulva, and her misfit friends, are forced to fight for her Halloween candy against hordes of zombies that rise from the dead on Halloween night.
Wide Nude World Of Sports
(credited as Robert Burck)
For the first time, 8 Playgirl model-athletes share the same screen and playing field in the hottest, wildest, nude athletic competition. Their ripped, naked bodies strain against each other as they compete in five challenging events designed to show off every muscle of their stunning physiques. Watch them fight for supremacy in Bucket Ball Scramble, bounce ever higher in Trampoline Dodge Ball, use everything but their hands in Soccer Skirmish, strain for the lead in the All-Terrain Running Race, and get down and dirty in Naked Mud Wrestling. And after marveling at the power and strength of their exquisite bodies, you'll meet them one-on-one as each hunk eagerly shows off every flexing muscle of his stunning nude body. If Wide Nude World of Sports were on television, you'd never change the channel!