A documentary that explores the challenges, successes and lives of five transgender women. These five women represent normality and abnormality seamlessly in their daily efforts to achieve a daily balance of both feminine and masculine.
A 14-year-old (Casey) leads his two half-brothers (H, 19 years old and baby Severino) on a journey to find and live as a family with his father after their mother dies.
A comedian replies to the "Super Size Me" crowd by losing weight on a fast-food diet while demonstrating that almost everything you think you know about the obesity "epidemic" and healthy eating is wrong.
The 50 year struggle between rock pioneers and powerful business/government interests for the soul of music radio, told by America's favorite deejays and the artists they made rock stars.
Во время Второй мировой войны шотландский Аргайлский полк почти в полном составе, включая подполковника Маклина, майора Кэмпбелла, капитана Гордона и прикомандированного лейтенанта американской армии Риардона, оказался в японском плену и был отправлен в концлагерь, расположенный посреди непроходимых джунглей. Японцы, считающие военнопленных недостойными жизни трусами, требуют беспрекословного подчинения. Те, кто откажется строить стратегическую железную дорогу через джунгли, будут казнены, как подполковник Маклин. Принявший командование майор Кэмпбелл, несмотря на то, что его солдаты измучены голодом, болезнями и непосильным трудом, считает единственным достойным выходом восстание и побег…
Executive Producer
Disillusioned, Eddie is a long-suffering husband who finds passion and happiness with his neighbor, Rachel, a struggling estate agent. Only one thing stands in their way - Mona, Eddie's tyrannical wife who helped Eddie when he was still a recent immigrant, then trapped him in a loveless marriage. As the relationship deepens, the two lovers devise a plan where Rachel is brought into the house as Mona's live-in attendant for Mona must die.