The life story of a treasure hunter who lives in the countryside of Gunma in Japan. He is pure and kind, but has no communication skills and has a mind of his own. His sole friend is his co-worker. This man has never had sex. The friends find a robot one day. The robot wants to stay with the men. A bond is formed. The men resolve to change their lives.
A man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.
Based on the manga by Tsuchiya Garon (aka Marley Carib) and Kawaguchi Kaiji, serialized in Action in the 80s. A detective thriller in which former boxer Shozo is thrown into a web of intrigue when he picks up a ringing phone in a room whose occupant he is supposed to be following.
Featuring a modern-day odd couple, the naive virgin Kubota and the handsome charmer Hachisuka, who meet up by accident in a Middle Eastern desert and return to Japan to hustle their way through life. They start by getting involved in shady TV dealings, where they get jobs making fake documentaries.
Featuring a modern-day odd couple, the naive virgin Kubota and the handsome charmer Hachisuka, who meet up by accident in a Middle Eastern desert and return to Japan to hustle their way through life. They start by getting involved in shady TV dealings, where they get jobs making fake documentaries.