Ten years ago, on an island located near Hiroshima, a seventeen-year-old student named Miyuki committed suicide by jumping from a cliff near where she lived. Bullied everyday at school, she was in love with a fellow student named Takuma. Ten years later, Takuma returns to the island where he was born and where Miyuki died. Although ten years have flown by and Miyuki died long ago, she still loves Takuma.
Ten years ago, on an island located near Hiroshima, a seventeen-year-old student named Miyuki committed suicide by jumping from a cliff near where she lived. Bullied everyday at school, she was in love with a fellow student named Takuma. Ten years later, Takuma returns to the island where he was born and where Miyuki died. Although ten years have flown by and Miyuki died long ago, she still loves Takuma.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
Two young girls meet, Reinette from the countryside and Mirabelle from Paris, and decide to take a flat together in Paris where they attend University. Four successive stories about their daily lives illustrate the very different views, characters and relation to the world of these two friends.
Music Director
A little boy on vacation at the seaside meets an invisible girl who takes him to her world.
A series of stories told by Rosette about her vacation. Filmed in super 8 by Eric Rohmer.
Original Music Composer
Sabine vows to give up married lovers, and is determined to find a good husband. Her best friend Clarisse introduces her to her cousin Edmond, a busy lawyer from Paris. Sabine pursues Edmond, with the encouragement of Clarisse, but Edmond does not seem very interested.