Ten years ago, on an island located near Hiroshima, a seventeen-year-old student named Miyuki committed suicide by jumping from a cliff near where she lived. Bullied everyday at school, she was in love with a fellow student named Takuma. Ten years later, Takuma returns to the island where he was born and where Miyuki died. Although ten years have flown by and Miyuki died long ago, she still loves Takuma.
Ten years ago, on an island located near Hiroshima, a seventeen-year-old student named Miyuki committed suicide by jumping from a cliff near where she lived. Bullied everyday at school, she was in love with a fellow student named Takuma. Ten years later, Takuma returns to the island where he was born and where Miyuki died. Although ten years have flown by and Miyuki died long ago, she still loves Takuma.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
파리에 사는 미라벨은 휴가를 보내기 위해 시골에 내려온다. 우연히 레네트가 미라벨의 고장난 자전거를 고쳐주면서 두 소녀는 가까워진다. 그녀들은 마침내 파리에서 대학 생활을 함께 하기로 하지만 너무나 다른 성격을 가진 두 소녀의 파리 생활은 시골에서처럼 즐겁지만은 않다.
Music Director
A little boy on vacation at the seaside meets an invisible girl who takes him to her world.
A series of stories told by Rosette about her vacation. Filmed in super 8 by Eric Rohmer.
Original Music Composer
유부남 시몽과 밀애를 즐기던 25살의 사빈은 그가 절대로 아내를 버리지 않을 것임을 깨닫고 평생을 함께 할 남편감을 찾기로 결심한다. 친구 클라리스가 파리의 변호사인 사촌 에드몽을 소개해 주고, 사빈은 그와 함께 완벽하고 행복한 결혼 생활을 할 수 있으리라 믿는다.