Helgi Schmid

Helgi Schmid

Birth : 1986-05-09, Darmstadt, Germany


Helgi Schmid


Meine Freundin Volker
Vivian Bernaise is the star of the Hamburg drag scene. After a glamorous performance in the Hamburg drag club "Die Donauwelle", she witnesses a mafia attack and has to flee. Vivian becomes Volker – and disguised as a straight man, she hides with the family of the elementary school teacher Katja in the rural areas of Schleswig-Holstein.
One Night Off
A 24-year-old music enthusiast Noah looks after his baby overnight for the first time.
"Borga" is Better. A Borga is a Ghanaian abroad living an excessive wealthy lifestyle. At least that's what they want everyone to believe.
Immer der Nase nach
Ein Sommer in Antwerpen
Johann Kopstedt
Carolinas, summer in Antwerp will be different from what she thought. She actually wants to found a new fashion label with Johann in Hamburg. But Mathis turns her life upside down.
Die Bestatterin - Die unbekannte Tote
Andi Kuhn
Nicht tot zu kriegen
Head Burst
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Der Wunschzettel
Jon - Freund von Caro
Verpiss Dich, Schneewittchen
A young couple seeking for refuge. A beautiful couple - but it can't be what may not be.
Ein Mord mit Aussicht
Simon Klose
Sophie Haas and her team are forced to state everything they know about the committed crime in the nearby village.
Aus der Kurve
Tom Langen
All You Need Is Love
Hans Remminger
When Katharina got an unexpected letter from her son Hans announcing that he was getting married and that he and his fiancé Nicki were leaving Berlin to come visit her...