Gen Asano


Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
Key Animation
In the aftermath of the Fourth Impact, stranded without their Evangelions, Shinji, Asuka and Rei find refuge in one of the rare pockets of humanity that still exist on the ruined planet Earth. There, each lives a life far different from their days as an Evangelion pilot. However, the danger to the world is far from over. A new impact is looming on the horizon—one that will prove to be the true end of Evangelion.
Key Animation
Galo and the Burning Rescue Fire Department face off against BURNISH, a group of mutants who are able to control and wield flames, and the fire disaster they have unleashed on Earth.
I can Friday by day!
A diary. Purikura stickers. Blue-white 3rd Planet Administration Treaty Army. 7:00 am. Triangle situation. Camouflage pattern. The secret toasted bread. 1088th Independent Mobile Platoon. SaHa E233. Type Otsu Foreign Legion. Beast-vehicle. “Hi, guys.” Campfire. Pan-galactic rare crystal Ikemeshium. Tears.
Based on the novel “Adam Stvořitel” by Karel Čapek: angry at the world for its imperfections, Adam destroys everything except himself. God, as punishment, lets Adam rebuild the world to his whim and will.
Tomorrow from there
Every single day as always. The way to home as always. The thing waiting ahead is…?
until You come to me.
Shinji, Rei, and Asuka in their states at the end of “Evangelion: 3.0.” A post-Impact world.