Gen Asano


Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 A Esperança
Key Animation
No rescaldo do Quarto Impacto, presos sem seus Evangelions, Shinji, Asuka e Rei procuram refúgio nos desolados restos vermelhos de Tokyo-3. Mas o perigo para o mundo está longe de acabar. Um novo impacto está surgindo no horizonte - aquele que provará ser o verdadeiro fim de Evangelion.
Key Animation
Trinta anos se passaram desde o aparecimento dos Burnish, uma raça de seres mutantes que é capaz de controlar o fogo e que destruiu metade do mundo. Quando aparece um novo grupo de mutantes agressivos chamado "Mad Burnish", começa uma batalha épica entre a Galo Thymos, um novo membro da equipe "Burning Rescue", e Lio Fotia, o líder de "Mad Burnish".
I can Friday by day!
A diary. Purikura stickers. Blue-white 3rd Planet Administration Treaty Army. 7:00 am. Triangle situation. Camouflage pattern. The secret toasted bread. 1088th Independent Mobile Platoon. SaHa E233. Type Otsu Foreign Legion. Beast-vehicle. “Hi, guys.” Campfire. Pan-galactic rare crystal Ikemeshium. Tears.
Based on the novel “Adam Stvořitel” by Karel Čapek: angry at the world for its imperfections, Adam destroys everything except himself. God, as punishment, lets Adam rebuild the world to his whim and will.
Tomorrow from there
Every single day as always. The way to home as always. The thing waiting ahead is…?
until You come to me.
Shinji, Rei, and Asuka in their states at the end of “Evangelion: 3.0.” A post-Impact world.