Norton de Matos

Norton de Matos

Birth : 1953-12-14, Lisboa, Portugal


Norton de Matos
Norton de Matos
Norton de Matos


Street of No Return
Police Officer
A rock star-turned-bum, his vocal chords severed at the height of his career for the love of a woman, drunkenly roams the city, torn apart by sponsored race riots. When accused of murder, he may have the chance to get revenge on the magnate who maimed him.
Voltar is the short story of a man that returns from prison to find the woman that he used to love. The movie was made for RTP (the Portuguese National TV).
Entre Nous
In 1942 in occupied France, a Jewish refugee marries a soldier to escape deportation to Germany. Meanwhile a wealthy art student loses her first husband to a stray Resistance bullet; at the Liberation she meets an actor, gets pregnant, and marries him. Lena and Madeleine meet at their children's school in Lyon in 1952 and the intensity of their relationship strains both their marriages to the breaking point.