The story revolves around the relationship between Rei Kosaka, a tsundere guy who easily gets worked up and who always says, "just die already", and Nana Kano, a girl who habitually cuts her wrists and who always says, "I want to die."
A bruised and battered corpse in Shibuya, Tokyo has the attention of the local cops. A veteran detective is assigned to the case. The last utterance of the victim is one clue that detective Imanishi has to work on. Yet, the case becomes more tangled quickly. Elsewhere, a prodigy named Waga Eiryo is composing an orchestral piece.
Rin, Yuu, Koyomi and Keita are friends in high school who live in the same apartment building. Rin and Yuu like each other, but they don’t tell each other, until Kazuma shows up.