The bellboy aspires to be a private eye and is reading a book to learn the trade. The 'suspicious' activities of women in the hotel give him a chance to practice his skills. Surprise! They are representatives of a lingerie manufacturer. To investigate further, he poses as a potential buyer, and the women take turns modeling their wares.
After 50 years of service, the district usher Johann Peter Neusigl is supposed to get awarded a Royal-Bavarian medal of merit. Since government director Steinbeißl has announced that he wants to witness the awarding ceremony in person, district magistrate Kranzeder decided to splash out. He organises, with his wife Amalie, a banquet in their parlour, although both of them rather begrudge Neusigl the award. But after all, it is necessary to cut a good figure for the dignitaries. As the government director arrives, after a few incidents during his journey, belated, the event, however, has already degenerated into a boozy carousal which culminates in a scuffle.
Samo, Sandi in Krištof se pripravljajo na maturo. Domislijo se, da bi se lahko dokopali do matematičnih maturitetnih nalog s pomočjo domnevne profesorjeve hčerke z vzdevkom Hiperbola. Ker ne vedo njenega pravega imena, jo poimenujejo Vesna (pomlad). Na zmenku se nepričakovano prikaže prava profesorjeva hčerka, privlačna Janja. Samo in Vesna se zaljubita in zgodba se začne naglo odvijati. Samo povabi Vesno (Janjo) na vožnjo z jadralnim letalom. Morata zasilno pristati.Sandi, vesel, da so končno dobili naloge, se zanje stepe s Samom. Samo se poškoduje in zaradi tega ne more na zmenek z Vesno. Nanj gre Sandi, ki na zmenku poskuša pridobiti Vesno zase. Zareče se mu in uide mu resnica, da so za Vesno žrebali. Zaradi tega se hoče Vesna ubiti. Skoči s padalom v upanju, da se ne bo odprlo. Vse se lepo izide, padalo se odpre.