A seasoned team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings, John Rahway, A.J., and brothers Jake and Jesse Attica successfully complete their latest heist and lead a life of luxury while planning their next job. When Ghost, a former member of their team, is released from prison he convinces the group to strike an armored car carrying $20 million. As the "Takers" carefully plot out their strategy and draw nearer to exacting the grand heist, a reckless police officer inches closer to apprehending the criminals.
Attractive Woman at Restaurant
Bruce Nolan toils as a 'human interest' television reporter in Buffalo, N.Y., but despite his high ratings and the love of his beautiful girlfriend, Bruce remains unfulfilled. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God—and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers.
Miss Fleming
Life does a 180-degree turn for bitter spinster Lettie (Mary Tyler Moore) when she takes in her 9-year-old grandniece, Travis (Holliston Coleman), in this Emmy Award-winning movie. Confused by her aunt's cold treatment, Travis attempts to uncover the reason for Lettie's self-imposed seclusion by befriending farmhand Isaiah (Charles Robinson) and Lettie's former beau Sam (Burt Reynolds). Can the three reawaken Lettie's long-gone love of life?