Boris Cavazza

Boris Cavazza

Birth : 1939-02-02,


Boris Cavazza


Grandpa Goes South
Two elderly musicians in search of a sweetheart from their younger days cross paths with an up-and-coming young singer. Together, they embark on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
Once Were Humans
Leo is an Italian who lives in Slovenia. Vučko is a Bosnian who arrived to Slovenia as a child refugee. Leo continues to stay in Slovenia because of his ex-wife Tanja and his son Luka, hoping that they can become a family again. When the bank refuses to grant a loan Leo and Vučko would need to renovate their restaurant, they have no choice but to accept an offer from Gianni, a swindler. They are tasked with stealing Gianni’s truck so that he can collect the insurance money. However, instead of stealing Gianni’s truck, Leo and Vučko mistakenly steal a truck full of refugees. Vučko the refugee and Leo the migrant themselves thus inadvertently become responsible for destinies of people similarly unfortunate as they had once been. In order to solve their financial problems, they decide to sell the refugees. At first it seems that they are not indifferent towards these people, but with each passing day there is less and less humanity left in Leo and Vučko.
Bruno lives at a home for the elderly and is in love with a co-resident named Dusa. Their love story is fragmented, as they tend to constantly forget each other. Thus, they can always meet for the first time.
Rosa and Igor live under the same roof, without trespassing on each other's territory even thou they have been living together for years. Things that happened divided them - things that came about brought them back together.
I Am
It's not time for revolutions, It's time for individuals, you just have to have the courage.
The Miner
2009, Slovenia. For 30 years, Alija, the miner, has been one of the many Bosnian immigrant workers. Due to the crisis, miners are losing jobs. Alija is sent to check an abandoned mine. His task is to quickly make sure the mine is empty before management sells the company. But in the mine, Alija finds hidden proof of executions after WWII. He is told to stop digging and report the mine empty. He decides to continue, although he is risking his job. Alija discovers thousands of executed people. He informs the police. He found women among the dead. Some of them were civilians, missing persons, just like his sister that was lost in the 1995 genocide in Bosnia. Alija is convinced the victims need to be brought out, identified and buried. But there is no interest in doing that. The mine is proclaimed a WWII military grave and walled in. The dead will stay unburied. Alija loses his job and struggles to preserve his dignity.
Every Good Story Is a Love Story
A film about a theatre performance and four very notable people behind it: writer and director D. Jovanović, actress M. Zupančič and actors R. Polič and B. Cavazza. This is a story of a love triangle and of a multi-layered, entirely overt intertwining of protagonists’ public artistic personas and their personal lives. The film documents a 4-month process of the making of a theatre piece from the first rehearsal to the opening night, at the same time uncovering the intimate lives of the artists and telling a universal story of the relationship between the real and the imagined, a story of personal and public perceptions of art.
Ana's Commission
It focuses on Ana, the wife of tycoon Sašo. When her husband gets in trouble and disappears, she realizes she does not know anything about her husband or his business.
Feed Me with Your Words
In order to perfect his research, Robert travels to Italy, where he meets an unusual homeless man. Overwhelmed and confused by the unexpected encounter with that mysterious man, Robert begins to follow him and disappears without a trace...
Piran - Pirano tells a story about three individuals and how their destinies are unusually intertwined. An Italian Antonio, a Bosnian Veljko and a Slovenia girl Anica face the terror of war as children and each of them become war's victim in their own way. Half a century later their paths cross again and last days of war, fear, despair, love and inexplicable emotions live up again - this time because Antonio returns to Piran to see his place of birth once again before he dies.
Personal Baggage
Vid is talented but spoiled young man smothered in his affection to the adoring mother and heedless of his aloof father. His grandfather is benevolent but self-important patriarch and his new girlfriend is a creature of voluptuous innocence wrestling with the torment of a dysfunctional home. These are main characters in a story of strained love and spiraling desire. Characters reveal inexorable issues- baggage that they brought with them. Ultimately this baggage becomes a ruinous burden.
Every Day Is Not the Same
Little things in the everyday life of six different people: a pregnant woman who sets off with her daughter to give birth; her husband, who needs to take her to the maternity ward as soon as possible; a woman who is in conflict with the pregnant woman\’s husband regarding a parking dispute; her lover who wants a serious relationship; and a postman who wants this man\’s signature upon a registered letter. People always meet and their lives are interconnected, regardless of who or what they are.
The Sea at the Time of the Eclipse
Val Sebald
Val Sebald is an author who comes to the Island to retreat from life and land. There he lives among the islanders and his favorite women, the heroines of various maritime novels. His relations with actual women from his past are reduced to messages in bottles that he ceremonially throws into the water. Val brings the real and imaginary people together into a place he is comfortable with, while his real life also becomes more and more one with the sea and the underwater world.
Summer Hit
A story about the price of success. It reveals the cruelty of the music scene that a young and talented girl has to cope with in order to succeed.
Almost Six Feet too Deep
Father is dying at home. The pastor orders Janez and Marinka to call his son Štefan before he dies. Since father and son are at odds, Janez and Marinka are afraid that Štefan will not want to come. Therefore, at the approaching harvest, they lure him with the lie that his father is already dead. Despite the poor medical prognosis, the father is still alive when his son arrives.
Short Circuits
Mitja's dad
At night a city bus driver finds an abandoned baby near a stop. A divorced man comes to pick up his excited son for the weekend. A pretty doctor befriends a quadriplegic. Out of this unfolds a delicate story of human relationships, in which tough feelings of sympathy and guilt the protagonists are confronted with different ways of looking at events.
Dubrovnik Twilight
Destinies of few people from Dubrovnik, as well as Croatian fighters against Yugoslav People's Army in the battle of Srdj, mountain behind the town's walls.
Blues for Sara
Private detective Emil Marlovsek can boast a wealth of solved cases of run away and lost dogs. He is assisted in his work by his secretary Beba and Milivoj, a retired officer of the Yugoslav National Army. One evening, Emil encounters the beautiful Sara in the bar where he occasionally plays the piano and falls in love at first sight. The next morning Sara disappears. Not long after he is paid a visit by entrepreneur Grubelic whose wife is missing. Emil soon realizes that she is Sara and immediately starts to search for her. He discovers that Sara is being held prisoner by the mafia, on account of her husband's fishy business involving people in high places. The story's outcome is completely unexpected.
Gypsy Eyes
A security officer tracks down the Gypsy girl who can identify an American diplomat's killer.
The story is told through different points of view. A woman loves everything green, her husband loves his car, a magician knows the secrets of the stars, a professor knows everything about sound and a cyclist solves a difficult problem. A surreal travel through time and space.
The Case of Felix Langus or How to Seize Freedom
Felix Langus is increasingly obsessed with the idea of communicating with supernatural forces, which warn him of the great peril of danger. Attacks of obsession are triggered by aggressive media, which are constantly challenged by dangerous information in a graduated rhythm. At his job as a driver, he has more and more problems. He's moved to an undemanding workplace, but his obsession proves to be dangerous even there, which leads him to unpredictable and grotesquely funny complications. Together with his psychotherapist, he can not escape a common fate...
The Case of Felix Langus or How to Seize Freedom
Feliks Langus
Felix Langus is increasingly obsessed with the idea of communicating with supernatural forces, which warn him of the great peril of danger. Attacks of obsession are triggered by aggressive media, which are constantly challenged by dangerous information in a graduated rhythm. At his job as a driver, he has more and more problems. He's moved to an undemanding workplace, but his obsession proves to be dangerous even there, which leads him to unpredictable and grotesquely funny complications. Together with his psychotherapist, he can not escape a common fate...
To the Limit and Beyond
A thief commits daring robberies (a la Raffles) in Slovenia during the 1920s. While he romances the ladies a persistent detective tries to hunt him down and bring him to justice.
Maternal Half-Brothers
This story about two maternal half-brothers, a Croat and a Serb. Although they never met, and both lose their loved ones in ethnic clashes, there is a bond between them. Filmed in 1988, it prophetically forsees the war that would engulf former Yugoslavia three years later.
The Orchid Villa
Successful writer (Boris), accompanied with his fiancé, returns to place where he grew up in hope to find inspiration for new book. But memories are somewhat distracting, especially those of an old love...
In the Midst of My Days
A famous actress dying from cancer sets off to the mountains where she witnesses human misery, yet being fascinated by patients' faith in healing via intercessory from Mother of God.
Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to implement the idea.
Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to implement the idea.
The Magic Snowman
Tom Tonnery
The story of a snowman that talks to the boy who built him and helps his family when a fishing drought threatens their livelihood...
Love Is the Ruin of Us All
At the end of the last century hunters who hunted wild roosters, while waiting for prey to show up, were killing time with storytelling. The first story is about Jernac that had a fight with Tomas because of Rezika. Another story tells about Tincek, limp foundling, who spent his youth with the Komar family, where he fell in love with their Lencka. The third is the story of a rich Miholac whose attention was grabbed by poor Polonca, a romance that was opposed by his father. The central theme of all stories is love that eventually everybody die of.
A Cormoran
A story about sailor Maks in a crisis of his life.
A Cormoran
A story about sailor Maks in a crisis of his life.
The Merry Wedding
plebanus Klekl
In 1920s Ljubljana, a student of theology decides to leave his studies and dedicate to music.
The Years of Decision
When Peter comes back from the war, he finds his father changed and alone. Their former maid, Leni, has also left and soon Peter's grandfather also dies. His father begins writing his memoirs of his Partisan years. Peter blames his father for his mother's death, but the final blow comes when he catches his father together with his (Peter's) former girlfriend. He moves in with his brother and accuses Leni of having had an affair with his father. Peter decides to kill his father but cannot carry out the plan. His father tells him in a fit of rage that he isn't his son at all. Feeling desperate and down, he goes to Leni's place for comfort, and finds her dead on the floor. The police arrest Peter for the murder of Leni. Will Peter have to serve a jail sentence on his road to maturity and will political connections have a bearing on the final verdict of the trial? Peter doesn't even know whom he can trust anymore.
Red Boogie
Comedy about a group of musicians who are sent to play to villagers and workers to raise morale during a 5 year plan. The trouble is they prefer to play jazz and boogie music to the traditional folk songs, and each time they try their jazz they are reprimanded by the local party secretary.
Working class of a small town near Ljubljana hope that the authorities will choose their town to build a new factory there, which proves to be wrong. The film is a critical observation of the lack of prospect of young people who live in the province.
Some years before WWI, art historian and priest Ciril from Ljubljana and his friend Fritz set out on a journey through Italy. Ciril hopes that his doctorate on Italian art would provide him inner peace, thus starting a new life. Emotionally disturbed Fritz, on the other hand, tries to escape everyday life, as well as from commitment he has to his female friend.
Real Pests!
In Ljubljana lives a bus driver Stebe. He's a widower. He lives with five sons and a maid Rozi. The boys are very naughty and keep annoying Rozi and, in fact all neighbourhood. One day Rozi in desperation declares that she is leaving them, because she cant stand it no more. And she does leave, although she is fond of the boys. Soon afterwards Rozi's niece Meri comes by, asking if she might stay because she wants to find herself a job in town. Meri is good girl but cannot cope with the kitchen work as successfully as her aunt. But the whole Steb family seems to be charmed by her. Even one of Stebe's own colleagues, Tone, begins to take interest in the girl. Meri likes him too. Stebe's boys feel quite disappointed because of it. But all's well that ends well: in full conspiracy Meri qualifies as bus driver while Rozi returns to the Stebe family.
The Widowhood of Karolina Žašler
As she tries to cope with the changes in Yugoslav rural life brought about by increasing modernization, the Widow Karolina wishes she had become a mother. As difficult as things are for her, they are nonetheless much more difficult for her more-conservative and less-thoughtful neighbors.
White Grass
When Dane returns from the army, Vera awaits him at the station, ready to live together with him. Yet beneath the veil of enthusiasm lies anxiety for their future. The couple sets off for the mountain village where Vera's parents live, but find life in the harsh alpine conditions too difficult. They decide to move down into the valley, where they meet a discontented couple whose marriage has been marred by an affair. Vera and Dane also encounter difficulties in their relationship, but the tragic example of the other couple helps them realize that their home lies in the place of their birth - beneath the free skies in the mountains.
Passion According to Matthew
Split shipyard worker's Mate, lives with his elderly mother and wife Mara, and trying to prove himself as a boxer. At the same time, his younger brother Luka drunk sex and fantasize about trip in Germany, embarks on a passionate love relationship with a young girl Orom, which was a bit sexually satisfied only him, his step father who thought he was father. The tense atmosphere seasoned with sea waves,can only bring tragedy.
A Long Ride To Eden
Two bank robbers encounter two religious couples in a remote hut. Tensions grow while the gangsters are waiting for their third partner.
The Fugitive
WWII - Slovenia under Italian fascist occupation. Two friends separated by a woman they both loved, and then by war as well: one of them joins partisans, the other Italian occupying forces.
Two stories - two truths are confronting. Former Partisan Miha is trying to tell a shocking story from the war times in the modern day disco club, where young people are having fun in a crazy rhythm of music with alcohol and drugs... Amongst the many issues this film explores are the following questions: Does the desire for pleasure and amusement always gain the upper hand against moral convictions and man's sense of responsibility and guilt? What things are worth sacrificing your life for? Are moral second thoughts and the search for the truth stronger than man's endless search for instant pleasure? Is the experience of war truly that which turns a boy into a man? And does love truly redeem death?
Thunder from the West
During World War II an Italian secret agent is sent undercover to kill the head of the resistance in Budapest.
The Fifth Ambush
Komisar Ilija
A partisan battalion falls into enemy trap more than once, which makes them suspect it's about treason. Their commissar and commander move the unit in a remote settlement in order to discover the enemy agent. This draws a lot of suspicion and distrust within the unit, and finally it was the head of the battalion who was charged as guilty, and executed. However, was he the real intruder? The commissar and the commander take the battalion to a new battle without definitive knowledge of the whole present situation.
Operation Cross Eagles
War - In this thrilling war drama set in Yugoslavia during WWII, a small band of courageous commandoes are sent to kidnap an important German commander in exchange for an American general being held in a German fortress. "Operation Cross Eagles" is a story of suspense and intrigue that will have you on the edge of your seat one moment and blast you back the next. - Richard Conte, Rory Calhoun, Aili King