Anzhelika Nevolina

Anzhelika Nevolina

Birth : 1962-04-02, Ленинград, СССР (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)


Anzhelika Nevolina


Cargo 200
Artem's wife
While returning to Leningrad from a visit to his brother, Professor Artyom's car breaks down and he finds assistance at an isolated farmhouse occupied by Alexey, his wife, a Vietnamese laborer, and a stranger who wanders around the farm. When his car is repaired, Artyom leaves, drunk on moonshine, and students Valera and Angelika arrive. After Valera gets drunk, the stranger abducts Angelika.
Pavlov's Dog
Two twenty-year-olds meet each other in the sanatorium and fall in love. Ksenia is an alchoholic, Maxim is suicidal. Gradually it becomes clear that the characters, betrayed by their relatives, kept inside the sanatorium, constrained by regimes and the cult of work therapy, are healthier and freer than many of those who live outside.
Myths of My Childhood
The story takes place in a small village on the beach of Sea of Azov at the beginning of 1960s. Adolescents passionately dream of love about which they have heard from their elder experienced friends. 16 year-old Ignat is the first to find out what the real feeling is. His love for an adventuress who pretends to be a singer from capital becomes destructive.
Classic's Head
A mystery around a search for a lost skull of Nikolay Gogol.
A Friend of the Deceased
Tolla is an unemployed translator whose wife is leaving him. Despondent and weak, he submits to the suggestion of an acquaintance to have a contract placed on the man that his wife is seeing. Instead, however, he arranges for the hit to be placed on himself. Before the contract is executed, he develops a relationship with a prostitute, and then changes his mind. In order to survive he takes the obvious course of action, which turns out to have possibly been unnecessary, and then he must deal with the guilt.
Industrial Soviet town in 1970s suffering from cholera epidemic. Zina Shamarina nicknamed Shamara is a rebel-spirited woman who lives in factory dormitory and is desperately in love with Ustin, the man who was one of the bunch that raped her years ago and then married her only to avoid prosecution. When Ustin commences affair with the new girl in town, Shamara is challenged to regain herself and her place in this community.
Creation of Adam
On the same day, Andrei's wife Nina asks for a divorce, his colleague Natasha tells him she's attracted to him, he's assigned a new project under the direction of Philip (a well-dressed, authoritative, and even arrogant stranger who keeps touching him), and he fights a gang of homophobes to protect a young gay man, Oleg. The next day, Philip takes Andrei away from the office on an odyssey into a space that is charged with spirituality and homoeroticism. Philip is no businessman, and the disclosure of who he really is forces Andrei into a series of choices that involve Natasha, Nina, belief, and love.
Lucky Loser
тетя Аня
A 1993 Russian comedy film directed by Valeri Bychenkov, based on Vadim Shefner's poetry.
Living With an Idiot
The main character is an intellectual from Russia, who sees it as his duty to bring an idiot from an mental institution to his house. He can pick someone out, after bribing the boss of the institution, with two bottles of vodka. He chooses Vova, at first sight a silly man, and takes him home. His wife is at first not very happy with this choice. Vova says and does nothing at all. Then he becomes an aggressive man, who terrorises the house and bashes everything to pieces. After she is raped by Vova, the wife gets sexually dependant on the Idiot. Vova isn't interested anymore, when she gets pregnant and doesn't keep the baby. The idiot goes now to the intellectual for his sexual needs. The wife can't take this anymore and forces her man to take a choice: Vova out, or she will go.
Провинциальный бенефис
Life in art based on the plays of A. Ostrovsky: "Talents and Admirers", "Forest", etc.
По прямой
Happy Days
An unnamed hero roaming the streets of St Petersburg is befriended by a beggar with a donkey and a slightly deranged prostitute.
Миф о Леониде
Soviet Union Language: Russian
I'm Declaring War on You
A former army officer is trying to find crime in his home town.
Whit Monday
inhabitant of the city
Ivan Khristoforov discovers the strange property of foreseeing explosions. Trying to understand the reason and meaning of this unusual ability, he turns to family history. The attention of the secret public service doesn't bode well for Khristoforov. The imaginary journey of the hero in his past, bearing the imprint of a children's worldview, and the present, at times just like a dream.
Убегающий август
Радости земные
Heart of a Dog
Old Prof. Preobrazhensky and his young colleague Dr. Bormental inserted the human's hypophysis into a dog's brain. A couple of weeks later, the dog became "human looking". The main question is "Is anybody who is looking like a man, A REAL MAN?"
Точка возврата
Сентиментальное путешествие на картошку
Встретимся в метро
Parade of the Planets
Kostin's friend
A rare astronomical phenomenon — the parade of planets — has a strange effect on several men. The heroes of the film — an astrophysicist, locksmith, salesman, architect, loader, trolley bus driver — are called up for military training, which ends ahead of time. There is a strange pause in their life — no one knows where they are, no one is waiting for them, and they themselves can not rush anywhere. This short respite in a hasty and busy life gives the heroes the opportunity to experience strong and very important feelings for them.
Дом на дюнах
Cinématon is a 156-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011. Composed over 36 years from 1978 until 2006, it consists of a series of over 2,821 silent vignettes (cinématons), each 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, of various celebrities, artists, journalists and friends of the director, each doing whatever they want for the allotted time. Subjects of the film include directors Barbet Schroeder, Nagisa Oshima, Volker Schlöndorff, Ken Loach, Benjamin Cuq, Youssef Chahine, Wim Wenders, Joseph Losey, Jean-Luc Godard, Samuel Fuller and Terry Gilliam, chess grandmaster Joël Lautier, and actors Roberto Benigni, Stéphane Audran, Julie Delpy and Lesley Chatterley. Gilliam is featured eating a 100-franc note, while Fuller smokes a cigar. Courant's favourite subject was a 7-month-old baby. The film was screened in its then-entirety in Avignon in November 2009 and was screened in Redondo Beach, CA on April 9, 2010.