Nick Cox


The More You Ignore Me
Steadicam Operator
Based on Jo Brand's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, The More You Ignore Me is a warm, comedy drama focusing on the life of an unconventional family in 1980s rural England. The film focuses on Gina, a young mother, whose efforts to be a loving mother and wife are undermined by her declining mental health. Things deteriorate when she develops an obsession with the local weatherman, which leads to an admission to the nearby psychiatric hospital. Over the years, as she grows up, her daughter Alice struggles to relate to her heavily medicated mum, and causes chaos when she comes up with a plan to reconnect with her, which divides the family forever and leads to a moving climax. Set to the songs of The Smiths, The More You Ignore Me provides a sometimes stark, yet comical insight into life within this quirky household, whilst addressing mental health issues and their impact on the family.
Life’s a Bitch
Camera Operator
Bradley is a loner. After numerous, failed, suicidal attempts, he hires a Hit Man on the Internet. Celebrating his last night on Earth, Bradley goes drinking and meets the beautiful Monica. They share a few hours together and agree to meet up again the following night. Problem is, Bradley already has a date... with the Hit Man!