Key Animation
In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree days in a ruined mining facility.
Key Animation
Marika Katou, a third year student at Hakuho Girls' Academy, is a legitimate space pirate with a Letter of Marque. Between her studies, leading her school's space yacht club, working part time at Cafe Lamp, and being the captain of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru, Marika's days are very busy. One day, Marika gets a job to rob a high-class passenger ship, and she discovers that on the passenger list is Kanata Mugen, a boy who owns a "galaxy pass". Thus, an adventure featuring a hyperspace race between pirates and one young boy begins.
Key Animation
Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi, while out searching for treasure, come upon a town with a widespread illness. In order to make the secret medicine for it, they must set out on an adventure.
Key Animation
Magic Tree House is a 2011 Japanese anime drama film based on the American children fantasy series of the same name. The film is directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori, and the film's screenplay was adapted from the Japanese version of the novel series Magic Tree House by Ichiro Okouchi. The film stars actress Keiko Kitagawa as Jack, and also stars child actress Mana Ashida as Annie. Magic Tree House debuted at the 24th Tokyo International Film Festival on 23 October 2011. It was subsequently released in Japanese cinemas on 7 January 2012.