Virgile van Ginneken


I Want to Talk About Duras
In 1982, Yann Andréa and Marguerite Duras have been living together for two years. She is almost 70 years old, while he is 38 years her junior. Andréa asks journalist and writer Michèle Manceaux to interview him about his life with Duras, an obsession that both impassions him and drives him mad. He believes by entrusting their story to Manceaux, he may gain more clarity of the relationship. What follows is an intense and compelling conversation delving into the deepest recesses of modern love.
Archibald's Syndrome
Archibald was born with a curious curse: he cannot make a gesture without everyone present imitating him. Now he's grown up and out of desperation he decides to rob a bank. On this occasion he meets Indiana, a young woman who always manages to avoid any form of control.
Aubrun, l'absolue peinture
Aubrun, l'absolue peinture
Sound Editor
The Grand Ball
Sound Editor
It is the history of a ball. A grand ball. Each summer, more than two thousand people tributary of the whole of Europe in a corner of the French countryside. For 7 days and 8 nights, they dance, again and again, lose the concept of time, braving their toil and their body. It rotates, laughs, it spin round, it cries, it sings. And the life pulse.